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Almost There on a 63 Express Cruiser

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 13:29
by hbMoppie
Gentlemen, a while back I asked for some advice on a potential purchase of a 62 (turned out to be a 63) Express Cruiser. For reasons that I don't need to get into, escrow has been longer than expected. Just did the sea trial saturday, and survey is tomorrow. I am excited about this purchase. I know she isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I think she's pretty darn cool. She ran great with her vulvas, though admittedly a little on the slower side (we maxed out at WOT at about 22 kts). Thought I'd post some pix...

I am thrilled about joined the ranks of B31 owners....

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 13:59
by Carl
Congradulations hbMoppie!!

I'm sure the survey will go well, its a Bertram after all.

22knots WOT, not a speed demon. But you should have a nice cruising speed, 18 knots or so I'd guess. Plenty fast unless you need to be someplace fast, AKA- fishing grounds.

IMHO, boat looks better with covers off.

Best of luck with her!!

_____have a name picked out yet?



Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 14:11
by hbMoppie
Thanks Carl. Yes she is quite eye-catching with the covers off. Got alot of looks cruising thru the harbor on our way out....

the name, well, this was part of the deal with the Mrs. If I got a boat, I'd name it after she's going to be christened....


Re: name

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 14:38
by Carl
hbMoppie wrote: Got alot of looks cruising thru the harbor on our way out....
31's turn heads, get used to it...

The name seems appropriate.

Best of luck to you and Grace!

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 16:15
by Ironman
nice boat.. Welcome to the group.

Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 18:02
by In Memory of Vicroy
Pretty boat. You will never regret becoming the Steward of a B31. An honor, not a chore.


Posted: Nov 5th, '09, 21:25
by Harry Babb
Really nice boat....welcome to our little Bertram world. I have an Express also.


Posted: Nov 6th, '09, 08:23
by Brewster Minton
Great looking boat. Welcome to "The Faithful".

Posted: Nov 6th, '09, 08:44
by jspiezio
She lloks great, and there is nothing wrong with a cruise of 18 knots.

Re: Almost There on a 63 Express Cruiser

Posted: Nov 6th, '09, 09:52
by JeremyD
hbMoppie wrote: She ran great with her vulvas, though admittedly a little on the slower side
Hee Hee -

Congrats - she's a beauty.

Congrats hbMoppie

Posted: Nov 8th, '09, 10:40
by Bertram Joe
Congrats hbMoppie! Get ready for lots of comments and visitors looking to see your B31 as you enter new ports.
Bertram Joe

Survey Results

Posted: Nov 9th, '09, 12:57
by hbMoppie
Survey went pretty well. Rudder posts need to be replaced, as there are signs of some leakage.

Other than that, boat seems to list to starboard for some reason that we can't figure out. Maybe the head, and galley adding a little weight to that side.

Posted: Nov 9th, '09, 13:30
by Carl
Rudder posts are not a big deal to replace, or if your lucky and have a machinist contact, a good trueing up a sleeve to tighten her up a bit, add some new packing and you may be good another 20-30 years.

Listing to Starbourd usually means my fridge is full and the head needs to be emptied. It doesn't take much to make these boats list a bit.

So all in all not a bad survey if that is all he could find...

Posted: Nov 10th, '09, 11:24
by Mikey
My personal belief is that the express is the prettiest, most practical 31.
Bet I can get Harry on board with that.
Amazing, Grace!