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Stripers off New jersey

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 08:22
by Charlie
Tom Ward and I ran his boat for a little striper trolling Sunday. We hooked up with Shot n Beer. The bunkers schools were so thick you could walk on them. Mike found an area away from the big schools and everyone. Mike put several nice stripers in his boat. One repported around 48 inches. Tom and I landed one at 33 inches and 21 pounds and a wopper at 45 inches and 33 pounds. Any of you southern (MD) Rock Fishermen want to come north for some fun just let us know. The really big schools are still to the north; but it will not be long now.

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 09:12
by John F.

Congratulations. Nice fish. I was able to squeeze all of about an hour of trolling yesterday mid-Bay with my son. I had heard that the ocean fish had just started to enter the Bay, and thought we'd give it a try. Got one 16" fish--hit a bucktail w/ a shad that had to be 9." Your 40+" fish sound alot better. I'd like to join you sometime. Let me know.

John F.

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 11:40
by Jack
Nice fish Charlie. We only managed 2 keepers yesterday trolling up north. Just hoping it starts heating up as the temps drop.

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 14:10
by neil
jr and i went sun am we had 12 the smallest was 22 lbs the biggest was 35 we were finished by 9 am what a day neil and jr

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 18:27
by Bruce
What, did they move Admiral Wilson Blvd off shore?

Oh that's two p's. Sorry.

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 20:01
by Tony Meola

I have not been able to confirm it but one of the guys at my marina said someone landed a 70lb Bass off the old Coast Guard Station just north of Barnegat. Tony Meola

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 06:19
by Capt Dick Dean
I was out in LI Sound Sunday AM with bro/law and laneded one keeper. The action was fast - we musta' caught 30 fish. And they were all 13 inch schoolies.

Was out in the ocean off LI yesterday and the bunker was all over but scattered when you got near. After an hour I guess we had a boat ride.

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 15:24
by Charlie
John you and the guys from down south are welcome here anytime. We just have to pick a day when the east wind is not blowing 20kts. Since most of the trolling is done within 3 miles of the beach we can handle a west or northwest blow. In fact that often flattens the seas out until you get farther offshore.

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 16:41
by Charlie J
you find bunker like that snag them and live line down below the school, and then hold on

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 19:52
by Mack
Thanks for the offer to us located "down south" here in the Chesapeake Bay. For the last several years the ocean run stripers have been hit or miss in the mid-bay where John F and I do most of our fishing. In a few weeks I plan to run MAKO a few hours south of here for the weekend to hopefully pick up a few of the visiting ocean fish.

Posted: Oct 17th, '06, 21:18
by John Jackson
Yous guys are killin' me! I won't be in the water 'till March if I'm lucky...maybe the Spring run??? Neil, got any room?

Posted: Oct 18th, '06, 08:48
by Charlie
Charlie the guys who were snagging bunker were not having much luck. There were big bluefish around the bunker; but the stripers seems to be off by themselves. The two big fish we caught were both on empty stomachs. That really suprised me because there were huge schools of bunker everywhere. We kept snagging bunker with the bunker spoons that's how thick they were.
John Jackson give me a call about fishing. I am over here in Brick.

Posted: Oct 18th, '06, 18:42
by Tony Meola

One of my friends found that if you cut the bunker in half, the stripers are taking them. They seem to be laying under the bunker school picking up the pieces the Blue Fish drop. Tony Meola

Posted: Oct 19th, '06, 10:57
by neil
john you can fish with us anytime,the boat iis in till almost xmas i will get your number from chris. we catch them real good all of nov and most of dec neil

Posted: Oct 19th, '06, 11:09
by John Jackson
Thanks for the invite. I'd love to go. Last year, my last striper trip on the Hound was after Christmas. For the past few years the action has been great until the end of December. 732-829-9853

Posted: Oct 22nd, '06, 23:04
by scooter28
i'm in southern md fishin in the bay. we're still having good luck live lining spot. Haven't had much time to fish since i'm in the process of repowering my 28. Hopefully i'll be ready for the spring action!