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new winshield & interior

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:35
by bob lico
here is the interior looking toward v-berth .small corian counter and raised panel teak doors are not in yet

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:37
by bob lico

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:39
by bob lico
the new temper glass limo tint is frameless , coosa board molded in with expoxy.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:43
by bob lico
close up of windshield shows no seam whatsoever .both top and bottom of composite windshield is bolted and pressured expoxy was pump in.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:48
by bob lico
viewed from a distance windshield appears to be part of the boat makeup like molded from factory.i ended up painting top half of boat .a new learning experiance but the boat was inside in a controlled area (heated).

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:53
by randall
very, very, very nice work

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 16:58
by In Memory Walter K
Beautiful job Bob, no room for fish scales though. Your crew better be neat! Congratulations. Walter

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 17:06
by luis
Very nice work. Can you put a picture showing the outside of the side windows ? I like those windows.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 17:23
by bob lico
luis here is a picture under construction .outside is also frameless blended into the hull.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 17:29
by Harv
Looks better every time Bob!!

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 17:38
by bob lico
harv you get better we can build one just like it for you.once you touch the hot stove you don`t do it again. i had absolutely no intentions of painting my own boat . my friend bob from oakdale yacth was overwelm with work so he would walk thru and give me a tip also loan me a gold 700.00 battery pwered electronic monitered spay gun!!! made for novice like me!!!! 49.00 for a roll of this round tape that leaves no line wow all kinds of new stuff.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 18:06
by randall
tell me about the tape.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 18:20
by bob lico
randall there is a round adhesive tape made by 3m called 1/2" dr aperture tape . it`s used by pro`s to make paint " fade" in a adjacent area like if you wanted to paint the windshield and not have a distinct paint tape line.i could not believe it took me 3 days to tape the boat this guy would not except any DIY methods .stupid thing like remove all the protective plastic i just tape on because i have to use " painters plastic which is static charge and contains about the million dollar tape that goes around courners or radius areas . i had to practice on carboard sheets until i got the feel .then the can of imron i received when the boat was painted two years ago did not match. sand the boat down and do it again!plenty of practice!!!!

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 19:23
by JP Dalik
Looks like you spent allot of time Bob.

Will the drapes and carpet match the cushions?? (LOL)

We can complain all want but its nice when the ladies jump on board and want to stay for awhile.

I always thought that one good wife day on the boat equaled a minimum a 3 fish days for me without a dirty look. Of course I've been wrong before.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 19:29
by CaptPatrick
Lookin' real good, Bob!

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 19:51
by Harv
bob lico wrote:harv you get better we can build one just like it for you.once you touch the hot stove you don`t do it again. i had absolutely no intentions of painting my own boat . my friend bob from oakdale yacth was overwelm with work so he would walk thru and give me a tip also loan me a gold 700.00 battery pwered electronic monitered spay gun!!! made for novice like me!!!! 49.00 for a roll of this round tape that leaves no line wow all kinds of new stuff.

How can we build mine just like it?
I have a Bahia Mar, but I do have ideas.

I had bought the 3M "fine line tape" for doing my bootstripe. This tape leaves a very clean line for bootstripes or color breaks. Much cleaner than blue masking tape. The fine line also bends level around corners.
It's also kind of pricey for tape.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 20:39
by Tony Meola

Really nice job. Looks real clean. I can not wait to see pictures of the overhead when you are done.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 20:50
by Ironman
Bob: Looks excellent.. I really like how you opened up the vee birth area port side.among everything else.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 20:51
by ZeroCavity
Well done ! Like the extra opening behind the bench seat. Cushions ??? I guess good for the photo. LOL

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 20:56
by bob lico
jp i look at the project this way; i could be obstinate on doing everything my way which would only allienate her or i could make here feel part of the project ,then when i go work on OUR boat she doesn`t think i am spenting to much time with my toys!! i am sure you know the bottom line here .big deal the interior is a little family friendly then other bertrams but the real deal (cockpit and bridge is fishing machine ).actually she did the interior in sunbrella and cleans up with a little spray-nine. the only concesstions i made was to roll the interior with endura paint really bulletproof product no high gross gel-cote look .i had finished the windshield in gel-cote and her comment was would you ever live in a "porcelein" living room? then why in hell would you do it on a boat!!!

