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Hancock's Half Tower

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 13:35
by CaptPatrick
Stage is set for a dry fit on Hancock's half tower... Tower weighs in at just over 200# and the new boom extension has been tested to 300#, actual load limit is around 400#

Yup, JP, it finally actually got here............




Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 15:08
by Bob H.
Now thats a cherry picker....Texas style...are those plumbing fittings? When you work alone you get pretty creative...and THATS creative.

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 15:10
by John F.
Nice looking 1/2 tower.

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 15:48
by CaptPatrick
Now thats a cherry picker....Texas style...are those plumbing fittings? When you work alone you get pretty creative...and THATS creative.

The hard top is bolted down to the pipe with 1/4" machine screws. I removed the 4 corner bolts for the bridle points. I TIG fused 1/4" hex head bolts to 3/8" bolts, head to head. The pipe bushings are just spacers because the 3/8" bolts weren't fully threaded.

I built the crane originally to be able to remove the old gassers and install the 4LHA Yanmars, but the reach wasn't long enough to accomodate the tower, so added an 8' extension that bolts up to the original end. I welded a reciever to the end of the extension and mounted a 2,000# ATV winch.

Got an associates degree in Redneck Engineering from UofH...


Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 15:58
by Bob H.
What is the color combo on Hancocks boat? Top and "crane" look great. BH

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 16:02
by CaptPatrick
Oh, and my safety fitting for the hitch to the Jeep? Looks like this:


Bolts up after the hookup and won't allow the trailer hitch to rise more than 3/16" with out removing it...

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 16:04
by CaptPatrick
Colors haven't been set in stone yet, but probably Oyster White hull and topsides...

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 17:19
by randall
man...even the jury rigged stuff is clean in thought and execution. nice !!!

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 21:12
by Tony Meola
As usual everything is a work of art.

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 22:06
by Ironman
Thats a good way not havin a a forklift.. Hey I love the saftey on the hitch.. Ive had issues with the ball type.. Now I use the pintle (G.I.) style

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 22:16
by CaptPatrick
Had that type of draw bar in mind, just didn't want to drive 20 miles round trip an spend another $50. Hour n' a half and scrap metal layin' around. I don't need much excuse to fire up the welder...

Posted: Aug 13th, '09, 22:42
by tunawish
Hey Randall

It's true what you say about Capt. Pat. it's absolutely amazing the stuff that comes out of that address..
But kinda makes you wish you hadn't posted that re-torquing trailer pic about now doesn't it....!!!!



Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 00:54
by JohnCranston
Captain Patrick,
Is that U of H engineering ?, or Prayerview engineering?

Just kidding.
Who built the tower?

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 01:03
by JohnCranston
I meant Prarieview...sorry.

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 07:30
by randall
tunawish wrote:Hey Randall

It's true what you say about Capt. Pat. it's absolutely amazing the stuff that comes out of that address..
But kinda makes you wish you hadn't posted that re-torquing trailer pic about now doesn't it....!!!!


nah...........its about getting the job done. it dosent have to be pretty.......its just in patrick's case............... it always is.

i'm known in some circles as the worlds foremost expert on the use of duct tape. (upgraded recently to "gorrilla" tape)

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 09:30
by JP Dalik
Looks like he nailed it Capt.

Go over any of the electrical connections that were made as they will probably have a standard butt connector with no shrink tubing.

Regarding the aluminum plate- this is the finished product (early in the project) we talked about yesterday (no through bolts to hold water and scrape your head on). The other thing is that down the road you may need to add some support on the rocket launcher. You can see the 2 legs that were added on ours (barely). We carry mostly 50's and 80's and withouth the extra support there was a noticeable "harmonic"


Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 09:49
by Rawleigh
JohnCranston wrote:
or Prayerview engineering?
John: From the length of the cherrypicker I think you you were right the first time!!!!

Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 10:37
by CaptPatrick

From the other images it does look a bit delicate... To make the extension I used three 8' sections of 1" schedule 40 steel pipe bundled and welded. A fourth piece of pipe is captured mechanically and tensioned to act as a torsion bar on top. This configuration changes the downward force from straight down to oblique through the length of the bundle.

All and all, it handles the weight of the tower without even working up a sweat...




Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 10:50
by Harry Babb
Pat.....want a job???

......not working for me in production but teaching some of the MIT engineering grad's some common sense applicaiton

Simple, effective and best of all it works....what else could a gal want???

I really admire you


Posted: Aug 14th, '09, 10:55
by Rawleigh
Capt. Pat: Knowing you I knew you had the engineering all worked out, but I couldn't resist! Very ingenious i might add (as usual)!!

Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 15:32
by CaptPatrick
Well, the redneck cherry picker, dubbed by Bruce, & better known as T-Rex, worked flawlessly to hoist Hancock's tower onto the boat. This was a prefitting run to mark the necessary placements and drill the holes for the wire chases. Two guys helping, up, positioned, drilled, marked, and back down in under 2 hours...






Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 15:57
by Buju
Damn shes a good lookin boat...
And thats saying something if it's still in the ugly duckling color scheme.
Pretty sure my heartrate increased a bit looking at the pics. Gonna be an incredible 31.

Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 16:11
by chris pague
Going and check my Lottery #s That is sweet.

Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 20:15
by scenarioL113
I am such an amateur.......that is some work in progress.....sigh!!!!!

Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 20:53
by Harv
CaptPatrick wrote:Oh, and my safety fitting for the hitch to the Jeep? Looks like this:


Bolts up after the hookup and won't allow the trailer hitch to rise more than 3/16" with out removing it...
Looks like a poor man's pintle hook.

Posted: Aug 20th, '09, 22:37
by CaptPatrick
Looks like a poor man's pintle hook.
Made it from scrap around the shop in less time than a round trip to town, not to mention the $50 saved for a "real" hitch...

Posted: Aug 21st, '09, 09:25
by Bertramp
That IS sweet .... LOTTO, come on ... I've been picking right numbers for years, you keep missin'

Posted: Aug 21st, '09, 12:31
by CaptPatrick
Configured for transport in the cockpit when the time comes... Top will ride forward facing the engine boxes. Higest point 2" below the coaming on the bridge.





Posted: Aug 26th, '09, 22:42
by DavidDW
Looks great Patrick.

How is flybridge access going to be achieved with the half tower rocket launcher spanning the width of the bridge?

I'm trying to decide the best way to accomplish this on my boat.

She looks very nice.

Posted: Aug 27th, '09, 07:47
by CaptPatrick
Thanks David,

No ladder to the flybridge. The pilaster will have the chrome over bronze step to assist coming up from the side.