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Sneaky Tropical Storm

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 16:59
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well, the NHC says it ani't one, but they lie. We are having 35 kt winds with gusts to 50, pressures down to 29.44, tides 2-3' above normal all the way from TX to east of the river. SE TX is getting hammered with tornados, etc. Two ships collided in the Miss. River just a while ago around New Orleans. My yard looks almost as bad as after Katrina. We gotta give this one a name.

What ya'll say? Name the storm.


Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 17:17
by CaptPatrick

Grobecca??? Sneakin' around where it shouldn't, doin' evil, sayin' it ain't so, and bein' a pain in the butt. Sounds like a Grobecca to me...

We were supposed to get some good rain here but all it did was piss out about a 1/4". Did get about 3 1/2" last week though. Need to get my ground water table back up.



Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 19:26
by In Memory of Vicroy
You win, Ole Fart.......still hurtin' my sides laughing. See yo' skinny ass in FLL next week and deliver you the winner's prize.


Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 19:40
by AndreF
Stayed at Trey's house last nite in Galveston, returning from our West Texas dove hunt and woke up to a horrible storm about 3:30 AM. Blew Trey's stuff all over and damaged some neighbor's houses in Galveston. Then drove thru it/in it all the way to Baton Rouge. And then got no relief.
Had a great time and hunt with The Prof, Doug and Trey from "the board" and other great guys.
Timmy, we missed you.


Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 20:55
by Capt. Mike Holmes
I had about a foot of water over my dock this morning. By dark today, the tide had gone out some, and it was only about 6" above the boards. This was as much rain as I've seen in a not tropical storm in a while. Instead of taking care of my boat, I was spending all day not getting picked on a murder trial jury!

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 09:16
by Capt. DQ
Nasty little bugger of a storm, winds up to 49mph here with water up over my sea wall, surfs up dude in the Gulf!, suppose to clear out of here this afternoon.


Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 15:40
by scot
Count me in the flooded out group, we picked up 8" of rain in Orange. I have been in tropical storms that were not that bad. Didn't blow the project Bertram off the blocks...I kept looking out the window half the night thinking I would see her laid out in the yard. Another few hours of that crap and I would boarded the boat myself and waited for rescue.

round here we call rain like that "a frog cokin, turd floater"

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 17:01
by Rawleigh
The Chesapeake Bay had that nasty Nor'easter a week and a half ago and the water was as high as it was in Ernesto and almost as high as Isabell!!! I didn't even see it coming until the day it got here!! That is two sneaky storms in a row for us!!