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Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 09:46
by Russ Pagels
I am now looking into electronics for the new boat . we are all attached to our own brand.So does any one run Garmin gpsmap 4212, and what do you think of it....Thanks Russ

Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 10:54
by In Memory of Vicroy
Best on the market in my view. If my Garmin 2010C ever crapped out that's what I'd get.


Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 12:16
by tunawish
I've run Garmin, Furuno and Raymarine in the past..

Quality wise they were all good..

IMHO I think Garmin are the most user friendly...and that's coming from a computer idiot..


Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 17:36
by charlie falkenstein
i was a furuno fan for years, when i did PLAYPEN over 3 years ago Tim Silvio @ down jersey marine talked me in the garmin 4208 and i love it, should have gone with the 4212 but didnt think i had the room but the reality is i had more than enough.
anyway, great unit, you can call garmin and they send updates no cost and their customer service has been great.
got the unit at consumers and they had a special bundle price/package avail got the sonar for free.

Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 17:50
by coolair
I am running a 5212 and i love it! my budy has a 4210 and he loves it!
Look here is what i have come up with on the electronics
Garmin nav stuff is awesome, very userfriendly and easy to figure out, The down side to Garmin and most other brands is they are not repairable, its breaks, its trash, and you pay garmin a fee for a new one. Also Garmins sounder isnt the greatest, but everything else is awesome. Also the new garmin stuff is all nema2k which is SUPPER easy to install, and add things too, like tank sensors, trim tab sensors, fuel flow.... list goes on and on. you buy new NEMA2k ready motors, they plug right in, all the info is there.
Furuno has the best sounder on the market, but its very expensive, and unless you are running charters, or commercial fishin you dont realyl need it, if you want to be able to spot 2 snapper at 35mph then get furnon fish finder
The Furno navnet 3d i have been told by the electronics guys(sells furno,simrad,raymarine,garmin all of them, and furno cost more) that its so complicated to use, unless he gives you an instructional, your will be SOL. and the navenet 2d is not nema2k
But again, if you break something, furno will ahve the parts and can fix it. I was gonna go furno, but ended up with garmin and I love it! i also really really like the nema 2k stuff.

oh and garmin has the XM weather, which is suposedly better than sirus weather, they are some company now, so how IDK.

Posted: Mar 16th, '10, 17:54
by JP Dalik
If that old Furuno on the boat still works keep it, that's a great machine, and then use the Garmin as a secondary for bottom and primary on radar and chartplotter.

good luck

Posted: Mar 18th, '10, 18:24
by Bayside Bert28
I've got a Garmin 3210 I'm using as a secondary and running the XM weather and XM radio on it.

Using the Furuno NN3D for radar, sounder, plotter.

I use the NN3D with Sirius Weather on the Bertram 28 and I'm not real impressed with the weather capability.