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Mullet Toss Orange Beach/ Targeted Species

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 14:42
by kipp
Finally, got Targeted Species DONE. New top and tower turned out great.
She will be making her debut at the Mullet Toss this weekend in OB. My son, Capt Richard is fishing his way over from Venice,now. Good thing he didn't run out to Deepwater Horizon last night. Instead of tuna, might have boarded some crispy oilrig workers.
She will be docked at Phoenix On The Bay 1.
Harry,Dug,Kelly....,check her out if your around.

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 15:22
by In Memory of Vicroy
Kipp - my son Capt. Brent fished that rig green water there and at Mars/Ursa....busting tuna but no biters....lots of mahi around bouys. He just called and said the rig is listing 70 degrees and is supposed to sink later today. Will make one helluva deepwater reef.

Y'all behave at the Interstate Mullet Toss, you hear?


Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 18:45
by Bruce
Is mullet tossing anything like midget tossing?

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 20:49
by In Memory of Vicroy
Bruce - very similar. It is a tradition at the Flora-Bama bar which straddles the state line between Alabama and Florida. Its on the Perdido Key beach between Orange Beach, AL and Pensacola. Drunks toss a frozen mullet from state to state to the delight of a drunken crowd. The place has been there for decades and is basically built out of discarded crates, so rebuilding after a hurricane is simply a matter of rearranging the debris. Fun place.


Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 20:52
by amuh60

I plan on being down at Orange Beach this weekend depending on work. I will stop by if I am down. What happened on the oil rig?


Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 21:16
by kellysmall
Sounds like a good reason to get together for another one of those dinner meetings at Cobalts. Harry, Kenny and Doug, what say you? Mac and Jeremy, same to you?

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 21:45
by AndreF
My kids showed me pictures of TS. Really looks great. Post some!

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 22:01
by Capt. DQ
Kipp congrats, TS will be really stylin now.

Kelly, we're game if everybody else is, just tell me the 3 W-W-W's

Bruce, when they run out of mullet, THEN they start tossing midget's. It's a LA thing. Kinda like PBR beer.


Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 09:32
by jackryan
Kipp/Uncle Vic,

I was fishing the Horseshoe and Main Pass rigs yesterday. I heard the Coast Guard on the radio all day. We called to see if we could help, but I guess there were boats everywhere. We ended up chumming up some blackfin and bonita at MP 305, then headed in to find the most amazing display of red snapper that I have ever seen. We hit the chum churn and with in 30 seconds, we had a giant school of large red snapper on the surface. We were trying to get to the Mangrove, but could not get past the 10 to 20 pound red snapper. Never thought I would get pissed about catching red snapper. The season does not open up until June 1st, and I think they dropped the limit to one per person. We did end up with 10 very nice Mangrove's a Lemonfish and some Amberjack.


Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 09:42
by Bruce
Mullet the fish. I see.

I thought you were grabbing all the business in the front, party in the back rednecks and tossing them.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 11:30
by kipp
Just heard (unofficially) that Deep Water Horizon sank with a whole lot (million of gallons) on board.
Saw one of the rig worker's spouse and her LAWYER on the news earlier.
To quote uncle Vic "somebody is going to loose a trailer over this one"

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 12:34
by In Memory Walter K
Oh boy, wait till the environmentalists get a hold of that.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 14:16
by kellysmall
Okay guys, let's pick a night to meet up in OB. Friday or Saturday; which one sounds better? I vote for Saturday so I can go by and see Kipp's new toys in the afternoon.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 16:24
by CaptPatrick
walterk wrote:Oh boy, wait till the environmentalists get a hold of that.
And get this.....

"Oil giant BP, which was finishing an exploration well when the explosion happened, said it has mobilized four aircraft that can spread chemicals to break up the oil..."

Now they're going to dump a surfactant on the spill? Care to guess what the USCG fines an individual boater for squirting dish soap on a cup full of fuel spill? $2 grand the last I heard...

Just when Obama is showing some signs of common sense by opening up offshore drilling... The enviro-nazis are going to be screaming bloody murder.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 18:43
by scot
The Horizon would only have her own supply of diesel, drilling fluids (mud) and some jet-A on board. As a driller she would not have had any crude on board. So, basically it is like a large work boat sinking. "If" the tanks are still in one piece...doubtful,the vents would weep for years. The Arizona is still weeping bunker fuel from her tanks. There is no recovery of anything in 4000+ ft of water.

Because of the sea conditions in the Gulf, the containment equipment available and the distance from shore, I would be surprised if anything ever finds it's way to a beach. The diesel will disperse, coagulate and sink.

The well could be a different story. The BOP "should" have shut the well in. No ones knows at this point. If it is only gas, no one will ever know that it is flowing. It's hard to find a gas leak in even 80 ft of water. It disperses over several acres, reaches the surface and evaporates...doesn't even smell.

