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Picked up Dad's new toy this weekend

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 21:59
by jspiezio
Well, Carl at Elite is an incredible craftsman, designer, and boatwright. The guy is truly incredible. We went to Elite and got Dad's boat, which Carl had completely rebuilt and customized from literally a stripped out, destroyed shell of a hull. A complete derelict bound for the trash heap when he started. The man is truly, truly amazing.

I know I have posted some pics of the work in progress but I thought I might put up some of the finished boat. I will be getting some good shots of the systems and the build of the different components as well. There are more on photobucket and I will be adding more as I get them.











Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 22:03
by Harry Babb
Looking really good guys! ! ! !

Our friend Bob H is gonna go nuts when he sees these pics....good looking boats


Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 22:14
by In Memory Walter K
Beautiful! I'm afraid to think of what that must have cost! Congratulations and enjoy! Walter

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 05:24
by auguste

Truly impressed with the quality of the work

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 07:35
by Carl
A bit off the intended schedule...but holy cow that is one hell of a job.

Customized is putting it midly...even the hinges are recessed. Looks incredible.

Best of luck with it!!


Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 07:55
by randall
really really beautiful!!!

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 19:48
by scot

So much I like I can't mention it all. I'm currently building the pulpit on my project "hull" (not a boat as yet). The attention to detail on that pulpit is awesome. It actually incorporates and extends the cap's lines into the pulpit...very nice.

Very nice job modernizing the boat without loosing the "Bertram" personality.

Congradulations, enjoy that boat!

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 20:15
by jspiezio
Thanks all you guys. Dad went out today with a group of paratroopers back from Iraq that he met down there. They had a blast.

Carl is now building a house for the life raft, I don't know where he is putting it.

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 08:10
by Charlie J
real nice job. but how do you get to the engines, does the whole back platform raise up

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 09:29
by jspiezio
Charlie- there are four large hatches for quick access to the engines, fuel filters, etc. But the entire platform raises like a modern express does. I put pics up here at one time of the platform up, but I can't find them any longer.

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 18:52
by Bob H.
JS, Quality work, Carl is a true craftsman with vision, your Dad must be very proud....I cant imagine the day when my boat is finally done and I get to post those pictures of my son sitting at the helm...BH

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 19:30
by CaptPatrick

Sorry for the slow response. Been a hectic week....

Boat looks stellar!



Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 07:46
by Dug
She sure does look pretty!

Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 10:57
by JeremyD
Is that in St. Pete? I think I saw that boat across from Fish Tales yesterday. I had the B-28 parked. When I went to leave I was going to circle back around but it was gone. It looked beautiful!

Just looked up Elite and yes it is in St. Pete - didn't even know. Great looking boat.

Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 11:26
by jspiezio
JeremyD wrote:Is that in St. Pete? I think I saw that boat across from Fish Tales yesterday. I had the B-28 parked. When I went to leave I was going to circle back around but it was gone. It looked beautiful!

Just looked up Elite and yes it is in St. Pete - didn't even know. Great looking boat.
Jeremy- thanks for the compliment. That is the boat, Dad ran out in it again yesterday so you must have missed him. Stop by any time and take a look at her.

I think he will be putting her on the lift at Mastry's house, the one that his B31 vacated.

Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 20:44
by Tony Meola
Nice Job. Looks spectacular. It always amazes me at how an old 31 can be upgraded to the point that it puts the new ones to shame.