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Bilge Pumps

Posted: Oct 10th, '09, 19:37
by Harry Babb
I have looked on the internet and have not seen an answer to this question...

Are "Rule" bilge pumps still actually manufactured here in the States?

Have any of you guys had experience with TMC bilge pumps?


Posted: Oct 11th, '09, 11:12
by Bruce
Rule has gotten into the Gore eco crap.

Its got eco friendly pumps which basicaly sense the rise in fluid in the bilge. the pump will only turn on if it senses water, not oil thus preventing the pumping of oil over board.

This is all well and good unless there is oil in the bilge and you develop a water leak. Since the pumps won't operate, the boat sinks and then the oil in the engines and gears along with the fuel from the tanks will float on the surface anyways.

Unintended consequences that nobody seems to get.

Posted: Oct 11th, '09, 12:04
by randall
hmmmmmm....that splains it. i always have a bit of oil in the water. can you say....manual override.

Posted: Oct 11th, '09, 20:40
by scot
That's stupid. Must we endure this for the rest of our lives. I wonder what they are going to do about naturally occurring tar balls that wash up on the beach?

I'm all for a cleaner world but allowing a vessel to sink because there is trace elements of hydrocarbons in the bilge is just stupid.

As Bruce stated the impact of ALL the vessels fluids being released far out weights the potential good that something like that could do. Where are the grown ups!!!!

Posted: Oct 11th, '09, 20:48
by In Memory Walter K
Farting will soon be illegal.

Posted: Oct 12th, '09, 22:30
by Capt. DQ
Walter, destroys the ozone layer by farting, thought you knew. LOL

Posted: Oct 13th, '09, 14:59
by Mikey
Farting illegal!!?!?!?? I'll be in the big house soon.

Posted: Oct 13th, '09, 16:43
by In Memory Walter K
That's why it will be illegal...destroys the ozone layer. The EPA will get you...then the DEC...followed by NOAA. It's a losing battle and a set-up for civil disobedience.