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Dead Stuff

Posted: Nov 23rd, '09, 23:08
by JohnCranston
Meat hunt, blind guy shots 320lb Red Stag with Weatherby 300 he did it I will never know. Beautiful wife Pam "2" Axis Does - both shoulder shots - first two kills with 7mm.08. Tina Moody - Red Stag - shoulder shot - first kill with 7mm.08. The 7mm was shot three times and there were three kills.

Women hooked on hunting - thanks to Reel Cowboy we are broke but we will not go hungry over the winter. Great weekend.

Pam ... rip037.jpg ... rip036.jpg ... rip022.jpg ... rip034.jpg ... rip043.jpg

Posted: Nov 23rd, '09, 23:10
by Tony Meola

Very nice. Congratulations to you and Pam.

Posted: Nov 23rd, '09, 23:23
by coolair
nice, where did yall hunt?

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 09:56
by randall
yikes!!!!'re my hero.

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 10:08
by jspiezio
Remind me to stay up range of you guys

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 10:09
by Rawleigh

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 10:35
by In Memory of Vicroy
Shucks, Pam, that's the biggest fawn I've ever seen....first you make a roux....



Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 10:38
by Capt.Frank
Nice animal. Where were you hunting Texas on a ranch? Nice job you and Pam should be very proud.

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 11:36
by MarkS
Hey way to go! One question...........whats with the coats? Are you cold?

Bout 4 weeks to ice fishin, I'll call, bring boots and union suits!

Be well.........

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 16:50
by Carl
Cool, dead stuff, lets eat!

Please...just don't tell me John was hunting alone when he shot that there deer.

Very nice indeed.

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 18:47
by scot
Truely amazing. BTW, nice dead stuff.

Posted: Nov 24th, '09, 19:23
by JohnCranston
Thanks guys,
We were hunting the "Triple R" ranch in Gonzales Tx...about 10 miles North of I-10 between Houston and San Antonio. I was with a man that had the shakes real bad due to a bad case of Parkinsons and can't shoot very well past 50 yards or so. He said there's a big red one out there about 100 yards and to stick my gun out of the blinds window. He goes "lift up the gun and go over to the right a bit". Then he gets behind me and has me move my head over from the gun stock so he could look through the scope. He says "go up a little..a little more...over to the right...up a little...over to the left an inch...Fire! BAM! Heart shot...fell over dead right there.
Yep, Mark, a coat? You bet cause it was freezing out there...about 65 for the high that day.
UV, I wish that you were a little closer so that we could give you a hunk of that axis and let you do your cajun magic on it.

Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 13:24
by Carl
...two guys go hunting, one is Blind the other has Parkinsons. How many shots to kill a deer.

Just one.

Very cool!

Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 14:35
by JohnCranston
What I didn't tell you, was that Jim, the man that I was with, was a bit on the portly side and was sporting an incredibly huge noggin...some might consider it a somewhat bulbous pumkin head. Anyway, when he positioned his large cranium behind the scope, I had to move my substancial gord over a couple of feet away from the stock. By doing this, the gun slipped off my shoulder and was planted firmly on my bicep. When I shot, you guessed it, it hurt like a friggin bitch. Put me out of commission for a couple days. It's hard polishing the bishop with the other hand.

Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 14:43
by bob lico
sorry sim i have a new hero ---wow .maybe i should have you in maine hunting a wounded 350lbs black bear . i might add very pissed off with a 5/16" carbon fiber arrow in him.

Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 14:44
by Carl
LOL, your a real trip John.

You just can't make this stuff up and sound believable.

" It's hard polishing the bishop with the other hand. "

Practice makes perfect!

Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 17:53
by MarkS
There is no question he is a trip.............and he's full of shit, he's ambidextrous!


Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 19:10
by In Memory of Vicroy
Well, years ago Mr. Cranston groveled properly and was invited to a UVI at Port most of the Texas boats ran the ditch (ICWW) but not John.....he and his crew struck out from Freeport (?) and ran STRAIGHT ACROSS THE GULF OF MEXICO NON STOP to Port Eads like they were taking a Sunday Howdy Boat trip....balls the size of coconuts. Me & him sat in Pee Wee's Pavillion one night pretty late telling lies and drinking and he manuvered down that dock with his white stick a lot better than me. We are privileged to know a MAN. And his beautiful wife too.


Posted: Nov 25th, '09, 19:59
by randall
that was a memorable uvi. no no ...hes always that color (burnt).

