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Live from Rhode Island! ! !

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 14:28
by Harry Babb
















Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 16:16
by In Memory Walter K
It was great to see you there Harry! A good time was had by all! Walter

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 16:56
by Harv
Looks like I missed a good one!!
Why does it look like Brewastr's boat is off in a corner all by itself?

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 17:09
by mike ohlstein
We had to keep him down wind.....

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 17:21
by Bob H.
He was down wind but the Bertram "juice" kept the boys coming back...had a GREAT time... group pic is a classic...Gif & Dug did a bang up job puttin this together...

Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 20:26
by Capt. DQ
Man...the best thing I see you took a picture of Harry...was that lobster! You can bring some of those bad boys home with ya if you don't mine. Thats a hell'va group shot there...I must say. A lot of good looking B31's too.


Posted: Aug 9th, '09, 22:11
by Harv
mike ohlstein wrote:We had to keep him down wind.....
That's what I figured.
But doesn't all that Petron make the smell less noticable?

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 05:50
by Charlie J
glad to finnally meet you, giff and dug thanks for putting it together, sorry i had i bail out early, had to catch the 3:30 ferry, any way great to see everyone again, stay well

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 06:51
by gplume
Thanks all for attending. You can't have a great event without great people! Got a little feedback on the bagpipes...nothing serious, we're still welcome. Yup, that Bertam "brew juice" tooks its toll....I figure it'll be Tuesday before I back to 100%.

Those with mail order shirts...I'll get them in the mail today or tomorrow.

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 07:28
by Brewster Minton
It was awsome to see everyone. Giff and Dug did a great job setting everything up. It was the only free time I have had in a year and could not have spent it better.

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 08:44
by Tommy

Thanks for sharing the photos with those of us who could not attend. It's clear that ya'll had a blast. So, who owns the serious fishing machine, Cormorant Princess? And bagpipes, huh? Like the boat itself, you guys are classics!


Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 09:27
by Carl
I was thinking I have to make it my business to get me to one of those Bertram Shindigs, but if your gonna be playing the bagpipes...

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 09:38
by randall
tommy...that would be brewster's..


sorry to miss it...first one ive missed in years ...glad everyone had a great time.

Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 10:24
by Dug
It was a great get together! Gif did a spectacular job of tending to the required and inevitable details presented by a party like this. It was seamless. And a blast!

The facility was first class too. Clean docks, immaculate restrooms, a great pool. But most important was the company. It was great to see everyone, and the new faces too!

Now, the bagpipes, I will plead the fifth. Not my music, not my boat. I'm surprised the feedback wasn't more forthcoming, but I will say Gerard was in his element which was a wonderful thing to see.

Maybe a good place to repeat?

It was a great weekend, that's for sure.


Posted: Aug 10th, '09, 14:28
by Charlie J
so who walked away with all the prizes, timmy again

Posted: Aug 11th, '09, 19:14
by Bob H.
JPs kid got a few prizes then he snagged a nice bass from under Duck Soup..good fisherman.BH

Posted: Aug 11th, '09, 19:51
by Charlie J
thats what i like to hear

Posted: Aug 11th, '09, 21:57
by In Memory Walter K
Bob-Sent the book yesterday. Walter

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 15:01
by neil
harry it was a pleasure to meet ya,we just got home yesterday we spent the whole week traveling and drinking brewster juice neil and family

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 21:01
by dougl33
Did Timmy behave himself?

Posted: Aug 16th, '09, 21:06
by Harry Babb
Likewise Neil....I enjoyed my visit very much....

I came back pretty pumped up....worked on DeNada yesterday and again today....I have been sanding fiberglass....tonight I am ITCHY and bitchy....but it will be worth it in the end

I may have actually caught a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel today.....

Tonight Jo Ann and I grilled fresh TUNA steaks while sipping wine and snacking on cheese......another reason to get the ole gal back in the water.

On another post I read something about the price of fish per pound.... as near as I can tell I will be paying nearly $3800.00/ pound for mackrel...LOL...when this monster is complete
