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Top Ten Cities with worst tap water

Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 14:31
by Capt. DQ
Go fiqure this report, I wonder if the local water utilities co. will rebate me back for all the bad tap water they have been supplying me with. I'm shocked that Pensacola that has some the most beautiful beaches in the world, can have such shitty tap water. ... g6EWXJV8cX


Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 15:49
by Harry Babb
Wait a minute Doug.......I was porn in Bensacola Fl.....I wrank that dater all my life and mook at le.....I ma jus fien......I thought everybody had 6 toes on each foot.....

The EPA nearly condemed the Styx river several years ago due to all of the toxins put there by St Regis back in the 50's and 60's.

I too was surprised to hear the news about the drinking water quality.

Listen to this......several years ago one of the water and sewer department employees from Fairhope came into my shop and ask me to make a special fitting for them. They brought me a sample part.....weird threads.....and all. I made them 2 of these special fittings. When they picked up the fittings I asked the guys what the fittings fit and what they did. He informed me that the hospital maintance crew was complaining that the Lime that the city was adding to the water was leaving heavy deposits in the boiler tubes....thereby reducing the efficency of the boiler. This fitting was to enable the water department to inject a chemical in the water that would keep the calcium in solution and prevent the build up on the boiler tubes.

Further in the conversation I learned that they were injecting this chemical in ALL of the water.....not just in the boiler Makeup water......the employee explained that its good for the whole system will help protect the water heaters in everyones home......can you see me shaking my head in discuss???

Ya never know what your drinking! ! ! ! ! or eating for that matter! ! !

I am surprised....but not really....


Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 16:21
by Capt. DQ
Hell Harry, and I use to think Venice, LA had bad water, WTF was I thinking. LOL! I guess rust or brown water is good and clear is bad? Now when I say brown water, that does not mean Whiskey or Rum now.


Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 19:10
by In Memory of Vicroy
The reason the water is so good in Venice and all points downstream from Baton Rouge is we flush our toilets a lot, and our tap water comes from deep wells, theirs from the Miss. River.....what we add is probably don't biodegrade by the time it gets to New Orleans or Venice, but that ain't our problem.

I think y'all need to call Algore to fix the situation.


Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 19:42
by randall
worst tap water in America?....port eades.

Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 21:49
by coolair
aah come on why they gotta say bad things bout houston. Besides, pasadena is closer to the plants than houston, and thats where i be from.

Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 22:06
by In Memory of Vicroy
Randy - Port Eads is NOT in America.....


Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 01:12
by JohnCranston
Port Eads? It's been a while...don't the goats eat the trash there?

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 09:03
by randall
Vicroy wrote:Randy - Port Eads is NOT in America.....


i stand corrected and rephrase..........worst tap water in the solar system.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 09:58
by Capt. DQ
Randall, It does have its own distinct smell about it down yunder way.

One thing you don't ever do is put PE water in your fresh water wash down tank. You'll never get rid of that smell.

Hell I think I'm gonna go home and brush my teeth again. LOL!


Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 14:02
by Garry
Ahh Port Eads...the place I have showered and felt dirtier afterwards. I really miss that place....


Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 19:05
by In Memory Walter K
Seems the CCA Tagging Program in New Orleans doesn't know where it is either. I JUST got a letter from The University of New Orleans (who must be handling the CCA Tagging Program) asking about the location we released a Redfish we caught, tagged and released at a UVI over 5 years ago! Seems they don't know where Port Eads is (or was?). That was the year we had a big blow in the AM and Uncle Vic somehow arranged for a center console boat to take us Redfishing. What I remember is that we anchored off a nearby beach and cast small leadheads tipped with shrimp. It was light tackle fishing and I specifically remember Mikey taking the biggest Redfish I have ever seen. Any of the attendees able to give me a verbal location of the general area so I can get this Meg O'Connel of the school's Earth and Environmental Sciences Department an answer? Walter

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 20:11
by AndreF
Prob at the Mud Lumps, .8 miles SW of the South Pass of the Miss River, some 23 miles below Head of Passes.
Five years, huh? I'd like to know tagging and capture data. That's a good long time.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 20:21
by randall
i went with tiger's partner (cant remember his name) just a bit south of port eades but not in the river or the gulf. off a little island casting toward a sandy beach. thinking the open gulf was on the other side of the island or close.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 20:22
by scot
Port Eads has tap water?

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 20:54
by In Memory of Vicroy
It did when Buzzy Scarabin and his family ran it....several old rusty steel tanks up on the pass by the Big Game Clubhouse that they would get filled from a water barge now and then, and a PVC pipe distribution system around the marina. Sometimes the fuel barge would load the diesel on top of "potable" water, pump the diesel off at the fuel dock, then go around into South Pass and pump the water into the tanks. In the fall when the river was low and clear, they would just pump river water into the tanks. The tanks blew away in Katrina. The few houseboats down there now use cisterns off roof gutters for water, but pumping dirty river water into a 55 gallon drum and letting it sit for a while to settle the silt out makes for okay wash water......add some Clorox and its drinking water.


Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 21:23
by randall
vic....after you drank the"fatal shot" i realized there we're things you could do that i could not. drinkin PE tap water ,clorox or not, would fall into that category.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 21:33
by Capt. DQ
Alcohol is like Clorox, it will kill things in the water also. But you need a healthy shot or two of it to work good.