Posted: Nov 26th, '09, 00:10
by coolair
u r nuts!!!
i dont get you guys and bows and bears
if i am going after a bear,(which i will probably never do) i am bringing at least OH i dont know a 454 casull and a 300 win mag
and ya its a bitch when you loose one hand, but i dont have a problem doing any polishing haha

Posted: Nov 26th, '09, 04:59
by JohnCranston
Bob,thanks man, next time around will be with the Ten Point crossbow at 175 lbs pull. I bought it a couple of months ago but havint had the time to sight it inwith the laser sight. UV, those kind words burn deep into my soul...that was the best week of my life...great people, great food, great fishing...I wouldn't trade it for the world. Honest. Please, lets do it again. Pam read this post, and said, UV is the best that life offers, and I had to agree with her. You made me and my crew feel right at home, and I'll never be able to repay you for your hospitality. Please, lets do it again!
Your friends, John and Pam.`

Posted: Nov 26th, '09, 10:26
by bob lico
coolair unfoutunally during archery season you are not allowed to carry a firearm even if you have a carry permit your not even allowed to carry a sidearm. basiclly you really have to hunt from a treestand .i cover my accent up the tree with (earth scent coverup) . when you release that arrow which has absolutly no knock down (like a blackfly bite) you have to freeze up if he sees you he can be up that tree in a minute . definitlly ruin your weekend do you want a photo of prevous bear hunt?

Posted: Nov 26th, '09, 10:31
by Mikey
Vic, John,
Was talking about that UVI two nights ago while my brother and I were drinking and telling lies. Confession to make on that trip. Went out the first day with Vic. Climbed up to the helm with him and when we got to the rip vic said, "Take the wheel, I'm going down to make sure that things are rigged my way." I stayed at the helm all day. Confession: it was the first time I had been at the helm of a B31.
I had actually been at the helm of mine for about three hundred yards when I first bought it. We towed it with a skiff to the lift to truck it home. The guy in the skiff asked me to make sure that in the tight quarters we didn't run anything down getting there. A year later while tearing out the old steering I discovered that it hadn't been hooked up in years. I was just at the helm looking cool, not steering squat. So Another Joy was the first B-31 I had run.
Two days later I'm on another boat (can't remember whose, lucky I can remember anything about any UVI, but I digress) and the captain says if you can please Vic, run my boat. We decide to stop at a rig and score some bait. The owner says, "back up to the rig so we can get the stuff down the windward leg."
It's blowing like s#*t, the seas are rolling, and my pucker factor is at its max, but I spin'er around and back down and hold'er there for about twenty minutes, not fifteen feet from that looming behemoth while those poor bastards, who are clueless about the knowledge and balls of the helmsman, catch little guys.
Right then and there I said to myself, "let me get home, I've got lots to do before I can take my own Bertram out, and by then I'll have plenty of helm time and a small learning curve."
John, I agree, let's doer again.

Posted: Nov 27th, '09, 01:09
by coolair
that would be cool to see the pics. and all i can say is F*ck that. Not being able to cary a side arm, just to be safe is a dumb law, i dont think bear mace will do anything but piss them off!
But it is what it is. I have been pretty close to a few black bear and seen some grizzlies from a distance, scary! my in-laws have a place in montanna and last summer they trapped and tagged a few grizzlies, they knocked them out and have pics of them sitting by them, i thought they were crazy! I am up here now, for turkey day, they brought in couple elk this morning. They bring hunting here to a new level, hiking up mountains and gutting your elk in the woods and then packing it down, lot of work! i like how we do it in texas, simple... feeder, and a blind

OH John i forgot to mention that as Texans we dont truly understand the meaning of cold, last pres. day we where up here in montanna and it was
-67 with wind chill. today it got to around 40 and everyone thought it was hot!

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 10:18
by Carl
I have a client that comes in to have me fabricate stops for his Spears.

He says without the stop, the spear will go righ thru the bear, a bear that is usually quite pissed since he has a spear in him.

From what he has told me he has speared Black Bears and either a Grizzly or was going for one. Come to think of it haven't scene him in years...

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 12:18
by bob lico
this is the compound bow i use for hunting . arrow tip opens on contact to four razor blades ,tip is carbide arrow is graphite.

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 12:28
by bob lico
i has quite a few mounts but this is very unusual mount that i arrowed a few years back . i have never seen one again let alone get a bead on one.this is a non- typical whitetail deer. i will photo one of the bears if i get a chance. talking about dead stuff i have unbelivable shot taken with a cheap kodak 110 camara of viet cong shot at 400plus yards at night ,head shots only m-16 starlite scope.i am sure capt patrick would not appreciate this on his site so i will let it go.

