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Great Place, But you knew that....

Posted: Oct 23rd, '10, 22:11
by Peter
Thanks to the Faithful....

It goes way beyond B-31's. The boats are just a baseline for a bunch of great hands-on guys with a load of knowledge.

Lately I'm posting a lot to another '26 owner, as you guys obviously know.... but as I do that I have sorted through old pics and coming across other stuff.... like telescopes....

I was working on a 12.5 inch Dobbs and had questions; joined a board; lots of well meaning guys there...... NO ONE has a clue!

90% of the respondents have no idea what they are talking about. At least half the information is just plain wrong, and never called out or corrected. The last 10% is well appreciated and freely offered, but you gotta separate the wheat from the chaff...

By contrast over even the most off-topic technical questions here get answered immediatley and correctly. And if there are discrepencies they are quickly brought to the fore...

I guess that is the difference between a bunch of salty realists and a bunch of star-gazers. Close doesn't cut it when off shore in 30+ knots breeze and 6 foot + seas..... or wrorse

Love this board!

And I'd bet a good portion of you already know what a "12.5" Dobbs telescope " is already!

Thanks CaptPatrick!


Posted: Oct 24th, '10, 07:39
by randall
i honestly had no idea so i googled it...............this thread is the first hit!

Posted: Oct 24th, '10, 08:31
by CaptPatrick
randall wrote:...............this thread is the first hit!
Awhhhh, the power of Google indexing at it's best!

Posted: Oct 24th, '10, 08:38
by Carl
Yes it is a great site...and the best way to show you like and make sure it is still around...make donation to the man that makes it all possible, Capt Patrick. Information is in the 2110 fundraiser Sticky at the top. 200/100/$50 I'm sure anything would be helpful in keeping this site going.

Semi-familiar with the scopes...used to make lots of upgraded parts for them some year ago.