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Chris pulls it out!

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 12:05
by Mikey
What a whopper!

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 13:21
by chris pague
Yepp and no skid marks Came out head first
Thanks Mikey you now owe me a clear

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 13:57
by Charlie J
is that a keeper down there, ours have to be 21.5 ''

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 14:18
by randall
really? we been going with 21 all summer . no wonder we get more keepers. i took a client flukin yesterday and he caught a similar fish. his first fish ever on a home made walter k lure. yes...we have pictures (well he does)!!

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 14:29
by Rawleigh
I think ours are supposed to be 19" to keep, but then Chris probably has his girlfriend convinced that 4" is really a foot anyway!!!

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 16:06
by chris pague
Yea Found out Mikey and Jo were in together on this picture thing? Yes the metric system does many thing their Big R

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 17:29
by scooter28
here in the bay its 16.5 and the alantic part of ocean city is 18"

but then again thats maryland laws i know virginia's are different

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 17:30
by Charlie J
you are correct 21'', just shows how often i fish for fluke

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 19:10
by randall
its the only inshore fish i kill....i love to eat em.

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 21:27
by Ironman
24" out here... unless your talkin sandabs.

Posted: Aug 4th, '09, 21:53
by scenarioL113
cwj wrote:randall
you are correct 21'', just shows how often i fish for fluke
I thought they were 14"!

Just kidding but they were that about 10 years ago!

Posted: Aug 5th, '09, 08:11
by randall
frank....thats exactly what they were 10 years ago.(limit 7 per i think) at least now a keeper is dinner for four. on a recent trip we threw back 40 to keep 5. none shorter than 14. limit 2 per so we didnt get there.

Posted: Aug 5th, '09, 10:02
by Mikey
I think that is a legal fish. Remember Chris is nine foot four so in comparison . . .

Patrick Thanks for the avatar for Chris. Almost looks like him.

Posted: Aug 5th, '09, 15:26
by chris pague
Mikey; Me thinks you and Jo set me up for this shot? Talk about a bad hair day! Whats worse is the fact there is not much there to begin with.
Still your Buddy.
Yes if 10 mm equals one inch then the fish is a keeper at 22 inchs

Posted: Aug 5th, '09, 16:02
by CaptPatrick
Talk about a bad hair day!
Don't fret Chris, I gave you a toupee...

Posted: Aug 5th, '09, 17:56
by chris pague
Thanks Capt Pat. In a matter of 34 mins I got hair. Can you beat that.

Posted: Aug 6th, '09, 09:02
by Rawleigh
Too funny! You are a good sport chris!!

Posted: Aug 6th, '09, 17:01
by Mikey
Hair!?!? What's hair?

Posted: Aug 6th, '09, 18:06
by chris pague
Mikey? Hair does not make the man, the man is what he is. Now I know Cap Pat did some very wonderful Burt look alike for my behalf but some should not throw many rocks at glass if they care to keep the house warm.

Posted: Aug 6th, '09, 19:34
by CaptPatrick
Couldn't look at that rug any longer. Just gave you a little trim around the sides. If Mikey jerks your chain too bad, I still have the image of him in the mess hall at Port Eads with no hat and a hunk of food in his mouth...

Posted: Aug 7th, '09, 11:31
by Mikey
not an unusual pose.