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Posted: Oct 2nd, '06, 20:39
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Gentlemen. As of today, I started my retirement from the petro-chemical industry (my "day job"), after 38 wonderful years. I am retiring early, because I started early, when I was barely 18. Now that I have told the regular paycheck to kiss my ass, I will have a lot more time for fishing, working on my B31, and writing. Also got my back fixed, sort of.

I'm so happy already, Timmy's threat of sending me a hurricane doesn't bother me (his mixing up a hurricane with a tornado sort of does).

Maybe I'll put those thru-hull lights on Black Sheep. They sound real useful. Ernest, for instance, will be able to use them for work lights at night on Lil ' Bert, since he keeps it in a sling.

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 07:12
by Brewster Minton
your a lucky man. Enjoy your time.

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 07:30
by mike ohlstein
Congratulations Mike.

Work less, fish more.


Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 08:42
by thuddddddd
tomato, ta'mato, whatever.
good luck, now you'll have time to visit the fozen northeast

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 09:21
by Hyena Love
Congrads on the retirement. Best days of working for a living are the first day and the last day.

Let me know when you want to do some fishing. Cool weather months are rapidly approaching. The wahoo are going to be thick at the shelf, and the floaters will be covered up with tuna. Be more than happy to re-introduce you to the world of blue water fishing.

Pass on the underwater lights. They are for fishing. No reason to add them to a floating motorhome. Plus, running them at the dock just makes you look like a poser.


Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 09:27
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Thanks, guys. Timmy, I better visit it when it isn't frozen. I'm a whuss when it comes to cold weather. Ernest, let me know any time you are going. I have to replace some deck hatch braces on Black Sheep, then finish my fighting chair beef-up, and I'm ready to go, I guess. Got two bent butt 80's ready, and I'm currently building two 50-80 standup rods for my Shimano 50 TLD's. At this point in my writing career, I need pictures, pictures, pictures. To get them, I have to follow Vic's advice to fish (take pictures of same) where they live!

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 15:22
by Pete Fallon
Congrats on your retirement, now enjoy yourself, are you going to be at Lauderdale show.

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 15:43
by Capt. DQ
Congrats Capt. Mike,

Enjoy it!


Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 17:01
by JohnD
Congrats Capt. Mike

You know what they say...."Work is for those who don't know how to FISH"

(still at work...)

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 19:48
by CaptPatrick
Capt Mike,

Congratulations on reaching a great landmark!




Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 19:53
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Thanks again, guys. Pete, doubt I'll make it this year, too much with house and boat repairs, etc. I'll miss it, for sure.

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 21:45
by Rob C
I still want you to teach me to master the boat. Congrats!!! Call if you ever need a GREAT deck hand. I will pay to work. I can fish most anytime and I mean ANYTIME!!
Rob Cromie

Posted: Oct 3rd, '06, 21:56
by DanielM
Congratulations Mike, I hope the house comes along well.


Posted: Oct 4th, '06, 04:00
by wahoo39

Congrats on your new status in the KMA Club.

Hope to see you in FL?


Posted: Oct 4th, '06, 06:50
by bob lico
mike the best of life is yet to come .stay healthy and congradulations.


Posted: Oct 4th, '06, 07:38
by Capt. Mike Holmes
Rob - I'll take you up on that offer, but you don't have to pay. Email me your phone numbers to I have some deck hatch braces to replace, and a couple of other small projects to finish before I'm ready to take paying customers, but have a lot more time to work on it now.

Bob - thanks. I'm looking at it the same way. Like most, made a lot of mistakes in my life, took a lot of wrong turns. Finally figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up, which sort of involves NOT growing up, I guess. Time to make more of those dreams come true.

ANYBODY who finds themselves along the upper Texas coast needs to get in touch locally, and we'll fish, boat ride, eat seafood, - maybe even raise a glass or two.