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TSL 31's are Kicking Butt

Posted: Sep 7th, '10, 17:52
by Capt. DQ
Get ready UV,
  • Tropic Star Lodge Well....Hold on to your chair. The fleet (9) boats released an INCREDIBLE 30 Marlin today. 5 Blacks, 23 Blue and 2 Striped. 49+ Marlin were hooked.
    We may have a new lodge record!

Posted: Sep 7th, '10, 18:26
by In Memory of Vicroy
That's about the rate we were catchin' week before last....average of 3 per boat per day, but really only 3 boats fishing. Screw the "dry season" in the winter, the late August & Sept. bite is something else. I'm booking for the UVI 10 shortly and it will be late August for sure.

You guys ain't lived til' you have seen how those TSL captains handle the B31 with a big marlin on. Remember the knock on the B31 that it could not be backed down hard? Bull about 12 knots, then spin on a dime and go forward at 20 kts, then spin again and back down with water over the transom....and the capt. is drinking a coke and doing all this with one hand.

A guy from New Mexico asked me the other day at TSL how long I thought the B31s would last in that kind of severe service. My answer was there is no reason we know of that they won't last at least 100 years. Any argument?


Posted: Sep 7th, '10, 20:54
by randall
UV...why so pessimistic?

Posted: Sep 7th, '10, 23:48
by JohnCranston
The wife gave me thumbs up for going next year...I'm going to watch my P's and Q's and not screw this one up.

Posted: Sep 7th, '10, 23:52
by JohnCranston
Not to get off of the subject, but, we've been cooking your Greek recipe pretty much every week and are loving it. Fish, Shrimp, and chicken. Thanks,pal.

Posted: Sep 8th, '10, 10:45
by Capt. DQ

Glad your enjoying it, now that we can finally go fishing again in the Gulf over here, it's time try that recipe out on some Wahoo steaks.
Just as soon as I can get out there and find some Wahoo to go with that recipe.

Posted: Sep 8th, '10, 13:31
by Mikey
Greek recipe??? Thought I had seen them all. How did I miss this one. UV, encore!

Posted: Sep 8th, '10, 14:58
by Rawleigh
Giving that new kitchen a workout Mikey???