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hush money

Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 12:47
by randall
the wrist and thumb aint what it used to i figured out a different way to get to the same place.



Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 13:36
by JohnD

One phrase comes to mind, "Improvise, Adapt, and Overcome...."

Beautiful work, just don't let the Treasury Dept see how well you did those bills.... (Hey, this may be a new way to pay for boat parts, or fuel bills!!)


Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 14:15
by Charlie J
as always outstanding, looks like the wrist is coming along just fine

Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 15:37
by MarkS
Very cool Randall, very cool!

Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 17:20
by CaptPatrick
You're the Dude, dude...


Larger Image

Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 17:29
by randall
thanks patrick...needless to say anyone who finds themselves on eastern LI next saturday is more than welcome to attend.

Posted: Jun 5th, '10, 18:28
by neil
randall that is amazing we will see you in greenport

Posted: Jun 6th, '10, 16:38
by Garry

Great stuff as always...


Posted: Jun 6th, '10, 21:08
by Harry Babb
Beautiful work Randall

My hat's off to ya! ! !


Posted: Jun 6th, '10, 21:53
by Tony Meola

Really great work. I have seen some good carvers but you are probably one of the best. Great work.

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 00:09
by coolair
you gotta be sh*ten me how do you do that!!

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 12:16
by Mikey
If I didn't piss away all my discretionary on a boat I would have your work in my home.

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 12:41
by Brewster Minton
I only know its wood because you told me. Every time I see your work it twists my brain trying to understand how you do it. Awsome!

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 14:42
by tunawish

Great Work Randall..


Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 15:56
by In Memory of Vicroy
Good stuff little buddy. Congrats.


post subject

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 19:21
by Mike Moran
Randell how do you do that see through envelop? that is so great artist at work God given talent . thank you see through that is cool.

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 20:46
by randall
thanks everyone. really no folks i enjoy showing my work to more.

mike...i paint it on lightly then cover it with light washes of white....kinda sneak up on it till it looks right. the heavier white where the paper doubles helps add to the illusion.....smoke and mirrors.

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 22:11
by Capt.Frank
Randle you are a true artist I am amazed everytime I see your work. Everyone I show your work to can't belive it. You are AWSOME.


Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 23:46
by coolair
i bet it will take a few real envilopes to get one of those!

Posted: Jun 8th, '10, 07:32
by randall
about the price of one offshore trip on my friends 60 bert. bait , ice , food, fuel, cap't, two mates.

Posted: Jun 8th, '10, 07:56
by Major
I just looked over your site and man it all looks great. I have to admit i thought the cash was real. I guess thats what i get for being young and stupid. :-D

Anyway that is some unbelievable work.

Posted: Jun 8th, '10, 11:18
by 34Hatt
Major wrote:I just looked over your site and man it all looks great. I have to admit i thought the cash was real. I guess thats what i get for being young and stupid. :-D
No it just that it is that Good. I watched a few people just glance at his work and walk away. They had no clue what they just saw!

Truely amazing!!!!!

Posted: Jun 9th, '10, 11:09
by JeremyD
awesome work as usual

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 15:22
by Capt. Mac Creech

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 20:17
by ITcookY
Really, I am flabbergasted.
I didn't know what I was looking at until I clicked on Captain Pat's link. I still don't believe it. How long does something like Hush Money take to complete? I admire your dedication to the craft. It looks so delicate, and sooo.... real. I used to work at the National Gallery art including the Modern Wing and I have never, ever see anything, showcasing more talent than what you've shared with us today. You are truly gifted.
As far as I concerned, you don't have to be dead... to be appreciated. I saw Van Gogh there. No stories like his in your past I hope. Your Avatar there is a profile shot. You do have both ears I take it?

Again, absolutely phenomenal

John Ritchie

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 20:38
by randall
thanks ..i am a huge van gogh fan. the week after i finished this piece i went to a van gogh show in the city...a religious experience for me. i kept imagining my hand making the brush strokes.

then i went out to dinner with mike o and matt holcome in the city...........and somehow made it home alive.

i have both my ears but am mostly deaf in one of them.


Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 21:10
by CaptPatrick
I still don't believe it.
Early 2006.... Randy calls, (or maybe I called him), and says to the effect: "I got an invitation to a craft show at the Smithsonian. Hell, I'm an artist, not a craftsman. Don't think I'll go...." My reply was something to the effect of: What, are you nuts? It's the friggin' Smithsonian and they are inviting you.

Not sayin' that my words had too much to do with it, but Randy accepts the Smith invite and starts whittling up some new wood. Few days later he posts an invitation to the gang on the old board. (;read=78118 )

I check out the competition and they ain't got a prayer. Long story short, Randy doesn't take first place, or second, and not even third place, or even an Honorable Mention...

No, he takes the friggin' Best in Show - Artists Choice Award. Smokes the whole crowd.

Randy's missing no ears, but after skydiving from a ladder earlier this year, he's flying with a pinned wing, the right one to boot.

Still ain't bad for a cripple....

Oh, and he was back to the Smith last year -- Blog

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 23:51
by ITcookY
And as the quality content of Smithsonian magazine expands to the Web, we at Around the Mall can’t help but wonder whether Rosenthal will consider a woodblock replica of for 2010.
Any plans on that? They threw out the challenge.

Randall, I had a few of those New York nights. I can identify. I generally I'm not much on the big city, except for shopping and the shows. But I did manage to get out of the country of Virgina and work at the Tavern on the Green, The Union Club and Le Perigord in Sutton Place. After only a few years, I moved to DC to be closer to home. This is where I learned so much about art.

Like I said, I worked across the National Mall from the Smith's house and I have seen a lot in the arts and crafts. I was at every show opening at the gallery for 4 years. Nothing showed more talent than your work. A True Master of your craft. I do love fine art.

Congratulations on getting some of the recognition you deserve. :-D and take care of the wing! No trips to the city until completely healed, ok?

Hey, you got an insurance rider on those hands?

Captain, keep and eye on him. No more injuries!

Posted: Jun 12th, '10, 07:07
by randall
thanks for the links patrick.

the truth is i will never regain anywhere near the full use of my right hand and my thumb no longer really bends in the middle.......but it dosen't seem to matter much. my friend dan came up with the best explanation. "god gives you way to much movement in your joints so if you lose some its no big deal"

the city thing was a hoot. i drove in with my friend andrea and after the museum we went to some hotel bar she liked and had a few . then we did the dinner and had a few more. we go to the parking garage, she gets in the passenger seat(her car) and falls asleep....say what? after navigating my way to the LIE (long island expressway) i just got in the right lane and stayed there till i sobered up around riverhead. i live 110 miles from the city. not something i would make a habit of but like i said......we made it home alive. andrea woke up 10 miles from home.

DC is one of my favorite cities. no tall buildings and a stroll down the mall makes you proud to be an American.

Posted: Jun 12th, '10, 09:44
by Mikey
Went the Smith show last year and the best part, other than getting to see the boss, was watching people as they closed in on his booth. Until you got close enough to touch, which would garner you a sharp rebuke from his bride, there was no way of telling that this was anything more than an exhibit of piles of newspaper.
This best shot was seeing people as they first spotted the box of money. An instant flash across their faces indicated, "damn, it's a million dollars in a pasteboard box, wonder if I could . . what's she saying? It's a single piece of wood? What?!?! No, really, it's a. . .damn, it is!
Now that's entertainment.
Best of luck this year, Pal.
Go to the show, gang, it's worth the trip, promise.

Posted: Jun 12th, '10, 12:47
by randall
thanks mikey but i dont think ill be doing that show again for awhile. do have shows in santa fe , westchester NY and chicago on the agenda however.

caren was tellin em they get one free touch and then its the cattle prod!!

Posted: Jun 13th, '10, 09:20
by Mikey
Guess we caught you guys Sunday afternoon, after a looooong show and the one free touch was no longer an option.
Good luck with the shows.