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Happy Holloween

Posted: Oct 26th, '10, 16:15
by CaptPatrick
<div><object id='A64060' quality='high' data=' ... =halloween' pluginspage='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' wmode='transparent' height='319' width='567'><param name='wmode' value='transparent'></param><param name='movie' value=' ... ram><param name='scaleMode' value='showAll'></param><param name='quality' value='high'></param><param name='allowNetworking' value='all'></param><param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'><param name='FlashVars' value='external_make_id=NDPB3Uoo8hXLDYXI&'></param><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'></param></object>

From the McCrary, McShane, and Rinklin Clans....

Posted: Oct 26th, '10, 17:21
by randall
OK...this is gettin out of hand.....but funny in the extreme!!

Posted: Oct 26th, '10, 17:27
by CaptPatrick
My baby sister and Brew both have too much time on their hands...

Posted: Oct 26th, '10, 20:45
by Tommy
Well, I can now say it is officially halloween season; thanks for the entertainment Patrick!

Posted: Oct 27th, '10, 05:12
by Charlie J
My baby sister

cap your going to have to explain that one

Posted: Oct 27th, '10, 07:03
by MarkS
Patrick you dance like Gene Kelly!

Posted: Oct 27th, '10, 08:46
by Rawleigh

Posted: Nov 7th, '10, 21:29
by gplume
Been off line for a while.....

won't make that mistake again with classic material like this out there.....

Way out it.