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Port Eads news

Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 21:34
by In Memory of Vicroy
Following up on Doug Q's son - a fishing guide down that way - says that it's true that FEMA is giving the Parish $12.5 million to repair Port Eads after Katrina. He knows one of the few guys that has a houseboat in what's left of the marina and he got a letter from the Parish a few days ago telling him he must remove his houseboat from the marina while the construction is going on. It is presumed that the Parish will operate the marina vs. leasing it out as they had done before to the Scarabin family.

Is there another UVI in the cards?


Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 22:22
by Capt. DQ
Thanks UV for verifying the skinny on that news, I need to start groveling for a spot if they build a new painkiller lodge...seeing how you put that question out there about another possible Port Eads UVI.


Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 22:56
by Harry Babb
Uncle Vic wrote:Is there another UVI in the cards?
Lets hope so


Posted: Aug 19th, '09, 09:12
by JohnCranston
What's the status on South Pass? Is it still not maintained by the State? It's kind of creepy coming in there in the middle of the night.

Posted: Aug 19th, '09, 13:35
by In Memory of Vicroy
John - it was fixed up real good by the CG after Katerina and the east jetty is now several feet out of the water even at high tide. Much easier than before.

If they get the marina back up and running my thoughts are we all chip in and rent a quarters barge for a week and I'll get a cook, etc. We shall see....too early to grovel.


Posted: Aug 19th, '09, 20:13
by Garry

I am hopeful for the return of PE, but something about $12.5 mil and Parish Government makes me question whether it will ever happen. Guess I have lived in south La too long....
