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What's Next?

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 12:19
by Pete Fallon
Been a strange couple of weeks for me. I drove up to Salem, Ma. from Florida to get the experts(Doctors) opinion on what's going on with my knee.
As many of you know I've had 12 operations and 2 total knee replacements on my right leg, just found out that the total rotating platform knee that was put in on Sept 05 is defective, they stopped using that implant 2 months after I had mine put in and it has to be completely replaced, due to degrading plastic component. Had an appointment to have it replaced in late October in Ft.Lauderdale.

Then last Thursday night I had a heart attack, 80% blockage in my right coronary artery, they put a stent in and doctor's said I was lucky, no other damage to my heart. Stop smoking and watch what I eat. Had to cancel knee job for 4 months until everything settles down.

Just hope nothing else happens next week? Maybe I'll play the lottery. Doing Ok, I 'll be in Massachusetts until the first part of October atleast.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 12:40
by In Memory of Vicroy
Damn Pete, forget about the knee and take care of the ticker.....if there is anything we can do, know we will be there to help.


Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 13:54
by Bruce
Good to hear the heart attack didn't damage anything.

On the knee, I'd be looking elsewhere for medical advice since they haven't got it right yet.

Unless your going to the Cleveland clinic in Weston, Ft Lauderdale isn't exactly known for great health care.

You need the boat looked after for any reason let me know and I'll run out there for ya.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 15:25
by tunawish

Though we've never met I'm in Swampscott next door. If there is anything I can do e-mail, as I check it often.

Only word of advice medically is stay away from Salem Hospital, and get yourself into Boston..

Good Luck..


Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 15:57
by jspiezio
bruce wrote: Pete,
Good to hear the heart attack didn't damage anything.

On the knee, I'd be looking elsewhere for medical advice since they haven't got it right yet.

Unless your going to the Cleveland clinic in Weston, Ft Lauderdale isn't exactly known for great health care.

You need the boat looked after for any reason let me know and I'll run out there for ya.
tunawish wrote:Pete,

Though we've never met I'm in Swampscott next door. If there is anything I can do e-mail, as I check it often.

Only word of advice medically is stay away from Salem Hospital, and get yourself into Boston..

Good Luck..

Two very good pieces of advice. Cleveland Clinic is a fantastic system and Boston has some of the best hospitals in the world. No reason to go to anything less when your life is involved.

I am glad that you are still okay, let's try to keep it that way.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 17:08
by Capt. DQ
Glad to hear no damage to your heart, very lucky indeed. They will probably have you on plavex for the next 18 months or so, or for the rest of your life depending on your age. Smoking creates plague, so thats out for sure especially with a stent now. Did you get a reg. stent or drug eluded stent? Some brands of stents are better than others, do you know which brand they put in? Hope everything goes ok for you. Sorry about your knee, I know that gonna suck again.


Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 17:57
by Pete Fallon
Thanks for the words of wisdom. Right now everything is going good.
DQ, I'm on Plavix for atleast 4 months, the stent is a non medicated Abbott cobalt chromium 3.5mm x 28mm job.

Tunawish, I went to Salem Hospital, their cardiac unit is now part of Mass General. Less than 1 1/2 hours from the time I got to the ER to the cath lab, stent in to CCU recoverey. Great staff can't say enough about how quickly everything went.

UV & Bruce, Thanks, right now boat is OK, the set back on knee replacement might be a blessing in disguse.

Time to eat and then take a nap, didn't get more than 6 hours of sleep the entire three days in the hospital.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 18:04
by JK

Feel good about at least two things. First the Abbott Vision stent is the best bare metal stent in the business. Second, you have a large sized vessel which is a good thing.


Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 18:49
by Bruce

As long as the shave before the cath lab was performed by a female nurse your good to go.

If it was a male nurse, your gay now.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 19:57
by Charlie J
glad to hear your doing well, sucks getting old, tell me about it, took my daughter up to boston hospital years ago, 1st class operation they were great.

Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 20:20
by Harry Babb
Sorry to hear you are having serious health issues, but I am really glad that your heart attack did not leave you with permanent heart damage.

My mother had similar experience with a knee replacment about 15 years fun I am sure.

Keep up the positive attitude......


Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 20:30
by CaptPatrick
Hang in there, Buddy... Maybe, just maybe, the knee will get fixed for good this time. Glad your heart attack wasn't more severe. Good luck on kickin' the smokes.



