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aluminum care

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 10:23
by JohnCranston
I got my new tower a couple of weeks ago, finally. What's the easyest product to work with to protect the new medal? We are gonna stop by West Marine today and want to slap something on the tower this weekend.
I've used Woody wax in the past, and it worked well on the old medal, but, kind of alot of labor.
Thank you.

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 10:31
by JohnCranston
I meant metal...

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 10:52
by In Memory Walter K
Rub down with CX.

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 11:18
by Carl
I have yet to try CX, but the best Product I have ever tried was Rupp Alumiguard.

I used to set aside a couple hours to wash the tower then wax it.

I got stuck with a bottle of this Rupp Stuff a customer didn't want, the tower needed a cleaning so I figured what the hell I'll give it a try. Give the Tower a Spritz and the white haze turned back into a gleeming finish. Didn't even have to rub, just get the surface wet with product. Think I finished the tower in twenty minutes and it actually lasted quite awhile.

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 11:25
by In Memory of Vicroy
The Rupp appears to be nothing but a silcone and works okay but not even close to regualr red can CX - far and away the best, actually gets into the pores of the metal and stays there a long time. Just put some on a rag and go at it, spray it in the hard to get at spots. A couple of applications a year should make the new tower last 100 years. Some object to the CX smell but it goes away in a day or so.


Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 11:55
by JohnCranston
I already have the CX, so, I'm good. Will it stain the black Stamoid?

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 12:41
by In Memory of Vicroy
No - CX won't stain......I know....recently put a shotgun I'd just doused with it on a white bedspread.....ooooooppppppssss.....did not stain, I'm still married.


Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 12:49
by Carl
Vicroy wrote:No - CX won't stain......I know....recently put a shotgun I'd just doused with it on a white bedspread.....ooooooppppppssss.....did not stain, I'm still married.


ummm... that could just be her way of getting back at you!

Them women can be devious ones...

I have to try the CX then, cause if it works as good or better then the Rupp with other uses....We have a clear winner.

Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 15:57
by Dug
I like the woody wax. Wipe on, wipe off. Simple easy and lasts a long time.


Posted: Feb 3rd, '10, 22:17
by coolair
what the hell John!
you got a tower and didn't tell anyone! where da pictures?? i guess you are gonna make me drive down to Freeport again to look at it.
details pleeeeaaaseee. Oh I like how you spelled medal, heard a guy tell a joke other day, and he spelled government, guvmut. haha

Also sense yall are on the subject does CX do the same as tef gel, can i spray the screws down with CX or do i need to use tef gel, and does tef gel or CX work as a anti-seize

AND finally John, would you say fish with renegade mike when i go to cabo in March

Posted: Feb 4th, '10, 03:35
by JohnCranston
When I said "medal", I guess that I was thinking of one of my girl scout badges..oh..I mean's been a long time..I forget which one...The tower's pretty're gonna have to come down and take a look...bring some would be nice to meet you some day.

Posted: Feb 4th, '10, 03:56
by JohnCranston
Oh yeah, You have to fish with Mike. You won't be sorry. Bring some fish back, cause Mckinney and I want to munch at your place.

Posted: Feb 4th, '10, 09:11
by In Memory of Vicroy
Use Tef-Gel on the screw threads, best there is. CX will work, but not as good as tef gel, which will stay there pretty much forever.


Posted: Feb 4th, '10, 10:47
by coolair
for sure john! i will give you a buz if i get free this weekend. i still got alot of work todo on my boat, so i might be in galveston.