But reality is not nearly as exciting as what the environmentalist and the media will cook up.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 18:50
by In Memory of Vicroy
The drill was in pay when it blew and the well is spewing about 8,000 bbl. a day of crude. They have a ROV down now trying to cap it. Most of the diesel, etc on the rig burned up in the fire before it sank today....the prevailing currents there - about 33 n.m. south-southeast of South Pass (Port Eads) are from east to west and right now there is a moderate southesat wind predicted to increase to strong before a cold front shifts the winds to the northwest tomorrow night. I'd agree that the odds of a signifigant shoreline contamination are low.


Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 18:55
by scot
Everything on the bottom is designed to be ROV operated, so hopefully they will not have any issues shuting it in.

BTW...and back on topic, post some pics of the top & tower Kipp.

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 18:58
by AndreF
That means 3 BOP's failed, huh Scott?

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 19:28
by scot
Not sure Andre, The shallow water systems still are. I believe they are still anular and shear. I'm really curious about the equipment on the bottom, which is where I "believe" the BOPs are located in deep water drilling, but I'm not certain.

I only get to see the deep water drilling stuff at the OTC. No one would have dreamed about drilling this deep when I worked out there (25 years ago) So, I have little working knowledge of the modern drilling shut in equipment, or the deep water drilling methods.

I do keep up somewhat with the deep water production systems. The primary well control including shut in systems is located at the bottom, on huge sleds and remotely operated. I assume the deep water drilling methods route the drill stem through similar equipment on the sea bed. If the primary BOP was not on the bottom, there would be nothing for the ROV to shut in.

But again, I'm not certain how they are set up in 4000 ft of water.

Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 07:04
by Harry Babb
Really sorry for the families of the missing workers....

Kelly, Doug.....I will slip down to Orange Beach on Sat night. Its predicted that the weather will be sloppy but what the hey....

Tonight we are cooking at the river to celebrate my sons birthday.

My laptop took a dive a couple of nights ago so I have not been able to keep up with you guys very well.

Kipp, I'm sure she is one beautiful boat.

You guys gimme a call 251-510-5293 (Cell) be sure to leave a message if I don't answer......I will call you back for sure


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 09:16
by kellysmall
Harry / Doug,
Janine and I will leave Pcola to go over to OB sometime late afternoon on Saturday, maybe around 5:00 or so. We'll be knocking around over there until dinnertime, whatever we decide. My cell is (850) 516-1693. Give me a call when you guys know when you'll be around.


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 11:22
by Harry Babb
10-4 Kelly


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 14:07
by Capt. DQ
Kelly & Harry, and whoever else is going to eat with us @ Cobalt's?
We need to make RESERVATIONS as the Mullet Toss is going on, as they don't care what the weather is to the hard core Mullet toss crowd. Mullet perfume is NOT that pleasent to smell. LOL!

It is definitely going to be crowded traffic wise and there will be other's wanting to eat also, so without wanting to be on a 2 hour waiting list for a large table, lets get a game plan on a time everybody that wants to eat and how many please.

Kipp are you in?, and who else wants on board, please sing out for the count please?
My cell # 850-525-6126


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 14:54
by Harry Babb

I'm in for gonna call and make the reservations??? If not I will.....count me in for 2...will be bringing my wife or my girlfriend.....but certainly not both of them...LOL



Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 16:30
by Capt. DQ
Harry I'll call, but what time does everybody want for reservation?????

It will be listed for, Quigley Down Under. LOL!

Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 18:20
by kellysmall
Any time is fine with Janine and me. Our plans are completely flexible. Good thinking on the reservations, Doug. Looking forward to it!

Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 19:11
by Capt. DQ
OK, I'm making reservations for 10 people @ 7:30pm Saturday 24th, Cobalt's Rest. for the Bertram 31 Group & others round table

Kipp, I have You and your Wife in that count, I added a couple of extra's for late cumbers. Phone #'s are posted on the thread for calling each other. Alright Guys were on, looking foward to it again gang. Any problems call me please @ 850-525-6126.


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 21:59
by kipp
I'm stuck in Baton Rouge attending a social/charity event at a horse farm here, yahoo.
My son, Richard will be navigating Targeted Species between the FloraBama and Phoenix on the Bay 1. Probably won't be in good enough shape to do dinner ,after tossing mullets all day. Will tell him to go by Cobalt,and see ya'll.
What about a Rendevous this summer? We could call it a faux UVI.

Posted: Apr 24th, '10, 14:57
by kipp
Wish I could be there tonight. Stuck here in BR. I am coming to OB tom mid afternoon and staying Sun night @ Phoenix on the Bay 1. Towing Targeted Species back to Venice mon am. Call me if any of you will be around Sun pm.cell 225 268-5617

Posted: Apr 24th, '10, 15:20
by Harry Babb
To bad you are not going to make it tonight still have to buy dinner...LOL