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Westcoast Calamari Anyone

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 20:52
by Capt. DQ
Thats some large bait there,

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 20:57
by Ironman
Going tomorrow for giant Humbolts, I see theyre wide open 1/2mile out...I hate them things...

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 22:13
by In Memory Walter K
Are they edible that big?

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 23:38
by JohnCranston
Not to get off the subject, but, are the foot long squid that are off the gulf coast edible? I've never heard anyone talking about them, but, when we turn the under water lights on at night offshore, they sometimes swarm the boat. I guess that I like it fried as much as I like fish or shrimp. The stuff that we munched on in Cali last was big and fantastic. The squid that we had at Joe's Stone Crab in Miami was incredible also. I'd just like to know if possible.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 08:47
by Brewster Minton
Squid of any size is good to eat. Its all how its handled and cooked.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 08:51
by dougl33
Typical under researched media story. Humbolts are not giant squid. Big yes. Giant no.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 10:34
by In Memory Walter K
I am sure the foot long ones in the Gulf are edible...and delicious!

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 13:58
by CaptPatrick
dougl33 wrote:Typical under researched media story. Humbolts are not giant squid. Big yes. Giant no.
Wayne's probably looking for giant humbolt squid, not giant squid... He don't need no little squirts.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 15:15
by neil
brewster,jr and i are in aruba this week. we just learned a new trick how to catch squid we will show you this summer

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 20:01
by Capt. DQ
Hey Wayne,

If you catch any of those humbolt up us a real squirt to see.

I would love to fish one of those size squirts in the Gulf for a Big Boy Sword....that could be real scary being hooked up with that for bait wondering what was on the other end. Probably gonna need a bigger boat!

Hey Neil,

Good Luck to you & Jr on those wally's. Using the Bomb? pictures


Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 23:20
by Ironman
this is what they meter as...40fathom

got 4 in 30min...
they are our pigbomb..I hate these thing ..Theyre eating EVERYTHING!!
go kill some!


Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 23:27
by Capt. DQ

Little squirts my ass, they look to be around 3' long or more, a lot bigger than any 12". That would be some awesome Swordie bait. Great, go get-cha some more Calamari man. Any fish markets purchase them for sale there?


Posted: Feb 12th, '10, 21:28
by Ironman
Classic pic from the "Freelance" outta Newport...

Posted: Feb 13th, '10, 12:15
by Capt. DQ
Thats in your face funny there Wayne, great picture. Thats not the way you want to taste cali.