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Hurricane Ivan Anniversary

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 22:34
by Capt. DQ
Well right about now as of the time of this posting Parts of AL & FL where just starting to get their asses kicked by Hurricane Ivan 5 yrs ago....then about 1-2am in the early morning we were really getting our butts kicked. I hope and pray that I'm never that stupid to stay again. One ride I care not to do again EVER!...thats why we have insurance, take my advice when cat 3 or higher comes near you...get the hell outta there.


Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 22:44
by Harry Babb
Although not in immediate danger I remember that night very well Doug......The eye came right over Fairhope....first time I ever experienced the eye of a that was really calm I cannot even describe it....

I also remember the night Fredrick came thru.....very well.....and that was 30 years ago.....Frederick smacked Fairhope pretty hard.....

Planning a Tuna trip.....lets don't jinks it.......


Posted: Sep 17th, '09, 13:08
by AndreF
Ivan's the one that broke up the walkway from the Marina to the lightlouse at Port Eads, meaning you had to go by boat to get to the lighthouse. Wayne and Roy couldn't make it by boat to the lighthouse for shelter during Katrina the next year and were lost overboard forever.