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 16:36
by coolair
I think my buddy and his father-in-law took there first dear this year with bows.
is the brow tine broken or does he not have one? I probably haven't shot a whitetail in, 5+ years. Plenty of birds, hogs, and gofers though I bet thats a cool photo of the night shot. honestly the only thing i am really looking to kill at this point is a big hog with my 50cal, just haven't had the chance to go. curious as to the destruction it will cause. hopefully similar to a 17hmr and a gofer. haha

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 17:14
by bob lico
i sorry coolair i did not explain my self .the shot was taken at night when they came within the otter perrimeter. normally they try to turn the claymore mines around but we sent a trap wire like 1" off the ground to set off granades as a warning.the guys place a bet because that m-16 round would kick up dirt 10' in front because of trajectory so when you hold high at night you are looking into space . a real hard shot ,the photo was taken at first light.there are people offended by this so lets drop it.we lost a close friend the following week . sorry guys jane fonda is still a cu-t in my eyes!!!

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 17:59
by coolair

Posted: Nov 28th, '09, 18:09
by Charlie J
jane fonda
our urinals at the fire house still has her pic in them. and they get plenty of use

Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 20:08
by CaptPatrick
Speakin' of "Dead Stuff", some Texans have a real flair for huntin' Hogs. (We do take our gun games seriously down here...)



Posted: Dec 6th, '09, 23:49
by coolair
damn hogs!! i

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 08:59
by randall
seems a little unfair.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 09:53
by In Memory Walter K
Hope they're eaten.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 10:11
by Carl
walterk wrote:Hope they're eaten.
No their dead...they don't eat anymore.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 10:51
by CaptPatrick
Texas has an infestation of wild pig/hogs and they do untold damage to agricultural and ranch lands. They breed and multiply faster then rabbits, have very few natural predators to control populations, carry numerous diseases, and are riddled with parasites, making them a risky food source for humans.

Mostly, folks here put them on the same, or lower, level as Al-Qaeda. So there is no environmental reason not to declare Open Season on 'em...

A side benefit is that it gives the average hunter something to salve his blood lust on.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 11:08
by coolair
If you have ever ran a tractor through a pasture they have destroyed you will hate them forever. they literaly distroy everything in their path. they have also gotten bigger, and more agressive. defentaly wouldnt want to run into one unless you were armed.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 11:17
by randall
well ok then...

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 14:39
by AndreF
Hogs have struck a bad blow to Louisiana marshes too, rooting up the plants to get at roots and killing all the vegatation so the mud falls apart, like nutria but worse. Nutria now have a $5 bounty on them, for a 6" tail and it should have been in place for 20 years rather than the 2 or three it actually has been in place.
They do eat good tho as marsh hogs (like rabbits) don't have ticks or fleas- too wet.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 15:16
by jspiezio
I'm taking my son and nephew hog hunting in Alabama in the not too distant future. At 11 years old they were my first big game, shot with a Mannlicher Schoenauer in .358 caliber. My son will be shooting a .44 Ruger carbine.

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 23:07
by coolair
sweet, i remember the first time i shot a 44 lever action, my shoulder still hurts

i was watching monster quest, and they went to Alabama, crazy guys use the dogs and track them, then i guess cut there throats

Posted: Dec 7th, '09, 23:31
by mike ohlstein
Pit bulls and long knives. Now there's a pig stickin' party.....

I'm kind of partial to the .358 myself. I have a BLR that's ready for action. The only problem is that you have to load your own, or find someone who does custom loads.

I've used these guys...

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 18:19
by AndreF

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 20:59
by coolair
That is Freaking awesome!!!
i want a thermal scope!!!

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 21:21
by bob lico
i would imagine bruce could shed some light on this; how or where in the world do they get belts for a ww2 30cal machine.not the ammo that not a problem but go usuable 30 cal ammo belt??

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 21:24
by CaptPatrick
i want a thermal scope!!!
Hope you've got 3 or 4 thousand to spare.... The scopes that the Jager Team are using are their top of line stuff. The video is being shot from one of their thermal lens, probably the Thermal-Eye 250D w/ 100mm Lens. Only a paltry $17,566.00.

Jager Goodies


Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 21:36
by coolair
Ya, i know they are alot, i was gonna settle for a night scope, but one that can handle a 50 is still expensive as hell, put that on my wish list, along with some fully auto something or another
Bob, the internet is an amazing thing, and so are the gun shows. I am a avid gun enthusiast, and sometimes gun shows scare me. I mean they have a 20mm conversion for the Barrett. And the links are out there, they are there for the 50 too, in fact a lot of ammo is already sold with the link
Who new you could buy a armor piercing incendiary bullet for 223,50 cal, and 30mm Crazy stuff, but fun!

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 21:48
by bob lico
coolair i had the misforture many years ago of firing tracers at a the authority flip out when the 12" by 12" wood frames ignited.16 years old but already a wacko!!

Posted: Dec 8th, '09, 23:34
by coolair
Ya stupid range master, they always get pissy when you rapid fire or shoot crazy ammo. I saw these things somewhere, supposedly legal, they are exploding targets, when you hit them they go boom.