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Tonights Storm

Posted: Jan 20th, '10, 22:13
by Harry Babb
Well its storming around here tonight.....TV news is scrolling a banner warning us of the possibility of Flash Flooding

BUTTTTTTT! ! ! ! !

Along with this storm we are having Lightening and Thunder.....typical of spring storms....not winter storms......

Help me out here guys....I am doing all I can to usher in spring....I know its still January....just thinking positively......was in the 70's today


Posted: Jan 20th, '10, 22:40
by CaptPatrick
If it helps any, I've still got patches of green grass that made it through 3 hard freezes, and yesterday I saw two butterflys... 78 yesterday, 76 today. Honey bees buzzing around and saw the first house fly since late November. Global warming is on the way back.

Posted: Jan 20th, '10, 23:16
by Harry Babb
Capt....that does help.....cannot wait for the yellow pollen all over my windshield......AAAAAACHEWWWWWWWW! ! ! ! ! Ain't it grand?!?!?!


Posted: Jan 21st, '10, 14:42
by Rickiratardo
It got so cold for so long here in Miami my 40 year old cement pond split laterally and lengthwize and is now slowly leaking out some expensive water. However as a sign of spring, the warming water is now filled with larve who want to grow up to be mosquitoes. I gotta go get me some chlorine!

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 12:29
by Harry Babb
Welllll......don't know nuttin bout no groundhog...but I can tell you guys that spring in drawing near.

Last week the Robins moved into our area and today they are becoming more abundant.

Although the night time tempts are still a bit chilly we are seeing 60's and 70's in the day....even seen some blue skies....

By in large the Robins showing up here is a good sign....


Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 13:07
by Rawleigh
I wish you had kept it!! We had 13" Saturday and it was 6 degrees this morning when I left home!! it was snowing 2" an hour midday Saturday while I was duck hunting!!

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 13:26
by Charlie J
open that door and send some heat up this way

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 13:46
by Carl
Yeah, I second that, send us up some heat Harry...It's cold here!!

Little rant here...

Had an old Oil fired furnace at home since we bought the house. Talking from the 50's old. Anyway for years the Oil Service Guy would come in and clean, tune up that ol'furnace for the winter season. Each year he would tell me to get rid of it and replace with something new and reliable. I had a total of two problems with it in 16 years, both my fault.

This summer we (I) ripped out the old furnace and replaced with a new Gas fired unit...Now once a month I get a call from the wife that she has to call the service guy in because it's not going on...ridiculous.

Rant over.

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 14:37
by scot
ugly here. 50 degrees, clouds and rain all week. Not really cold, but no way comfortable. Sweater weather + rain jacket.

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 16:48
by Dug
It hit a high of 31 today here, and was something like 17 on Saturday. Had snow on the ground since November, and it isn't really supposed to break freezing all week.

Spring... ya.

But I am glad you guys are enjoying it!


Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 17:34
by randall
its really not bad at all here today. bout 38 with a bluebird sky and (its a miracle) no wind. took a nice walk.

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 18:04
by Harry Babb
Good one Charlie

As much as I bitch about you guys leaving the NORTH DOOR open letting all the cold air come down here.....You would think I could reciprocate....and I will.....starting tonight.

I'm gonna get outta here for a while and go box blade the drive......

C ya


Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 21:02
by AndreF
Ditto on the robins, Harry.

Posted: Feb 1st, '10, 21:34
by gplume
Yesterday was just a balmy spring day....I watched the kids playing on the pond near my house...



Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 09:53
by scot
That ain't right.

Posted: Feb 2nd, '10, 10:56
by Brewster Minton
At least you put your shirt on to ride.

Posted: Feb 5th, '10, 09:43
by Charlie J
dam harry, you left that door open to long, look what got thru, you guys in the mid atlantic states get your shovels ready, we are only expecting 3" to 6" on the island

Posted: Feb 5th, '10, 12:41
by Rocket
Could you close the North door and open the west door - we could use a little of that cold out here because we can't afford to host a summer olympics and the winter ones just look silly without snow...

Posted: Feb 5th, '10, 18:31
by Mike Moran
here in Fla. the weather sucks we just had rain so hard you could not see to drive , turned on the t.v. the weather channel said tornado was possible my wife said what do we do ? we have no cellar we said the bertram prayer no wave to high no wind to great .we were lucky tornado scare passed hope to play golf with rubber boots on in am. ps. I was a chev. pont dealer retired 15 years ago I bought my first toy. in jan.. now I have a recall great year so far.Mike

Posted: Feb 5th, '10, 20:24
by Harry Babb
Hey Charlie........I'm working on that damn door.....but it appears to be frozen open.....I'll have a crew on it right away

Was crummy here last night but got better all day and should be sunny tomorrow in the mid 50's


Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 07:52
by Charlie J
seem we are right on the edge do to a high coming out of the north, we are looking at 3" to 6", just heard baltimore has 30" and counting with blizzard conditions

Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 08:42
by John F.
Yup--and its a heavy, wet snow.

Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 08:49
by Charlie J
heavy wet snow = power outages, hang in there john

Posted: Feb 6th, '10, 08:57
by Mack
Power went out last night but is now back on. Snow still coming down!!