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snow/mix/rain for the south

Posted: Dec 3rd, '09, 23:59
by Capt. DQ
Alright Guys, returning the favor is not necessary now, we like it warm & sunny. Al & MS is forecasted for snow and more rain with colder weather for us. Is was 70 and sunny last Sunday offshore marlin fishing. Oh well its December in FL. Tropical storm IDA was just passing a couple of weeks ago, then no name this week and now snow almost on the Gulf Coast. Global warming my ass, where's AL Gore at.


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 00:04
by scot
We are scheduled for snow in southeast Texas this Friday evening, we'll see? Three snow events in the last 5 years...this global warming stuff is going to freeze us all to death. Personally I like the cold, in moderation of course.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 00:46
by coolair
ya, alittle snow last year, and now this, and it was in the 40s in montanna and the damn snow was starting to melt.
speaking of gore, my buddy read an article, that said all the "reports" on global warming were "exaggerated" and its really not as bad as the say, and surprise surprise, one of the head scientist is al gores buddy.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 09:48
by JeremyD ... 35822.aspx

"ClimateGate began after someone (hacker or whistleblower) attacked servers of University of East Anglia's Climate Research Unit (CRU) and made thousands of e-mails and documents public. Those e-mails appear to show a conspiracy to falsify temperature data, a willingness to destroy information rather than release it under Freedom of Information (FOI) law and the intimidation of publications willing to publish skeptical articles.

CRU’s director Phil Jones admitted real CRU e-mails had been stolen when he told New Zealand’s Investigate magazine, “It was a hacker. We were aware of this about three or four days ago that someone had hacked into our system and taken and copied loads of data files and emails.” Others argue a whistleblower was responsible for the breach.

One of those alleged e-mails was from Jones to Michael Mann (famous for his hockey stick graph of global warming) and two others appeared to indicate manipulation of scientific data.

Jones wrote: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) amd [Sic] from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.”

Jones, who contributed to a chapter of the U.N.’s IPCC report, claims the term “trick” was used “colloquially as in a clever thing to do.” Myron Ebell, Director of Global Warming Policy for the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), supplied his own view of what Jones and Mann meant by hiding the decline.

Ebell wrote in the National Post: “What is the clever method that Prof. Jones learned from Prof. Mann? I think he is referring to the way Prof. Mann constructed his celebrated hockey stick graph. His proxy records showed flat temperatures for the past 1,000 years, including the past century. But everyone knows that temperatures have gone up rapidly in the past few decades … So what Prof. Mann did was splice the last few decades of surface temperature records onto his proxy record. Voila! – the hockey stick.”

The alleged e-mails were enough to force Jones’ temporary resignation. On Dec. 1, Associated Press reported that Jones is “stepping down pending an investigation into allegations that he overstated the case for man-made climate change.”

but there's money to be made and taxes to be charged...

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 10:11
by Brewster Minton
<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 10:47
by Tom
Brewster, that's awesome! Snowed here in Houston Dec. 10, 2008 and snowing again today. Last year was the first ever snowfall, now this year will beat that.
Some conservative filmmakers are now calling for the Academy to ask for Gore's Oscar back.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:14
by In Memory Walter K

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:27
by Rawleigh
Rain and snow here in Virginia tomorrow. I was fishing in my shirt sleeves yesterday. I'm going goose hunting in the morning!!

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 11:53
by CaptPatrick
09:30 12/04/09 32 °F Calling for a low after midnight of 24 °F....


But the fiberglass is kickin' nicely inside the shop....


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 12:52
by scot
Capt Patrick that beats the crap out of last summer's heat wave! nice.

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 13:17
by JeremyD
and we are slap dab in the middle of an el nino year - so lots of rain this winter in Floridah

Great video Brewster

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 15:30
by nestorpr
Thank God for El Niño, it usually keeps the hurricanes away! As most people know, the Earth's temperature normally fluctuates from one extreme to the other every 11,000 years or so. We've been living in a time of very mild temperatures and the time for a change was due, about all humans have done is accelerate it a bit due to our impact on the atmosphere and oceans, but not by much. Most respected scientists knew this but they were forced to join the political "Global Warming" bandwagon or be laughed or forced out of their careers by the politicians and the few scientists that supported it. It's amazing what a few misguided people with BIG political backing can do. What the hell, who cares about global warming or cooling when 2012 is just around the corner, help!!!

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 15:34
by Capt. DQ
Good one Brew!


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 20:22
by In Memory Walter K
What is it about population growth that they do not understand? We all breathe in oxygen and breathe out Carbon dioxide. More people, more carbon dioxide. Plants/trees do the reverse. More people, more development, less trees and forests, thus the balance of nature is broken. Rocket science?

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 20:40
by coolair
that is freaking hilarious!
this is the earliest its ever snowed in houston, not the first time though, neither was last year

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 21:01
by In Memory of Vicroy
Snowing like the North Pole here in usually sunny Coonassland. We usually get a dusting about once every 10 years, but this is two years in a row, both in early December.

The cause is Global Cooling. Another Ice Age is upon us. If two polar bears fart in unison.....will the sky fall? Or perhaps provide many Green Jobs? Remember the Grosbeak Propulsion System....I might have been ahead of my time.


Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 22:26
by Tom
coolair wrote:that is freaking hilarious!
this is the earliest its ever snowed in houston, not the first time though, neither was last year
Coolair,I meant earliest, not first ever. My daughter and I had a snowball fight, I'm 40, she's 4. I was winning....until....I.... backed....into the pool. BRRRRR!

Posted: Dec 4th, '09, 22:32
by coolair
Now that is funny! ya i saw few snowmen today, to bad you didnt have your pool heater