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UVI Nine

Posted: Jun 4th, '10, 09:16
by Mikey
Uncle Vic,
If the world holds together for a bit longer and the economy doesn't totally collapse I am going to try to make this one. Having not done this before the logistics are foreign. Will need your guiding hand to get in and out of Panama, etc, etc.
Who else is interested. Screw the world problems, let's fish!
How about the Chesapeake Bay contingency? Talk to me.

Posted: Jun 4th, '10, 16:04
by Mack
I like your enthusiasim. I did the UVI VII(?) at TSL and it was worth every second (and $$).

I will definitely go back some day. Right now I am working on a generating a steady income and hoarding cash. The only "leakage" goes to repairing anything that breaks - house, cars, boat - in that order.

Go for it- you won't regret it.

I'll have to wait a few years before I see you down there.

Posted: Jun 7th, '10, 15:52
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey, et al - I've been over at the camp for a few days. TSL is as easy as falling off an expensive log. The TSL folks grab you as you step off the plane at the fancy new international airport in Panama City and you don't have to waste a brain wave again till they slap you back on a week later. I'm sure you have looked at their website,

Three to a boat is ideal in my view both cost and fishing - wise. I'm gonna do the 4 day fishing as I've done the 6 three times and I'm a tab old for 6 days offshore in a my boys can't fade the home front heat but for a week.

Y'all come.


Posted: Jun 10th, '10, 09:12
by Mikey
For those who didn't read the "Crazy Al Walker" post:
Been thinking more and more about the UVI's at Port Eades and think that before the oil companies destroy the Gulf and consequently the rest of the oceans we should go fishing (no I'm not a liberal). If the Aztecs and Nostradamus are correct the world comes to an end in 2012. Certainly we don't want our last thoughts to be, damn, why didn't I go fishing at Tropic Star with Uncle Vic one more time. What's that old saw about at the end of your life you will regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
What the hell, it's only money and a week in August. We can celebrate Vic's and my birthdays. Both are the same day so we can get that done with one drink.
What say you, Ric?