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Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 10:40
by randall
this would have been a super fun day for me if i didn't have a broken wrist. all my secret snowboard shots are ridable. that fence is six feet high.



Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 10:43
by Charlie J
looks like you got a ft more then us in nassau, we are between 12'' 18''

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 11:03
by Charlie J
just heard on the news that southhampton declared a state of emergancy.
hows the wrist doing randall

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 11:04
by neil
we got two feet the kids love it

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 11:18
by randall
jesse and i were driving up 3 mile harbor road one day and jesse goes "dad...theres someone on your boat!!" turns out it was this orthopedic surgeon who was interested in buying it. we've become friends. he actually slogged over here this morning to see how im doing. he said and the physical therapist confirms i am making good progress. still a very long road ahead however...thanks for asking.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 11:39
by In Memory Walter K
Randall-I've got 20+ on top of my hill and can't contact my usual snowplow guy. Been trying for a couple of days. Ugh!

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 11:48
by Harry Babb
I seen the snow storm footage on the news last night......You guys got hit pretty it looks to me.

Thanks for the pics.

As I have said before, one winter I am gonna take Jo Ann somewhere during Christmas to experience a horse drawn sleigh ride. I tried to get her to consider a snowmobile. That did not work out very well.

Thanks for the pics.....I personally think the snow is beautiful.


Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 12:01
by Carl
Harry Babb wrote: Thanks for the pics.....I personally think the snow is beautiful.


Yeah thats because you don't have to shovel it...

or drive thru it with people who can't, yet feel the need to try anyway.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 12:11
by randall
jesse's out now at the end of the shop driveway trying to make a hole big enough to get the truck back in. he got stranded in montauk last night.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 13:27
by randall
ok...wandered out this the only large object on the east end without a drop of snow on it? i should patent it.


Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 21:10
by Tony Meola
Harry said:

"As I have said before, one winter I am gonna take Jo Ann somewhere during Christmas to experience a horse drawn sleigh ride. I tried to get her to consider a snowmobile. That did not work out very well. "


Good time to come and visit, I am sure one of the guys can use some help shoveling out. Randall perhaps. After that, I want you to tell us how nice snow looks. I got lucky, up here in North Jersey, we were on the west side of the storm. Only got 5 inches and I am only about 15 miles from Manhattan as the crow flies. Our southern and long island brothers got hammered.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 21:14
by gplume
But Randall, you'll have to include the trees with the "system".

Got similar amounts of snow here in RI...maybe more.

Spent about 5 hours digging out..(manual method)......Haven't checked the Berty yet...hopefully ok. Surf was good, but I couln't get to it.

Harry..according to the weather man you guys sent us the snow as the storm originated dowm your this our Christmas present from the "gulf"

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 21:18
by randall
tony.....i love the look of snow. but only in rural settings. in the city its just a pain, but out here it can be spectacular. even the sunset this evening was amazing. red sky on white snow through the trees. the ocean and bay look pretty cool to. was 3 foot overhead and straight offshore....i heard all about it...repeatedly.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 21:25
by Tony Meola

I agree with you. I think its great until I have to go out and shoevel it. Best thing to do, is live in the country where it stays white. It is nice up here where I live too. Despite what people think, there are nice places here in NJ. It all does not look like Port Elizabeth or Bayonee.

I can take to place in South Jersey where it looks like time stopped and you can think you are in the land of Deliverence.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 21:44
by randall
tony....a good friend had a beautiful 60 acre horse farm in western NJ and there are lots of beautiful places in the south. some mountains and beaches too. then there is elizabeth.

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 22:24
by Harry Babb
Giff wrote:Harry..according to the weather man you guys sent us the snow as the storm originated dowm your this our Christmas present from the "gulf"
From the deeeeep south we all wish you a very merry Christmas.....MY BROTHER! ! ! !

I still think the snow is beautiful....but I truely would not want to have to deal with it.

I also think that Hurricanes are beautiful....speaking of the storm itself....I hate that they harm people and the aftermath sucks but the nature part of it is really neat.

Look at it this you are one snow storm and one day closer to spring...

