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Funny! I want to catch a giant tuna!

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 11:17
by IRGuy

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 11:24
by In Memory Walter K

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 16:06
by Dug
I want an iPhone4!!!!

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 18:50
by Bob H.
Sounds like my wife...have you lost your f**Kn mind? Ahhhh yes I did...BH

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 18:52
by Capt.Frank
Thats Awsome.

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 20:27
by Brewster Minton
I know ten guys just like that!

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 20:45
by Tony Meola
Brew is that you in disguise. Outside of owning a Duffy sounds like your boat.

Boat changed to protect the innocent.

Posted: Sep 30th, '10, 20:51
by Brewster Minton
That is why I am where I am. Giant Bluefin= Divorse. Sorry I can't spell.

Posted: Oct 4th, '10, 06:03
by Carl
I watched/ listened to that dam near a dozen times and I laugh harder each time I hear it. Sounds sooo familiar....

...for some people you have to remove Tuna and insert XYZ, but same rhetoric.

Funny...I like that...a new screen saver maybe.