Posted: Sep 14th, '09, 21:33
by In Memory Walter K
Pete-Glad all has worked out OK. Having had a stent put in 5 years ago, they are a medical miracle. I was awake during the whole procedure with the doctor humming while it was going on. Then, "ahhh, I see where the problem is...I can fix that for you Walter...done!". I couldn't believe it. Sorry about the defective knee kit. Made in China? Find another Orthopedic Surgeon. You've gone through enough hell without having defective parts installed. Walter

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 06:17
by Pete Fallon
Bruce: The shaving was done by a FEMALE nurse, not BUBBA, although I think she used ACETONE instead of alcohol to clean up, talk about a burning sensation IEEEE!.

Walter: I was wide awake also, no sedation at all. Doc says this might hurt a little when he inserted the catheter into the groin, I think he used a de-boning tool instead of a scapel. Worst part was not being able to move my right leg and lift my head up for 2 hours, while the blow-out patch in the artery sealed up. My upper thigh is purple, yellow, black, blue and a few shades of color that I never saw before. The knee implant is made by Depuy(Johnson & Johnson) Colbat Chrome with Durlin plastic insert. Specially machined 1" longer than normal becuase of removal of the first implant.

UV: do you want some work? Maybe a class action suit?

Tunawish: Where do you keep your 31, Salem, Marblehead or Swampscott, A friend told me that there is a real pretty 31 at Hawthorne Cove, is that yours?.

Pat: Feeling good this AM, no smoking, gone 5 days without having a butt, chewing alot of sugarless gum, thankful I've got false choppers, don't need to buy the dentist another Mercedes AMG.

Looks like the strippers are busting the bait fish just behind the house, I'm feeling good enough to cast a plug out to try and catch some lunch.

Thanks to everyone for the encouraging posts!!.

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 06:49
by Carl
I won't make light of ticker problems...but today they perform some medical miracles on those pumps and support systems. Seems like everyone I know has one...or two.

Glad your doing well, all things considered.


Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 07:32
by tunawish

A 31?? I wish ..I only have a 20 Bahia Mar and it's in Swampscott Harbor


Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 07:43
by Rawleigh
Sounds like they have you on the right track Pete. Hope you feel better soon.

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 08:13
by Dug

Holy moly! You have certainly had your share. I am very glad you are ok, and on the mend. And glad it was not any worse.

Please toot the horn if there is anything I can do for you. Say the word.

Keep up the strength, mental will, and positive attitude. I know you didn't sound like you had run out of fight at all when we talked a couple weeks ago.

On the project we discussed, no movement as of yet. You will be one of the first to know!!!

Get well,


Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 08:48
by mike ohlstein
sim wrote:Pete,
I won't make light of ticker problems..
OK, I will........

Bruce, please haul ass up there and make sure those morons plumb Pete's heart properly. You know, wire reenforced hose on the suction side. Stuff like that......

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 09:10
by Bruce
Unfortunatly the wire in todays hoses will rust leading to Pete pissing a rust brown.

I'm in the lab right now trying to wrap some monel wire around the best hose I can find at Home Depot. Should be a go in a day or two.

I can use hose from Lowes, but really only women shop there.

Take it easy with that cath plug in till it heals. Otherwise the "family" could go for an unexpected walk.

My second one took 6 months before I could no longer feel a lump. They were rooting around for what felt like days laying on that table trying to "tickle" my heart back to normal.

Didn't work, they had to zap me with the paddles.

I kept telling people at parties the doctor gave me a 3rd testicle, wanna feel?

Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 14:16
by JohnD

Sorry to hear what's going on, good to hear you still got your sense of humor.

Hang in there, this too will pass & we're pulling for you.


Posted: Sep 15th, '09, 16:36
by Tommy

I thank the Lord that you're still with us and doing reasonably well; and part of the thanks is for the great medical staff that was available to tend to you in your time of need. With all the great technical/mechanical advice on this Board, we keep our boats up to snuff; and with all the great medical advice here, we're counting on assisting the medical pros in getting you back to a 100%. Seriously though, we are terribly sorry that you're going through these trials. As UV offered, please let us know of anything we can do to offer assistance.


Posted: Sep 16th, '09, 10:55
by Pete Fallon
Getting stronger everyday, blow-out patch bruising on the groin area is changing colors daily, looking like a lit-up Mahi-mahi. Patrick, Still off the cigarettes, chewing gum like goat. Bruce, black wire- reinforced hose with zip ties works just as good. No one hung Lowe's for me. Thanks again for all the kind words from everyone. Is anyone going to stay at the Flop House during the Lauderdale Boat Show?

Posted: Sep 16th, '09, 17:49
by Bruce
anyone going to stay at the Flop House during the Lauderdale Boat Show
You mean they are actualy going to put on a show?

Last years was a disaster, things have only gotten worse.