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Pete Recovering

Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 14:57
by Tommy
Hey Guys,

Just spoke with Pete Fallon, B-31 resident surveyer here on the Board, and he is at home recovering from knee surgery (what is this, the 2nd or 3rd cutting, Pete?). Anyway, he said things went well and the doc says he should have no problems after recovery. He's supposed to get his stiches out the first day of the FLL Boat Show, but he hopes to make the show later on.

Pete, to take your mind off the pain, I just saw where The Weather Channel will be airing "When Nature Strikes Back: Freaky Waves" tonight at 8:00 PM Eastern time.

We wish you much success with your recovery.


Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 15:07
by Brewster Minton
Hope you feel beter fast. 14 hours of knee surgery for me. Not fun stuff. Good luck and feel better.

Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 16:02
by Charlie J
hope you have a speedy recovery

Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 16:09
by In Memory of Vicroy
Best of luck, Pete.


Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 18:54
by Al

I hope you're back up and around soon.

Posted: Oct 15th, '10, 21:05
by AndreF
Good luck, Pete, I know this ain't your first rodeo by Uncle kept his old knees to bait his crab traps, hope you did too.

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 01:31
by Pete Fallon
Thanks for all the good words of encouragement. After 14 operations and over 30 hours on the table with 3 replacement knees in the past 10 years, I am still going at it a little slower than my normal speed right now. Andre, I told the doctor I wanted the last replacement joint back for possible legal action, they sent it out to Dartmouth University for failure anaylsis, the plastic component of the joint was degrading, I've been trying trying to get it back for over a year and a half.
I hope to be at the Ft Lauderdale show, I get the stitches out on the 27th of October.
It looks like I am going to have to have a clean out on the joint at least once a year, my body produces scar tissue at a very rapid pace.
Anyway thanks for the good words and if anone needs any help anwsering any questions about their 31's feel free to call me I'm just hanging out around the house and I can't do a hell of a lot right now.


Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 05:43
by offshore31
Pete, good luck and hope you have a quick recovery.


Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 07:35
by Bruce

The next time we go to Rachel's, you can't jump on the pole and show the girl "how its done".

The knees just won't take it anymore.

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 08:15
by randall
good luck pete. 14th is the charm. you long overdue.

i tried to get the pins from my wrist back but the surgeon told be everything goes to pathology by law so forget it.

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 11:02
by Carl
Pete Fallon wrote:Guy's,

It looks like I am going to have to have a clean out on the joint at least once a year, my body produces scar tissue at a very rapid pace.

Did you ask them to install an access hatch? Go in for your yearly maintenance where they can open the hood, clean out the gunk, close'er up and your good for another year. You could also use to give a squirt with some of UV's "Corrosion X"...probable go two years before having to go back in for maintenance with a couple good shots of that...

Glad to hear it went well....and some prayers that this is the last time you need a major overhaul on that joint...or any other for that matter...

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 11:23
by Harv
Pete, glad you're on the mend.

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 15:08
by Pete Fallon
Bruce you've got way to much time on your hands since retiring, can't afford to go to Rachels anymore, plus I can't drive with one leg, the console is too high in the SUV. Sim I can't find a pie-high small enough to fit on my knee. I've already used Corrosion X but it keeps staining my pant leg. I've considered putting a zerk fitting in but I can't find the correct grease, tried PAM, KY, Crisco and Lithuim grease, with no good results. Randall, I also needed a good door stop for my office. Thanks for the encouraging posts.

Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 17:45
by CaptPatrick

Sure hope this is last time you contribute to some doctor's kid needin' tuition to some high dollar private school...

Like I said a few months ago, next time have 'em lop the damned thing off and I'll build you a teak peg that Long John Silver would be envious of.

Get better soon!



Posted: Oct 16th, '10, 22:21
by Dug
Fast recovery wishes to you Pete. You know the routine by now I am sure!!!! Hope you get back out on the golf course super fast!

Posted: Oct 17th, '10, 16:56
by Bruce
Make it just an inch or so shorter than the other leg.

It'll give Pete that ghetto stride.

Posted: Oct 19th, '10, 10:29
by Rawleigh
Pete: Glad your sense of humor survived the operation!! LOL! I hope you recover quickly!