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Which optima?

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 13:22
by scooter28
I've decided to go with optima's for my 28 only problem is haven't decided which type to go with. My original setup only had 2 starting batteries. One for each engine that could be combined if need be for starting. Anyways i'd like to add a 3rd for a house battery. So now im trying to decide which combination to use. I was leaning towards having all 3 just be the same dual purpose yellow top. Don't know if thats a good idea so if anyone has any suggestions i'd appreciate it. Don't know if the blue top would be better for this or not. Thanks Guys.

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 15:22
by nestorpr
I had 2 blue tops in my boat for 3 years and they performed admirably, especially when they hadn't been used for a month or two, they still started the engine up with no hesitation. If you want you can use 2 yellow tops for starting and a blue top for house, but 3 blue tops would work just as well and may even perform better if your boat is not used regularly.

Posted: Apr 21st, '10, 16:26
by IRGuy
Last year I did a complete rebuild of my battery and engine room heavy wiring system on my B33.. and removed two very old 8Ds and replaced them with 6 Optimas. This project is documented on the Bertram Owner's Tips section. There I explain what I learned about Optima batteries.

To go there go to "" then click on "Owners Tips", and then the section titled "Frank Bryson's Phoenix Rebuild". Then click on the section called "12 Volt System".

If for some reason you can't get in drop me a note at "" and I will email a copy to you.

Frank B

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 10:39
by scooter28
IRGuy thanks for that excellant job in not only the install but also the write up.

Still not 100% sure on what batteries to get though. Now you've got me thinking to go with 2 redtops and a blue top. haha I'm also redoing my 12volt system and looking at the best way to charge 3 batteries from 2 alternators. At the current time i do not have an onboard charger. I was looking at using an isolator but i dont want to kill the optimas by undercharging due to the almost 1 volt of drop associated with using an isolator. You guys just reccoment using the on 1 2 both off switches?

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 11:05
by Bob H.
Frank, Nice work...Just printed out a copy to help in the layout of my wiring...very detailed and well designed..thats the beauty of this site..actually seeing how to do it right..BH

Posted: Apr 22nd, '10, 14:39
by JeremyD
Scooter - I just did this - but remained with the two batteries for now - but plan on adding a 3rd soon -

I went with a new blue sea panel - that has a wiring provision for three batteries.

started like this


ended like this


Along the way I also added/changed the onboard charger, and rebuilt the battery shelf


Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 09:27
by Rawleigh
I have had the same 2 blue topped Orbitals for 7 years now with a Xantrex charger plugged in all the time.

Posted: Apr 23rd, '10, 13:25
by IRGuy
Scooter and Bob H..

Thanks for the nice complements! I spent quite a bit of time on the battery/panel/wiring project and thought a writeup might be useful for others.

If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line.

Posted: Apr 24th, '10, 07:09
by JeremyD
IRGuy - your info was very useful to me - thanks again