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Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 10:26
by Ironman
Hey guys.. I just had a bad report from mex
While I & my friends were celebrating the 599#black,, caught by a friend ..we called another friend in the tourny to check his status & razz him a little.. He was in a hospital bed Shot in the neck the night before ..still gather ing details.. so far he was going from dinner to his hotel..
Wayn e

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 13:13
by In Memory Walter K
We're at war with Mexico and won't admit it.

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 13:19
by MarkS
I go around and around with people regarding Cabo and the question they raise "Is it safe?" Per capita it is much safer than most US cities of the same size and it is somewhat isolated from the troubles the border towns and much larger mainland towns see.

Sorry to hear about this, I would like to know more when you know Wayne.


Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 13:30
by Ironman
Yeah say its safer??? How about good reporting.. This isnt supposed to "Get out" think mex news is as "good" as our news?? we got media probs also ...

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 14:49
by MarkS
Wayne my perspective on Cabo is based on years of travel there and the many close friends that I have that live and work there today and for years.

No doubt though, shit gets shoved under the rug everywhere!

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 16:31
by MarkS
Here is what I got from one of my Cabo buddies,
Hi Mark,

Not sure the full story but yesterday we were told that a guy had been shot by the Tesoro Hotel around 9-10 PM.
Apparently he was asked for his wallet and when he tried to reach for it they shot him, went through his arm to the neck.
He is stable and the last thing we heard was that he still had the bullet stuck in his neck. It did not touch any arteries.

That's all we know.

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 18:01
by Brewster Minton
An older man that I know when to Cabo on a cruise ship with some freinds. He was returning to the ship after dinner with his wife and another couple. A young man stepped out of the dark and put a gun to the head of the wife of the other couple. The husband (85 years old) grabbed the thug and snapped his neck killing him taking the gun at the same time. He said after all he had been through in his life( taking half the islands in the Pasific in WW2 as a grunt in the USMC) he was never madder than to see that punk pointing a gun at his wifes head. The cops let him go back to the ship.

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 19:06
by AndreF
Good story, Brew.
Happens every nite in Baton Rouge, we're #7 in national murder rate last year, prob #4 by now...When I walk the dogs at nite I take one pistol, I'm thinking about packing two (maybe my wife at point).

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 20:40
by Tony Meola
Has anyone heard from Renegade Mike? What does he have to say about the safety issues in CABO?

Posted: Oct 21st, '10, 23:00
by coolair
stuff happens everywhere, there are alot of police and federal troops in cabo, kinda scarry to see guys with full autos standing on the corner. and i am sure the poeple of cabo do not want any trouble with out the tourist they are out of business.
hope he is ok.

Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 08:35
by randall
it happens more in some places than others. no one has been murdered in my little hamlet in the 31 years ive been living here. a handful in the whole township.

when i was surfing in mexico there was a bunch of shark attacks but the news was completely suppressed. its a little harder to keep the current state of affairs in mexico quiet. cant be good for tourism.

Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 08:43
by In Memory of Vicroy
Andre' - if you'd get some real dogs instead of those yapping lap mutts of yours the democrats might leave you alone.

yo Fren'


Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 08:58
by AndreF
I e-mailed Mike about security and here's his reply and contact info:

Hi Andre I just got in from the bisbee's tourney and I need to hit the sack. Got 12 days in a row fishing coming up. what stories have you been hearing and where should I report? cabs are safe but they will try and take as much money as they can from you. You need to negotiate price and if they say they don't have change give them less money and you will see how fast they pull out that change. Just be smart about it and it should all work out.
Looks like those marlin might go off at the golden gate this fall. check out the reports at

There is a weekly fishing report that a good friend of mine puts out on several fishing message boards. It comes out on Monday mornings. It will give you an update on how the fishing is developing for your upcoming trip. The one I use is the Marlin Nut website. Go into the Cabo Bite Report in the trip reporter section.

I need to hit the sack

Keep in touch
Mike T

Renegademike Sportfishing
Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

Nextel radio (Direct connect) 72*689361*1
Cabo cell 624 129 9581
Office & Fax 624 172 5523
US Skype Number 619 591 8969 (calls into my CPU in cabo)

Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 09:30
by MarkS
On a brighter note, The Dreamweaver takes first place for day 2 in the Bisbee with a 484# black!

Hiram (Ramone) Montano the captain is a great guy 32 Blackfin.

His is one of the boats in our tournament the first days of November.

Notice renegade Mike's B31 in the background of pic 2.





Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 16:15
by Ironman
Ok ..Just talkled to my GOOD friend.. Hes gonna be ok.. Back to the states in a few days.. Oh and they are in FIRST place as of 1pm Third & final day.. this could be WAY COOL! Im just sayin. And I think Bart & co are in a solid secondd/Really cool to have friends in first and second place.. I know Bad Company is still

Posted: Oct 22nd, '10, 22:49
by Ironman
Just Got a call.. unofficial results.. as above.. God is good..

Posted: Oct 23rd, '10, 08:37
by randall
that is certainly good news.

Posted: Oct 23rd, '10, 21:27
by renegademike
Hey Andre I miss understood you when asked you about the security in Cabo. For some reason I thought it was about the cabs and their fares. I was a little over the two sheets into the wind when I replied to that email.
They have been giving free little cups of some really good tequila at the tournament weigh ins and it’s tough to say no when a Hot looking Mexican gal in very sexy clothing is offering it to you.

When I heard about that armed robbery and shooting I was completely taken by shock. Things like that don’t happen around here too often and especially around the tourist area. Guns are very illegal around here and one tends to think that most small time criminals don’t have one.

Here is a link to an article in the san diego paper of the incident ... ot-twice-/

There is a pretty big police presence around the tourist area including several pairs of cops on mountain bikes so this criminal was probably a drug addict type in my opinion.

The person he robbed ( Mike “Kona” Meredith) was not the type of guy who flashes a lot of money or wears really expensive Jewelry. It seems to me if the criminal has have a brain (which most don’t) he would of gone after someone of a more flasher nature.

Another poster mentioned that this stuff doesn’t get reported as much as in the states and he is probably right, but to be honest here, this type of stuff does not happen often. I have been here fulltime for around 5 years and I don’t recall something like this happening. Then again I don’t keep up on the news all that much unless it has to do with fishing.

We do have a pretty bad petty crime problem but that is mostly in the neighborhoods. You cannot leave anything out around the house or it will get stolen. Me I have two Rottweiler’s so nobody has ever tried to break into my house. I don’t really walk the streets late at night because I’m usually in bed early and up by 4:30am but the times I do leave a bar or what not I have never had a robbery attempt on myself.
My wife has a couple of second hand clothing stores in the real poor parts of town and other than shoplifting, she has never had a gun pulled on her or had any kind of robbery attempt.

There is no drug related crime like in the border areas. You should feel relatively safe coming to cabo but this kind of stuff can happen anywhere.

Hope this helps

    Posted: Oct 24th, '10, 21:08
    by Tony Meola

    Thanks for the update. As you know, with the problems in some areas of Mexico, the rumors are flying around. Good to here that trouble is rare.