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Uncle Vic... will be cooking your butt today

Posted: Oct 17th, '09, 11:17
by IRGuy
I have started peeling garlic cloves so I can do another Boston Butt recipe.. having some boat people over for supper this evening. Your recipe is filed in my wife's records as "Uncle Vic's Butt".

When we serve it I will have everyone present make a toast to you, and your continued recovery. Maybe more than one toast. Probably several as dinner progresses!

Posted: Oct 17th, '09, 11:45
by Brewster Minton
How about some pics?

Posted: Oct 18th, '09, 16:47
by In Memory of Vicroy
Hope it turns out good. I boiled some shrimp last nige for the camp crowd and they ate them like locusts eat corn.....started with a premium product tho, some 16-20 white shrimp, heads on, that were caught around Venice in a skimmer net at night, so no trash or muddy taste from a bottom trawl......our son Capt. Brent brought us a bunch a few weeks ago and I froze them - again, heads on - in quart continers and filled with another old, old coonass trick - thaw the shrimp out very slowly, say in a frig over a couple of days...this destroys the "glue" that holds the meat to the shell, works for just about anything with a shell..crabs, lobster, of my patent atty. law partners got a patent on this process for LSU many years ago.....blast freeze and slow thaw is the trick.

Anyway, I boiled the shrimp in just salted water (used coarse sea salt) and put them in the boiling water for 4 & a half minutess, then removed from the heat and poured crused ice into the pot until the boil water cooled to below room temp, thus stopping the cooking....then let them soak for 20 minutes to soak up the salt....I normally use some crab boil but my mouth and throat are still not up to any sort of red pepper yet...the docs say it might be another year or so....but I've learned to cook without pepper, just using natural seasonings and everything tastes 10 times better.....pepper is sort of to disguise bad cooking?

"Winterized" AJ this morning....plugged in the block heaters and Air Dry 100 watt cabin heater and that's it. It was in the low 40s this morning....helluva change from the hot, humid summer from hell we've had...even built a big fire in the fireplace at the camp last nite....the guys (including The Minister de Pollo, who told me to say hi to you guys) sat around enjoying adult beverages and watched football while the girls chatted.

I'm watching the Boston football that what the North Pole looks like?


Posted: Oct 18th, '09, 18:01
by IRGuy
Brewster... was going to take some pics but my cheap digital camera was not working.. need to get a better one after using nthat one for 9 years.. it has seen a lot of use, so it deserves retirement.

UV... once again your recipe was a big hit.. but next time I will keep it in the oven less and in the barbecue longer.. and I have noted the shrimp comments for the next time we get fresh ones.

Glad to hear that you are getting back to normal.. whatever normal is these days.