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1st Place Bayshore Mako Tournament - 204.5 lb Mako

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 11:45
by Simple Gesture
Fished the Bayshore Tournament Saturday, June 27, 2009. We fished on my dad's 31' Bertram, Happy Time, about 40 miles SouthEast of Fire Island. Had tons of life all day but no fish. Had a knock down around 9 am and that was it. Until just before 4pm, my brother spotted a fin off the slick. Fished turned toward the slick, 2 minutes later took a bait and within 15 minutes we had the Mako boatside, gaffed and in the boat. Ran the boat pretty hard to get in for the weighin. Made it to the dock with 10 minutes to spare. When we got there a 197 was already on the scales and a 149 was just being weighed. We weighed ours and won the Mako tournament with a 204.5 lb Mako. Below are pics from the tournament.

Simple Gesture


Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 12:02
by Charlie J
way to go, congradulations

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 13:08
by John F.

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 15:19
by Carl
Oh Yeah...well I had Mako for Dinner the other night!!

Congrads, nice catch!!

Another notch in the 31 Bertram belt.

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 15:38
by bob lico
somebody mention the win was worth 52,000 is that true ? with the knowlege of the hudson tourn. and the great gun tourn. the same day you had some odds against you. good show, next year i will be out there.i was in the oakdale tourn out of respect for oakdale yacth we had a 205 lbs mako 5 miles north of the coinbra wreck . 38' jupiter couldn`t wait to get back to my 31 bert.!!!!

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 17:08
by neil
Nice fish. Our neighbor just got a 400 on Saturday in the east part of the monster ledge. Neil

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 22:19
by bob lico
luckely it was the oakdale yacth owners boat because after attaching the tailrope he went wild and roll up in the wire . the wire to cable crimp and possibly the mako`s teeth did damage to the port side of the boat some gouges thru the custom metalic paint into the glass layup and deep scratches thru the gel cote . 5 hours on a brand new boat and have to paint one side to match -----glad it wasn`t mine. walterk you will like this ;custom "bumped" triple 400hp yamaha on the trasom and the maximun speed we could attain was 13 knots in very close waves i could not go trough to trough and let it slide on the wave crest just beat the hell out of that 38' much for a 64mph boat!!!!

Posted: Jul 7th, '09, 22:37
by scot
Nice!!! and all in a 35+ year old boat! Congradulations.

My dad always told me.."I've never seen a fish yet that was caught going 40mph"

If the 31 was fast enough to make the weight in, that is fast enough to bring home 1st place, again...nice!

Posted: Jul 8th, '09, 17:19
by Harv
bob lico wrote:luckely it was the oakdale yacth owners boat because after attaching the tailrope he went wild and roll up in the wire . the wire to cable crimp and possibly the mako`s teeth did damage to the port side of the boat some gouges thru the custom metalic paint into the glass layup and deep scratches thru the gel cote . 5 hours on a brand new boat and have to paint one side to match -----glad it wasn`t mine. walterk you will like this ;custom "bumped" triple 400hp yamaha on the trasom and the maximun speed we could attain was 13 knots in very close waves i could not go trough to trough and let it slide on the wave crest just beat the hell out of that 38' much for a 64mph boat!!!!

Just goes to prove the old adage.
You can only go as fast as Mother Nature lets you.
It's like owning a Bughatti Veron and driving on the LIE.
Speed limit is only 55 mph.

Posted: Jul 8th, '09, 17:30
by bob lico
harv i try every trick in the book but could not make headway.boat has 4000.00 woth of damage the fiberglass/painter started on it today.

Posted: Jul 8th, '09, 18:44
by In Memory Walter K
Leave the Mako gauges there as a badge of honor! Save the $4000 repair till after you get a bunch of them. I learned the hard way that big fish, flying gaffs, gin poles, wire leaders and big hooks usually create a degree of hull and combing damage...unless you don't catch anything. Just his luck to go out after the repair and get a bigger fish. A big blanket over the whole side might be a solution.

Posted: Jul 9th, '09, 08:56
Battle scars on a boat are fine with me and give a boat character.

Posted: Jul 9th, '09, 09:08
by In Memory Walter K
Speaking about Shark Tournaments...seems to me that this year's crop of winners are small in comparison to what they used to be. A 211 lb Blue shark a tournament winner? A Montauk tournament with NO Makos? More Threshers but not really big ones in comparison to yesteryear. A bad sign.
Bob, the Porbeagle used to be the first shark we used to get off Montauk in the spring. A colder water shark that used to follow and feed off the spring Mackerel run (of which we have very few now). Fights and tastes like a Mako but is more grey/brown. Nice to hear there are still one or two around. First I've heard of in at least 20 years.

Posted: Jul 9th, '09, 09:17
by Harv
It's about time that "Happy Time" earned it's keep.
Just kidding John.

Couldn't have happened to a beter bunch.....Way to go!!

Posted: Jul 9th, '09, 16:08
by bob lico
i broke tommy`s ba-ls about the battle scars so he had the glass guy/painter bring it back . sissy what can i say however the boat is a beautiful fine matalic blue and will be sold within the year.


Posted: Jul 11th, '09, 18:31
by Bob H.
John, Last minute heroics, nocked em off with a classic...Congrats to you and your crew...BH