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Like blowing up stuff??? check out this! ! !

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 23:20
by Harry Babb

Wonder how much alcohol it took to get this competition going??

Hey yall.....hold my beer and watch this!!!!


Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 23:37
by coolair
ya that crazy sob was on like 60mins or something he collects anvils too,

.. my dad always said i could destroy an anvil, but idk hehe

Posted: Dec 15th, '09, 12:10
by Mikey
My brother and I blew a three-foot deep hole in our driveway once and got it refilled before father got home. Didn't get it properly packed and dad sank the left front of the Hudson up to the axle. He wasn't amused or impressed. He was never impressed by our childish antics with explosives. When we were teens we asked him why and he said that when he was a kid that what we called M-80's as kids were actually quarter sticks of dynamite for his pals. He said he and the gang threw one under the Hannigan's back porch and took the porch off the house.
Damn, wish I'd been there for that.

Posted: Dec 15th, '09, 12:53
by Bertramp
Yeah ... he was on 60 minutes ... good clean fun .... futdawuk !!
just gotta be careful.

Posted: Dec 15th, '09, 15:58
by randall

Posted: Dec 16th, '09, 00:13
by Harry Babb
Obviously this caught my eye.......cause I am one of those guys that likes this kind of entertainment.

In the early 90's I got the job of modifying the hand rail that goes on the pier at the Naval Air Station at the Air Craft Carrier dock.

I had to cut the railing apart and shorten some sections and lengthen others. As I was cutting the pipe apart with a torch, water spued out and extinguished the flame on my torch.

I immediately moved the torch around the hot area looking for red metal in efforts of relighting my torch.....did not happen.....the water had cooled off all of the metal.

So I grabbed my striker and relit the torch.......keep in mind my last actions before relighting the torch.....I had apparently filled the pipe with a perfect mixture of Accetlyene and Oxygen.

Well I am here to tell ya....when I put the torch back, next to the open end of the pipe the gas exploded and went off like a canon....scared the crap out of me and gave me this most wonderful idea........ya see I like to blow up stuff....

From there I started filling sandwich bags, milk cartons and eventually leaf bags full of O2 and accetlyene then igniting it.....BOOOOOMMMMMM! ! !.....what a rush.

Well one cool crisp night my buddys and I were gonna make one of our BOOM BOOMS.

Smart or not this is how we did it. We would light the torch and adjust the oxygen to get a neutral flame then shut off the valves on the tanks. After the flame went out we would open the tank valves.....just the right mixture of gas and o2 were used to fill a leaf bag.

Next we would sprinkle Green Dot gun power onto the sticky side of masking tape to make a fuse.......about 4 feet long. Stick the fuse to the inflated bag, light the fuse and wait for the show. The explosion did not damage anything but just made a hella of a noise.

Now think about takes 3 things to make an explosion.....Fuel, Oxygen and Ignition.......and we had two of the 3 elememts in the bag at the same time.......looking back I can tell you....that was not a good idea.

We think that the nylon jersey that my buddy was wearing caused a discharge of static electricity into the leaf bag containing the fuel and oxygen.......BOOOOMMMMMM! ! ! ! right in his hands.

I was in the process of making the fuse when the explosion happened....standing pretty close to him....all I heard was a small boom followed by a high pitch ringing noise that would not stop.

I turned around and seen David laying on the ground and next to him was the burning torch....and this deafening ringing in my ears.

My first thoughts was that the bottles were gonna explode.....I ran over and dragged David out of the shop and crawled back into the shop and turned off the cylinder valves. The ringing in my ears was just the after shock of the explosion.

My buddy suffered burns on his legs and groin and stomach. As I tried to help him he kept complaining about his male parts much to my disliking I stood him up and started removing his pants to examine the extent of his injury. He was moaning and complaining about the pain and his first question to me was "Did I blow my dick off?"

That night no one was laughing but ever since we have retold this story over and over and every time we laugh as though it was the first time we ever heard the story.

We still use Oxygen and Accetlyene to make noise but we have mechanized it with a steel plate drilled and tapped to accept a spark plug and we operate it from a distance.


Posted: Dec 16th, '09, 02:22
by coolair
only if osha had walked in haha :)
did i blow my dick off, that is classic

Posted: Dec 16th, '09, 17:47
by AndreF
We used to get a lung full of O2 and blow out thru a lit cigarette, makes like a torch.
Then, get a piece of dry ice and put it and a little H2O in a 2 liter plastic coke bottle and get away. It takes a little time but makes a BIG explosion and good divet in the ground

Posted: Dec 16th, '09, 18:13
by Rawleigh
I wanted to see the anvil land in the back of the truck!!

Posted: Dec 18th, '09, 20:51
by Bob H.
Harry....Im still laughing @ the thought of you checking to see if your buddys...package is still attached...homemade vasectomy...Alabama style...BH

Posted: Dec 19th, '09, 17:17
by Harry Babb
Bob wrote:Harry....Im still laughing @ the thought of you checking to see if your buddys...package is still attached...homemade vasectomy...Alabama style...BH is pretty funny....none of us were laughing that night, but the more times we tell the story the more embellished it becomes......the version I told you was factual......Another friend that lived about a half mile from me tells me that he could hear loud and clear when one of our toys went off.

I understand that aluminum cans and Red Devil Lye can sure make some noise.....have not tried that one. But the Dry Ice and a coke bottle sure makes a bang, just as Andre stated.....the small bottles, 12 oz??/16 oz?? makes a bigger bang than the larger bottles......occasionally we purchase dry ice to freeze metal can bet your bippy somebody is gonna make some noise that day....

That's only one of the STUPID things that we done over the years.....seemed perfectly safe until you look back.

