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Readers of the Washington Post

Posted: Oct 10th, '06, 17:03
by Bruce
If anyone reads the WP on a daily basis, let me know if an article comes out with my name attached to it.
I was phone interviewed today by a reporter and he couldn't give me a date of printing.
They never do.

Posted: Oct 10th, '06, 20:30
by John F.

I'll look for it. What's the topic so I know what to look for

JOhn F.

Posted: Oct 10th, '06, 22:21
by Bruce
National and Florida's upcomming elections and what roll if any will 2nd amendment issues play in those elections.

Also asked me about numerous state and federal candidates and the ratings that the NRA gave them.

He asked me to comment on the recent school shootings and what role if any the AWB sunset played in those shootings.

Bottom line he was looking for a story where there was none.
Didn't take his bait, but want to see how badly he twists my words around.

Posted: Oct 11th, '06, 20:14
by Mack
Careful what you say to the Washington Post...sounds like they were fishing for some comments to counter their liberal slant!! We are facing some tough upcoming elections around here and the Post and the Baltimore Sun are like gasoline on a open flame!!

Posted: Oct 12th, '06, 06:53
by Bruce
Been dealin with the media in way or another for 15 years on these issues and learned right off how the game is played.

You can say 'the sky is blue' and they will report or write you said 'the sky was blood red that day filled with the remains of those who oppose the 2nd amendment'.

When I did NPR, along with the Brady center a few years back it was amazing how after I would phrase a reply, they would come back with, "so what your saying is" and I would have to repeat again exactly what I had said originaly.
I think I spent most the program repeating myself over and over.

One of the things that I have observed in life is the most intelligent people are the best listeners. Always eager to learn.
Those constantly flapping their gums are narrow minded and stubborn unwilling to learn new things as they figure they know everything already.

That's the problem with the liberal left and the far right.

I don't expect much problem with the article though. Not really any pressing issues right now on 2nd amendment other than the standard few always wanting more legislation but they don't have any support.

On the school shooting issue I made it such a mute point that the reporter got bored and moved on to another topic.

Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 09:45
by bobozinga

Do you recall the reporter's name? I'd also be glad to look for you.


Posted: Oct 16th, '06, 19:07
by Bruce
No, but I saved his number. I was busy glassing in a bulkhead at the time.