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 20:58
by John F.
Looks great Bob. JP is right. I'm not sure of the exact ratio, but there is something to the good wife days = more fish days (and less complaints about the $$ spent on the B31). Nice work.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 21:54
by bob lico
now here is the cockpit floor just outside that cabin

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 22:13
by gplume

Can't wait to see it in person. Looks fantastic.


Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 22:38
by scot
Nice, very clean Bob. The bloods a nice touch also.

Posted: Jul 13th, '09, 22:48
by Harry Babb
Beautiful job Bob

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 07:33
by bob lico
tony i am leaving the ceiling open to install the recess led lights .they will go into the fiberglass border between top of window and leatherette top.thank all of you for the compliments .all the work on the v-berth ceiling and tying in the forward deck to the bridge and bulkhead has made a big differance in the "feel " of the boat .at cruise 32knots the boat is like a missle ,incredible and i just drove the new trible 350hp contender bertram 31 blows it away in the rough stuff. does anybody care to see new galley and head?

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 08:21
by John F.
bob lico wrote: does anybody care to see new galley and head?
Of course. Always looking for new ideas, and like to see nice work. Keep posting pics.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 08:28
by Carl
Looks great the cockpit floor!

Hey if they are not Happy your not Happy.... and if by some chance your Happy when they are not Happy they make your life misirable for much longer then our short Boating season.

Sad thing is my wife and kids spend more time at the boat then I do...

I'm not really sad, I'm thrilled they enjoy it...but they don't have to rub it in.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 08:35
by bob lico
john don`t say "of course" there are some people who think this is a college class on public speaking and get crazy if you go out on a tangent.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 09:10
by randall
bob lico wrote:john don`t say "of course" there are some people who think this is a college class on public speaking and get crazy if you go out on a tangent.

not me ....say WTF you want.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 09:21
by Carl
Bob we want to see pictures of anything boat related...Bertram pictures are all the better.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 10:01
by Mikey
Ideas worth stealing. This gives me the kick in the butt to get on with my interior. Unfortunately I told my Bride that when the boat went in the water she got the new kitchen, when what I meant to say was when the boat was finished . . .
Ah well. Kitchen under way. Done by September, I hope.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 11:54
by randall
the best is marshals boat...suzi knows how to bargain.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 16:30
by Harv
sim wrote:Bob we want to see pictures of anything boat related...Bertram pictures are all the better.
Including the tangent.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 16:32
by Harv
bob lico wrote:now here is the cockpit floor just outside that cabin
Brewster approves of this picture.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 20:13
by bob lico
harv my personel opinion on building a 31 bert fishing boat for atlantic waters is go with a bahia mar. first of all a fbc is a flying brick when it comes to fuel economy with a tower. the bahia mar is sleek a lets the captain get into the action much quicker especially if he is getting on in age.don`t want to get to sidetracked here but will talk to you in patient and get your body on the up and up before we go into detail.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 20:39
by Tony Meola

We all like to see what you are doing. While it might not suit everyone's needs, I bet everyone on this board has taken one of your ideas from time to time. Besides, I like some of your ideas.

Look at it this way, maybe reducing the shaft angle is not something we will do, but like hearing about it and how it affects the boat. Its like looking at that redone 55 Chevy. Not something everyone would do, but a large number of people like to admire them.

The same with the guys on the board we love it, keep it coming.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 20:42
by John F.
I really like 55s no-post.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 21:03
by bob lico
so do i john now we are really off track and i don`t mind at all i say if it offends you as i was told ---walk away don`t read it .don`t let the door hit you on the way out!!!

