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giant bluefin tuna.

Posted: Dec 9th, '09, 14:58
by bob lico
brewster spoted birds out fire island inlet then went to investigate .giant bluefin tuna will not take squid on the troll try your luck;4.2 miles directly south of fire island light house .tuna breaking surface in excess of 200lbs.

it aint over till the fat lady sings

Posted: Dec 9th, '09, 19:18
by Brewster Minton
Im still in and will take a look when the wind stops.

Posted: Dec 9th, '09, 20:41
by Ironman
Wow.. Thats some cool stuff ..Like to see a pic if somebody hangs one..

Posted: Dec 9th, '09, 22:37
by scenarioL113
Water still must be warm, we really have not had any real cold weather yet this year.

Wish I was in the water!

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 11:14
by Bertramp
Massapequa, Hampton Bays, Sayville ...... I'm home sick !!

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 13:11
by bob lico
bertramp we have missed servere winter weather for quite a few years i can`t run the snomobiles on the street for years.however snow is just 30 miles north of sayville! conn.and new england gets snow and we get rain .i think those bluefin are going to move shortly we are due for cold weather (30degrees )by the weekend .i will pull the boat tommorow for maint. and bridge change then put back in march.

brewster bluefin are swam around herring.also bluefish are eating herring and getting hit by giants .liveline herring or bluefish i would imagine. i need to consult jp.

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 16:24
by JP Dalik
I need to find some bluefish for Sunday. Hope the weather holds. If not I'm out of the water on Monday.

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 17:13
by Capt. DQ
Hey is this what yall be looking for?
DQ ... hotos.html

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 17:19
by bob lico
year man capt dq that is why i have the combo gin pole /step to bridge now i need jp or his son for the finer technique to live lining bluefish. some guys cut dorsal fin some cut bottom of tail fin .i need to know from a pro.incidently the 31 bertram fbc does not lead like that with a 500lbs bluefin.

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 21:47
by Tony Meola
Those guys should have thought of towing that one home. I would be afraid of taking water over the gunnel like that.

Posted: Dec 10th, '09, 22:36
by JP Dalik
Twin outboard 24 Silverhawk/Topaz.
Should be draggin that fish across the boat. Had a friend flip his Regulator loading a big fish in rough weather.

Sunday looks like a maybe so far. Friend of mine has 3 or more nothing over 150 lbs. Waters cooling off quick. Gotta go put some heat in the cabin tommorow be in the 20's for a few nites here.

Posted: Dec 11th, '09, 12:16
by Brewster Minton
Bob everybody does it a little differant, I cut the bottom of his tail off and clip his side fins back. Then I blind him with a philips head scewdriver. Then I take a zip tie cut it half way threw and put that through his eyes and strap down a circle hook to his forhead. This way he swims down and does not see the giant about to eat him and swim out of the way. When you strike the fish the zip tie breaks and the hook goes in the corner of his mouth. After the first run take sash wieghts clipped on roller trollers and slide them down the line. This will turn the fish sideways and he will quit in two minutes. Stand in the back with gloves and rod tip over your sholder while you mate reels and pull the line with your hands to drag him up quick so he does not burn up. And do not stop the boat! keep it moving 1knt and he will swim right up.

Posted: Dec 11th, '09, 12:26
by bob lico
brewster in all my fishing life that is the most unique method i have ever
heard and you of all people would me most concerned with getting that tune to the boat just as fast as possible.-----taking out the eyes wow why didn`t i ever hear that before ! brother brewster your the best!!!

Posted: Dec 11th, '09, 13:18
by JohnCranston
That's some good info...really like the part about the zip tie. Seems like you guys have to pull your boats right when it really starts happening. It sounds like a great time. Knock em dead.

Posted: Dec 11th, '09, 17:49
by coolair

Posted: Dec 12th, '09, 12:20
by Brewster Minton
Bob, the blind blue fish is the key. The big bluefins wont turn around to catch it if it swims away. I was taught this tec by and old man in Montauk and it has served me well. I put two out with balloons. One out 75 yards and 50 feet down and one 40 yard and down 25 feet. Then I swim one off the stern and pull line slow till he is out 150 feet then slowly reel him back up and repeat. Also sometimes put one out on the kite as far as I can. the balloons off one side the kite bait off the other. I do not anchor I do this drifting. This keeps everything far apart so no tangles. When I hook up I just cut the lines of the other rods and deal with the fish I have on.

Posted: Dec 12th, '09, 13:26
by bob lico
brewster---------brilliant absolutely brilliant never seen anybody using kite in the hudson canyon.i will stop by for lunch and particulars on kite flying big game .i have seen the sailfish method off jupitar florida but this is differant by what you say.

Posted: Dec 13th, '09, 13:09
by Capt.Frank
Down here in NC when the fish get shy Only greenstick and boats w.kite catch any YF. It is growing in popularity last few seasons. I have not tried yet.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 10:46
by Brewster Minton
I fish a grenstick. Hands down the best way to catch tuna. There are some days though that they will just eat trolled baits. It took me about a year to get it down. The rig can be a bit dangerous and takes time to learn the setup. You can get hurt really bad in one second if you are not paying attention or have crew that are not up to speed with it. There is a lot going on and heavy line with alot of tention. Nothing catches faster except nets. I caught 6 bigeyes all 300# in 27min with one other guy.

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 15:03
by bob lico
6 three hundred pound big eyes!!!! wow you broke my bubble i was high hit around here with a 220 lbs. only one the whole summer . and for you a walk in the park-----man i get no respect!!!!
capt frank they are on there way down to you but there are real finicky .anything but fluro. is out of the question.i am not in brewster or jp catogory still learning after 30 years.a mere rookie!!

Posted: Dec 14th, '09, 15:51
by Capt.Frank
I herd today that there are some fish off Morehead City and probaibly in Hatteras also. If the weather stays cold we should start haveing some around OI, but nobody fishers for BF around OI they all go south for the gaints. The school size 100# fish should show up any time.

Posted: Dec 19th, '09, 16:34
by Harv
bob lico wrote:brewster---------brilliant absolutely brilliant never seen anybody using kite in the hudson canyon.i will stop by for lunch and particulars on kite flying big game .i have seen the sailfish method off jupitar florida but this is differant by what you say.
I wouldn't mind taking a little trip for some lunch.
Call me and let me know when.

Posted: Dec 19th, '09, 17:02
by In Memory Walter K
Harv- I'm pretty sure Brewster's restaurant/fish market part of his business is closed for the winter. Concentrating on his Airline catering division. If a lunch DOES come into being, let me know. Walter

Posted: Dec 19th, '09, 17:15
by randall
me too