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Posted: Mar 5th, '10, 16:22
by coolair
Well its like 75° and sitting by the pool i have 3 bertrams at anchor, i am pretty sure this is heaven!
wait i am sorry, there are now 5 31s
oh man there is 7 of them now.

Posted: Mar 5th, '10, 21:23
by jackryan

Beautiful pictures. Where are you?


Posted: Mar 5th, '10, 22:15
by tunawish
Looks Great...I hope that's from your resort because if that's from your back deck I'll really be pissed....

We had a banner day in Boston...It was 50 deg today and I put my car window down for the first time since October......


Posted: Mar 6th, '10, 10:25
by coolair
Cabo san lucas, ya its not my back yard yet, but i am seriously considering never coming home.

Posted: Mar 7th, '10, 08:01
by MarkS
Coolair you've gotta be somewhere near San Jose del Cabo? Punta Pamilla? by the way did I mention you are a prick for posting this! LOL

Enjoy hermano.............................

Posted: Mar 7th, '10, 09:37
by Carl
Oh yeah....well the Ice is almost melting there!!


..........and if I want a cold beer I can put it outside to get a nice chill on it and yours would get warm...yuck warm beer!!

Ha HA your beer will get warm....

at least someone else beside Hueso is living it up in the sun...enjoy!!


Posted: Mar 7th, '10, 10:52
by John F. I'm hoping it gets warm enough to do some epoxy today.

Posted: Mar 7th, '10, 10:59
by coolair
Ya actually we are by san jose del cabo, we are at villas del mar, which is where the palmia is. And if it make yall feel any better its completly overcast and has rained the last 2 days. But i am in Cabo, so who cares!
Hey, i know i am a prick, but i told yall i was goin!

Posted: Mar 8th, '10, 09:35
by MarkS
Now lets cut the bullshit! Have ya been fishing? There is a crappy fleet of old tubbs right in the bay that are run by a guy named Julio Zumaya. Walk down to the beach in the morning and he will put you on a flea bit pile of crap for a few hundred bucks but at the very least the Dodo sashimi should be sliding down your neck round 4pm.

fLip the little women a $50 tell her to go to the swim up bar and you will be right back, it's a no brainer........................

Posted: Mar 9th, '10, 09:31
by JohnCranston
It must be nice being you...Have a great time. Check out your post on the swap and sell board when you get home. Cheers.

post subject

Posted: Mar 10th, '10, 13:44
by Mike Moran
went for a walk tuesday 6:45 am 36 * out ,englewood fla. froze my ass off

Posted: Mar 11th, '10, 23:21
by coolair
Well the weather has finaly improved, but its been windy and chopy as hell, and yes I did meet up with Julio, he put us on sportfishing in cabo at its finest

is less than 2hours, we ran out of beer and bait, and had 2 limits of spanish makeral,(did make some good tacos and ceviche) guess they figured we would be like all the other gringos fishing at noon, and would go in in 30mins. it was like 3footers maybe, few 4s needless to say, not happy with Julio, maybe saturday with Renegade Mike will be better, but 6:30am is real early, and i need my beauty sleep!

Posted: Mar 12th, '10, 14:30
by MarkS
We will be waiting for a Renegade Mike report. Tell him Mark said hi!

Posted: Mar 12th, '10, 18:02
by JohnCranston
Ass kisser...

Posted: Mar 13th, '10, 07:38
by MarkS
Your point?

Just how did you run out of beer? Did you wake up and say to yourself "Air, you are in Cabo, feels like a water and Pepsi day!!"

Posted: Mar 13th, '10, 11:47
by JohnCranston
It's apparent that you're trying to smooze over Renegade Mike with the hopes that he'll take it easy on your crew in the upcoming Black and Green tournament. I smell a rat, or did someone cut one?
Catch you later, pal.

Posted: Mar 17th, '10, 11:46
by coolair
Well guys the trip with mike was alot of fun, but sorry to say other than 2 nice marlin strikes, we didnt catch anything, wates cold, fishings slow, every boat in marine was like that, sept ones that went west in the rough water and cought a few tuna. We had fun with Mike though, boat wsa cool, hes done alot of neet things to it, nice guy so were his crew, we just sat around after and drank beer on the boat, and me and the crew made fun of Mike cause he had about 4 beers and was shit canned, if I wouldnt have said, hey i need to pay you he probably let me walk away haha. All and all a good trip, maybe next time!
Oh and I wish someone would have freaking told me about the time change!! Cabo is an Hour behind, and then we lost an hour!!
We talked about the little tourniment, and said he was already booked up solid for John, told me about how he and john were the"ringers" last year and john had so show everyone up at the awards ceremony haha

and I dont konw how we ran out of beer, it was one of those last min. trips and it was rough so i guess they figured we would go in and blow chunks in 30mins, at the house we had plenty of beer! Water and Pepsi day HA, never!

Posted: Mar 17th, '10, 13:14
by MarkS
Are you aware of the little electronic sniffers they use for gas leaks? You will need one that detects Bananas!

He is a trip isn' he!? I sort of figured him for a lightweight though, he showed up at our banquet a couple of hours late and then had some lame excuse that his wife was gonna tear him a new one! I think he said, "la mamá pateará mi asno gordo!"

So we laughed and then got drunk without him.....................

Posted: Mar 17th, '10, 16:47
by coolair
hehe his boat has a no banana sticker on it ya he is a light weight on the booze oh well, we cant all be professionals!

Posted: Mar 17th, '10, 17:05
by MarkS
That Banana sticker went from Brewster Minton to me to Renegade Mikes cockpit!