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 21:20
by In Memory Walter K
I think I'm ready for a translator or decoder.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 21:38
by Tony Meola

I don't think anyone means any offense. Its just the guys being the guys. Busting as usually.

The problem is Timmy is in hiding so now everyone is starting to pick on each other.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 21:39
by JP Dalik
I'm waiting too....................... I'm sitting in my foil hat however my decoder ring isn't working.

Posted: Jul 14th, '09, 22:07
by Raybo Marine NY
bob lico wrote:. i had to practice on carboard sheets until i got the feel .then the can of imron i received when the boat was painted two years ago did not match. sand the boat down and do it again!plenty of practice!!!!
You do realize the color changes as it cures and the can needs a really good shaking if its been sitting that long?

Posted: Jul 15th, '09, 20:11
by bob lico
robbie i waited a week and the color appeared to have a yellow tint .i mix the can well . cannot tell you how i felt to re tape and plastic the boat .you know the drill every spec of teak had to be retaped and then wet sand out the brand new paint job except the sand texture on the deck i left that and painted over it. you have my utmost respect painting a boat is not for the novice even with that 700.00 sata spray gun.i had to tape that whole tower and did that wrong the painter wants a line of tape then white bucher paper and then i put another stripe of tape 1/2" up seemed redundant to a naive painter but i see you guys really take no chances with overspray.

Posted: Jul 15th, '09, 20:28
by Raybo Marine NY
I sent you a email with more information, I dont know if you sprayed the sample out or dabbed it or did any of that on a part of the boat that was sanded or a part that was not, but whenever you take a small area and either hardline it or dab it your eyes will play tricks and it may not look like it matches. Lighting plays tricks, etc.

For example on a 31 the cabin bulkhead and overhang always messes with your eyes because of the lighting

There is just no way the color was that far off, its impossible- and I know this because I myself mixed the paint, and lets say by some freakish chance it was ( not possible especially on 2 gallons of paint to make the same mistake twice ) it would have been easier for you to lighten up the new stuff instead of painting over the original paint. I just cant believe you sanded all that and re-shot it, the only good thing is spraying over sanded paint the paint lays down really really smooth, much smoother then painting over primer. That is why when someone pays for clearcoat we always sand the color coat so that the clear really lays down instead of some people that spray it wet-on-wet and dont achieve the same level of gloss and depth.

Still there is just no way 2 cans of paint were that far off, only way for that color to be far off would be to try to mix a very, very small amount paint where even a drop of extra yellow oxide tint would darken it. Obviously not the case for you because we are talking 2 gallons of paint.

I cant tell you how many boats I paint with that color, and I can take any one of them and grab a can off my shelf and it will match the boat.

Only other thing I can think of was the can rusted- but I have cans of paint up on my shelf that are 20 years old and they dont rust.

I wish you would have consulted me instead of whoever gave you the advice to sand it all down and paint it all over agian, that is just nuts.

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 17:12
by bob lico
brothers this the making of the new galley . the whole counter was push back to utilize the dead space in back of refrigerator . the floor space is increase about 16" to allow somebody to walk past you while you make coffee or a drink. new counter is corian to match head show in another photo. one of the great results of this years renovation is the one way limosine glass . black on outside and perfectly clear looking out from inside (no curtains jp).

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 17:15
by bob lico
as you can see very clear out window . to the left of refrigerator will be 4 small draws made in raised panel teak as all other cabinets and draws.

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 17:21
by bob lico
this is the head almost complete . toilet is porcelein with 4 stage flush ,can be filled with fresh water and use like home toilet for the ladies.never a odor all waste goes into holding tank in engine compartment . which is ventilated and holding tank vent has in line odor filter.

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 17:23
by bob lico
let try that again

Posted: Jul 16th, '09, 17:24
by bob lico
another view