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31 on Minute Maid Commercial

Posted: Apr 6th, '10, 21:34
by Harry Babb
Tonight a Minute Maid Commercial aired on a local TV Channel.

This commercial featured a 31 FBC

Did any of you guys happen to see the commercial?


Posted: Apr 7th, '10, 00:13
by capt2kids

Yes, I seen it too. I couldnt believe it at first, and when
it came panned on to the boat again, it sure was a b31.
It was a "plain Jane" boat, with no top or anything too
fancy. Now just how did they decide what boat to put
on there? hahaha.

Posted: Apr 7th, '10, 06:06
by Carl
saw it too...actually my wife picked up on it, when I looked up...sure enough a 31.

It reminded me of the other commercial with the 31.

Posted: Apr 7th, '10, 08:49
by Harry Babb
I did not hardly recognize it at first....LOL.....been a long long time since I seen a 31 actually "IN THE WATER"....HeeHeeHee! ! !


Posted: Apr 8th, '10, 14:40
by Harv
Just finished warching ShipShape. At the end of the show was a commercial for H20 Float....a floating survival holder for 9 bottles/cans of water. At the very beginning of the commercial is a Blue 31 FBC.

Posted: Apr 8th, '10, 21:49
by gplume

The secrets out were watching Amercan Idol.

Posted: Apr 8th, '10, 22:00
by Harry Babb
Yup....Giff......your right on target

I walked in one night when Bowersocks was singing "Janice Joplin"....been pulling for her ever since.....

BTW.....who owns the 31 on the Minute Maid commercial.....surely someone here knows that boat.


Posted: Apr 8th, '10, 22:19
by gplume
Looks like we're both pullin for the same person.

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 15:53
by Mikey
My shameless email to Minute Maid:
While watching American Idol the other night I was elated to see at the center of a Minute Maid spot a Bertram 31. As the owner of one of these fine old beauties and a huge Minute Maid fan for eons I salivated. When I went to the bulletin board of ( a lose confederation of owners around the world) I found that there are several aficionados of Idol, Minute Maid and Bertrams. Had I known earlier of your interest I would have renamed mine (see picture) from Dreamsicle to Minute Maid. The color would have made an instant impression. It could still happen. Hm?

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 16:00
by In Memory of Vicroy
Talk about a shameless groveller.....the stuff makes me fart.


Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 19:24
by wmachovina
Hey UV- those 250 cummins are fn unreal, 25-26kts at 2400( when I can) 20 at 1900. Ran from Islamorada to Stuart and the fuel gauge was still over 1/2(170 nm). Completely different boat :-D

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 19:25
by wmachovina
Hijacking -- sorry I lost control

Posted: Apr 9th, '10, 22:16
by In Memory Walter K
Told you so!

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 08:42
by In Memory of Vicroy
Glad you did the diesels? People just can't understand the difference they make in a B31, like night and day.

Hey Mikey - the OJ people sign you up for a gig yet? Maybe you can sing and I can accompany...sort of a fart-a-long?

Yo Fren'


Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 09:00
by randall
id pay to see that

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 10:24
by Harry Babb
Sounds like we have a remake of the "Sounds of Music" cooking up here.....

I took it upon myself to enlist the help of a backgound band....should fit right in here for Vic....the tractor and band also own a CABBABE farm.....


Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 11:27
by In Memory Walter K
Should've Had those guys at Port Eads!

Posted: Apr 10th, '10, 14:38
by randall
walter...saw bluebeard sittin in a slip...let me know if you need any help moving to montauk.

the thread is already jacked to what the hey.

Posted: Apr 11th, '10, 07:40
by Carl
randall wrote:walter...saw bluebeard sittin in a slip...let me know if you need any help moving to montauk.

the thread is already jacked to what the hey.

Bring along a can of Minute Maid Lemonade on your trip...then it's right back on track a 31 and Minute Maid.

Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 10:41
by Mikey
Tractor farts don't compare to Uncle Vic on orange juice. Vic, assume you were talking about orange juice and not grovelers causing your volcanic gastric eruptions. Hate to think that all that literary work for UVI's was causing Miss E to leave the room.
Iced tea gives it to me worse than beer.
How's that possible?
Not a word from Minute Maid.

Posted: Apr 12th, '10, 12:23
by In Memory of Vicroy
Mikey - guess it never hurts to ask, maybe the OJ market is soft right now. Been at the camp deep cleaning ole AJ, she got sorta neglected last year while I was puny. Took her for a hi speed tour of the Tickfaw and all is well once the lawn came off her bottom. Doubt if many 38 year old boats come back to life like a B31 after a long sleep....she's like a new penny.

Best Boat Ever Built.