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Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 12:36
by CaptPatrick

Can't hazard a guess as to the function of your machine, but you've got my curiosity peaked...


Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 12:41
by Harry Babb
Carl wrote:you've got my curiosity peaked
Me to......looks like pretty expensive counter weights on the lever.....


Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 13:35
by Charlie J
iam going to say some kind of measuring device.

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 14:50
by pacific marlin
That guy needs to take bath or something,that is one bad swarm of mossys or flys or maybe the transporter's not working too well, where's Scotty?

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 16:37
by AndreF
Is it off the space shuttle?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 07:31
by Rawleigh
Is it to get the last drop out of the ketcup bottle???

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 08:19
by Brewster Minton
It throws pumpkins?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 08:22
by White Bear
I'll guess it is for some form of astronomical observation device, radio or telescope.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 08:40
by Buju
Perpetual motion machine?

Orbital bombardment equitiorial mount defense system?

Death Ray?

Prototype handheld GPS?

Shock & awe leather belt hole puncher?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 09:30
by Preston Burrows

Your thought process scares me man....................did you see the movie 'District 9' yet ?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 09:44
by IRGuy
After studying the pic for about 30 seconds I have concluded...

It is a chain link fence straightener!

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 10:32
by scot
It's a warp drive inverter.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 10:48
by Buju
cockpit mounted auto-gaff?

Giraffe/Elephant artificial insemeninator?

Worlds most impressive tooth extractor?

Chain link fence destroyer?

Preston, haven't seen it... you recommend it?
Looks like we might have some weather to deal with next week & perhaps the next weekend as well. Tis the season.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 11:04
by Mikey
The purpose of this device is obscured by the swarm of white flies. Note where the two parts converge at the front of the operator. Got it now?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 11:13
by CaptPatrick
One hellofa' big compass for accurately laying out extreme radiuses, segments, and circles...

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 13:51
by Capt.Frank
Is it a HDTV antenna??

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 13:59
by Skipper Dick
It looks like a decraminator to me

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 14:00
by pacific marlin
Y'all are talking nonesense, It's a thingamajig.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 14:09
by Capt.Frank
I know it's a thingamabob you use it with the whatyamacallit.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 14:21
by JeremyD

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 14:24
by Buju
specially designed motion picture camera mount, for a specific pan/angle/shot?

Modern art to symbolize industry harmonizing with society?

Door knocker?

4000psi articulated gutter cleaner?

Bottle opener?

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 19:10
by Ed Curry
I don't know what you would call it but I believe its used to sexually stimulate the woman you wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole.

Posted: Aug 15th, '09, 19:22
by randall
ok...thats funny!!

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 18:35
by Harv
Brewster Minton wrote:It throws pumpkins?
I's a pumkin chunker.

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 18:49
by neil
brewster that thing casts sinkers off the beach while surffishing

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 18:56
by scenarioL113

Someone has really invented a "better mousetrap".

Posted: Aug 17th, '09, 10:48
by Hueso
automatic outrigger?

stir straw to stir "brewster's rendezvous juice"?

Posted: Aug 17th, '09, 11:49
by Carl
I enjoyed those answers...for a women I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole...LOL, funny stuff.

Anyway this thing


is a Real Big Rendition of one of these.


Just a Big Pentograph.

So what was it used for...

A movie prop, the "Killer" used it to distort a regular size painting onto a large canvas. The setup was the "Killer" would dip the brush (attached to the end) into the victims body cavity using the blood for paint.

It took a month to design, build and debug the unit so it would work thru the entire range of motion and swing to and from the canvas under the control of one person. All that for a few second shot in a horrible movie. Still it was a very cool job.

Posted: Aug 17th, '09, 14:06
Absolutly a devise to propell things [pumpkins/x-wives/surf casting]
I would spell it but i dont know how.....Trapoche

Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 09:46
by MarkS
This is the tool they used to determine where to put the kiddie pool!

Stupid people shouldn't breed!


Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 12:07
by Rawleigh
Just goes to show that it is better to be lucky than smart!!! Here is what happens when you get it wrong!!

And if you don't kill someone the first time, try again!!

Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 12:36
by chris pague
Only thing bothers me is that a power line in the pic? What does the next series of pics show and are we sure that the white flyes is in fact the guys hair is on fire?

Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 14:21
by Mikey
Curry gets my vote.
Prop for a few seconds in a flick I would believe as I have seen such tripe. Still like Ed's best.
O.K., let's move on!

Posted: Aug 18th, '09, 15:01
by Carl's just a working prop.

Thats not a powerline in the pic, but a phone line and not half as close as it looks to that Pentograph.

Posted: Aug 19th, '09, 04:33
by Charlie J
the wire is tel, or cable

Posted: Aug 19th, '09, 07:07
by Carl
Telephone & 10' away