Keep warm


Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 22:28
by Thums Up
Got 20" just outside Philly in NJ. I'm beat from shoveling, guess it is time to get a snow blower!

Tony, thank god I got the motors in the boat about a month ago!

Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 22:51
by Capt. DQ
Yeah, visiting and playing it would be neat for a short and makes for a beautiful Christmas landscape, but after seeing hundreds of people stranded out on the highways in it at night, that would suck in my book. I would be hoping for a full tank of gas in my truck to stay warm while I was stranded.
Something like being stranded in a hurricane because help cannot get to ya until the weather improves. Just make sure your hangen out at home by the Ole fireplace with plenty of firewood in case of power outages.


Posted: Dec 20th, '09, 23:11
by Tony Meola

Great news about the Motors. Sounds like you are moving right along. Have a good Holiday and please give your wife our regards.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 09:48
by Brewster Minton
I got 27" of it here. Plus the drifts to 5'.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 10:22
by Carl
Thums Up wrote:Got 20" just outside Philly in NJ. I'm beat from shoveling, guess it is time to get a snow blower!
Been there done that.

Once you get the SnowBlower you wind up doing the neighborhood. I have an older neighbor I started clearing his snow years ago, but then they built a house in between us I feel funny about leaving, so I hit that one, just a basic sidewalk driveway thing, then the guy on the other side of me is huffing so I give him a hand, then I pack it all up and shoot over to mom's...her neighbor is real good to her, so I clear his house as well, then pack it up again and run to the shop were I have to do three properties as I need to dump my snow on their property and really can't leave a stack of snow there without doing theirs.

Before the blower, I dug myself out, made a path for the neighbor and mom and was done in three, fours hours, at work I handed the guys shovels and let them deal with it....yesturday was over 6 hours.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 11:34
by randall
i pulled jesse's car out through 3 feet of snow all the way down the shop driveway....8 wheel drive. rental car is next. theres still 6 inches of snow on the main road to springs.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 11:45
by Brewster Minton
Largest recorded snowfall from one storm ever in South Hampton NY.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 11:48
by In Memory of Vicroy
What is a "snowblower"?


Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 11:55
by CaptPatrick
What is a "snowblower"?
A tool that Al Gore uses to blow snow up your ass and tell you how warm it is...

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 12:13
by Bertramp
I do miss Sag Harbor,NY .... but for right now, Lauderdale is feeling AWFULLY good !!
But I'm heading north Tuesday nite .... brrr

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 14:32
by randall'll all be gone by then.........................not!!

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 14:43
by Raybo Marine NY
I think you got us beat by about 2", we got 24" but I read you guys got 26"

I think close to 10 have melted already but the side road intersections are still messy.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 15:08
by Harry Woods
Hey Brewster,
Do you have someone with a plow in our town? I am a few hundred feet off the public road and stranded since Saturday. I am usually south for the snow. This one caught me off guard. 728-3157. Thanks.

Posted: Dec 21st, '09, 23:48
by JohnD
We got about 22 inches in good ole Pasadena MD.

This pic is from Satruday around 2pm or so, it snowed until midnight...


Here's a shot of the deck, later on Saturday night.

I finally put some hours on the snowblower I bought 4yrs ago and have used since I bought it. I'm thankful I've got it now...

Merry Christmas!
(Now can we get on with Spring and Summer!!!)

Posted: Dec 22nd, '09, 07:45
by White Bear
Most snow I've seen since '46 when a plowed walkway looked really impressive as the snow was much higher than I was tall. For this storm my truck was parked about 2/3 of the way along my driveway and about 400' from the road - I didn't get out until 0930 yesterday. It cerainly isn't melting around here. It hasn't been warm enough for the snow to form a crust and the snow blowing off the farm fields has kept many of our roads impassable and has caused many MVAs. Perhaps today will be easier as temperatures are forecast for the mid 30s.

Posted: Dec 23rd, '09, 22:54
by Kurt
Drove around up there a lot this week....I sure am glad your states have an idea what to do. The ice and piles of snow didn't help that construction area around White Plains on 287 mean section of road.