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Winter Projects-Pulpit, Outer Deck Support, Steering Stuff

Posted: Mar 29th, '10, 12:08
by John F.
I had less time and ambition than usual this winter, and took it a little easier on B31 projects. I meant to paint everything under deck, new rudder shelf, etc., but it didn't happen. I replaced the steering lines, fittings, reservoir, and reserve valve on the Hynautic steering. Thanks for all the advice on how to do it, and it seems OK--a little tight but easier than on another B31 with hynautic that I checked against.



The plywood outer deck support was shot, so I replaced that with mahogany with West. I figured if the ply lasted as long as it did, this should last even longer.


I also redid the pulpit I had made I think about 6 years ago. The first two pics. give you an idea of how it was built, and the last is an old pic. of it on the boat. It looks the same, except now it has a layer of glass and fresh paint--put it on yesterday.




She'll go back in the water this week, and should be all ready for opening day of rock season.

Posted: Mar 30th, '10, 12:17
by Tommy

You do very nice work and obviously pay attention to all the details. Thanks for the pics, and keep up the good work.


Posted: Mar 31st, '10, 20:58
by JohnD

Nice work, glad you got the steering straightened out. Maybe you should just hit the gym a couple of times a week and then the steering might not feel so tight ;)

I hear them rockfish shakin now, they don't stand a chance.


Posted: Apr 1st, '10, 07:48
by John F.
Thanks guys. When I got her 8 years or so ago, I had never done anything other than wash/wax/bottom paint boats. This site has been amazing with all the great advice. Just trying to show folks what a rank amateur with basic (and I mean basic) skills and some time in the winter can accomplish. She's not a pro rebuild like some of the beauties on here, but she works, and she's getting there. John D--take a day off to chase some rock?

Posted: Apr 1st, '10, 10:48
by Bob H.
John, Looks good, love the pulpit. This site shows you all the possible ways to get things done and done right. The rest is up to you...keep at it.