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Crazy Al Walker

Posted: May 31st, '10, 10:48
by In Memory of Vicroy
Just talked to Crazy Al (the shark diver, came to a couple of UVIs, he & Stan Smith got us the lobsters) and he's doing fine, nutty as ever. He's in Venice, La. fooling with the oil spill along with my son. He says the UVI got him and the other divers hooked on Bertrams and Corrosion X. Says we need to revive the UVI at Port Eads as the Parish now has the money from FEMA to fix it up "nice". Guess that means they will drag the Pain Killer out of the marsh again?

He says to tell all the B31 guys hi.


Posted: Jun 1st, '10, 09:13
by Mikey
Painkiller??? Talk about your environmental disaster!
Tropic Star!

Posted: Jun 2nd, '10, 07:08
by Ric
hi U V
Good to hear you still be alive and kickin,,, Port eads,,,wow,,,there probably are better fishing destinations tropic star and such,,,,but port eads and the history in pictures of the new orleans big game fishing club right there at the the mouth of south pass,,,wow truly something very special,,and you guys had it all to yourselves for so long,,,here';s hoping they get it open and functioning,,,i wouldnt mind one bit getting annother taste of that.,.,.,.,.,.,what a tragedy that area getting ruined ,.,.,.,it would be nice if we could all hook up in liqourdale this fall

Posted: Jun 2nd, '10, 08:24
by randall
i only lasted two days on the couch in "painkiller"...the stoage box was the ritz by comparison.

we all miss and feel terrible about the misfortunes of port eades.

Posted: Jun 2nd, '10, 09:33
by jackryan

I hear Tigers river house at Port Eads is being used by the Coast Guard. I think the restoration down there is already underway. I did a Lake Pontchartrain overnight trip with my three year old son Jack this past weekend. Ended up catching trout, reds, drum, sheepshead, catfish and ladyfish. Jack pulled in 4 trophies (including one for an 11 oz. catfish) from the Holy Name fishing rodeo. He felt like the king of the world showing off his trophies to the family.


Posted: Jun 3rd, '10, 09:13
by Mikey
The storage box saved my butt. Had to share with Rawleigh, which meant going outside to change your mind. Let's do it again, but I'm with Ric, Tropic Star!

Posted: Jun 3rd, '10, 14:59
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well, the UVI 9 is on at Tropic Star August 20-27 and invites are available. I have a boat full with me, my son and son in law. Some think it may be the winnig boat, but who knows? Late August has been a hot marlin bite the past couple of years. The Lodge tells me they have room.


Posted: Jun 9th, '10, 11:16
by AndreF
Al on Youtube in the oil spill:

Posted: Jun 9th, '10, 14:42
by Bruce
That video is really depressing.

Its goes along with the new snapper ban off the Atlantic:

The ban prohibits fishing red snapper in an area of the Atlantic stretching from North Carolina to Florida. Fishing other snapper-grouper species also would be banned in depths of 98 to 240 feet in a nearly 5,000-square-mile zone of ocean stretching from an area in Georgia about 15 miles north of Fernandina Beach, Fla., down to around Melbourne, Fla.

Posted: Jun 9th, '10, 15:30
by randall
mikey...i slept in the bottom bunk with ric in the upper. i could easily see a misfortune arising there. we survived.

Posted: Jun 10th, '10, 09:02
by Mikey
Randall, I had Rawleigh above me. Comforting, huh?

Posted: Jun 10th, '10, 09:10
by Mikey
Been thinking more and more about the UVI's at Port Eades and think that before the oil companies destroy the Gulf and consequently the rest of the oceans we should go fishing (no I'm not a liberal). If the Aztecs and Nostradamus are correct the world comes to an end in 2012. Certainly we don't want our last thoughts to be, damn, why didn't I go fishing at Tropic Star with Uncle Vic one more time. What's that old saw about at the end of your life you will regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.
What the hell, it's only money and a week in August. We can celebrate Vic's and my birthdays. Both are the same day so we can get that done with one drink.
What say you, Ric?

Posted: Jun 10th, '10, 12:10
by Rawleigh
Mikey: Was that one drink or one drunk????

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 08:56
by Mikey
Loosen those purse strings (metaphorically) and let's go to Panama.
One drink, one drunk. It matters?

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 09:00
by CaptPatrick
Loosen those purse strings (metaphorically) and let's go to Panama.
Question is: Does Rawleigh still control the purse strings? :^P

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 16:27
by Mikey
Not sure who controls them since Rawleigh was recently married for the first time. I thought at this late date that he may have avoided the plunge all together.
How about you, Panama?

Posted: Jun 11th, '10, 17:15
by CaptPatrick
How about you, Panama?
Been there, done that, enjoyed it immensely, but round 2 isn't in the plans at this time... Thinking Cabo this year, but that's very loose also.