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Off topic, dissimilar metals on my truck

Posted: Jun 24th, '10, 14:29
by Face
I bought a used Toyota Tacoma within the last year, which I love, but the previous owner put "pretty" metal valve caps on the tires. During an oil change the shop tried to check my tire pressure and couldn't get them off from the front tires, but did manage to remove them from my rear tires.

Any suggestions for removing them other than breaking and replacing the stems? There's a tire pressure sensor in the wheel and I'm thinking maybe it had something to do with the metal reaction.

Posted: Jun 24th, '10, 14:33
by Rawleigh

Posted: Jun 24th, '10, 14:35
by Face
I think I've read "Corrosion X" a few thousand times on this board. Can I buy it at an auto or marine store?

Posted: Jun 24th, '10, 14:52
by Carl
Not in any stores around me...order a couple cans to have around.

In the mean time you can use a penetrating oil. I have been found of PB Blaster and Liquid Wrench.

Just remember penetrating oil needs time to Penetrate... so clean up area, if possible arrange so liquid can flow down into fitting, then spray some on and walk away...if you feel the need to do more.... give a few easy taps every now along with another squirt. In a few hours try to remove...if its a no go or starts and stops...another squirt, couple taps and walk away.
It does work. Many times when presented with frozen hardware for us to remove I tell them they can have it next week...I put the item on a bench load it up with penetrating oil then re-apply during the course of the week...often by the end of the week I can just unscrew. Then of course there are those times we can't...but that's another story.

Posted: Jun 25th, '10, 09:37
by Rawleigh
Some Ace Hardwares have it, but not all. I order it from

It looks like Amazon and some Boatersworld may also have it according to Google.

Posted: Jun 25th, '10, 09:51
by Face
Thanks, I'll give it a try.

Posted: Jun 25th, '10, 10:41
by mike ohlstein
I had the same problem. Put a vice grip on the stem. Heat the cap with a torch. Twist the cap off with pliers.

Posted: Jun 25th, '10, 12:36
by CaptPatrick

Posted: Jun 25th, '10, 13:13
by mike ohlstein
Oh yeah.

Make sure that your tires aren't inflated with acetelyne......