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Sintra, Komacell, PVC panels and sunlight ?

Posted: Feb 23rd, '10, 16:34
by Peter
I need to make a few panels for my cockpit. Specifically a non-structural bulkhead between the salon and the cockpit which is currently a half-canvas set up. I want to replace the tattered old canvas and faded half bulkhead with a full “hard” panel. Doing so will allow me to add a locking companionway door instead of the canvas one I have now and that way I can better secure the salon when I am not around.

I recall some discussion here long while back regarding Sintra and Komacell.

Sintra and Komacell are brand names for expanded PVC foam flat panels with smooth surfaces. They are generally used for making signs or other graphic displays. Generic brand sheet stock of the same stuff is also available from some suppliers.

I have noticed on the generic stuff it specifically says “Not UV stabilized.” And on the Sintra propaganda I have it says “suitable for outdoor signs for medium term use.” Only the Komacell claims to be suitable for all environments.

Has anyone else used this stuff in an outdoor environment? Does anyone know how UV effects them? Or how UV effects PVC in general? I don’t recall ever seeing any PVC drain pipe deteriorate in sunlight, for instance, but I don’t know if UV stabilizers are added to it or not.

The convenience of just cutting it to shape, screwing it in place and being done with the project makes this material seem appealing to me…. but not if I’m going to have to do it over again in a season or two.

Thanks, Peter

Posted: Feb 23rd, '10, 20:52
by JohnD

I have komacell panels in my cockpit, for probably 3 years before painting with no discoloration. I paid $80 bucks 3 yrs ago and cut cockpit and FB panels for my B35, a big improvement over ply but not structual at all. I painted the ones in the cockpit this some when I replaced my salon door, they turned out good.

If you go with the generic stuff, just sand prime and paint, you'll never notice the difference.


Posted: Feb 24th, '10, 21:12
by gplume

I did the area around my cockpit with sheets of Azek (1/2" thick). I am really happy with how it came out, get lots on compliments from my dock mates, and so far seems impervious to the weather. I would recomend this material.

Posted: Feb 25th, '10, 09:32
by Hueso
My brother did the side panels of his 31's cockpit........20 years ago.....still standing and no fading. However, he placed white formica over them. We have removed them a couple of times to do maintenance of floors and change muffler and no problem. I re-did the entire interior with the same technique = "formicated PVC".

Posted: Mar 4th, '10, 16:05
by Peter
Of course now that I decidded to use this stuff I can't find a good supplier. Does anyone know a source in the New Engalnd area?

The on-line sources either only sell cut down sheets or they sell in bulk. I suppose I need a sign maker who will sell me a sheet, but first I have to find a sign maker who buys/uses the stuff in his shop starting with full sheets.


Posted: Mar 4th, '10, 23:38
by lobsta1

Posted: Mar 5th, '10, 13:08
by Peter
I'll give them a try.



Posted: Mar 5th, '10, 15:59
by Peter

They have what I want in stock on a walk-in basis.

