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Its HOT!

Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 14:32
by Capt. DQ
It was a mild 102 degree's yesterday air temp, the heat index was well miserable in P'cola, I'm ready for fall when this picture was taken in Pensacola Pass last October in the upper 70's to low 80's, thats comfortable.

[img][img] ... 9_19-1.jpg[/img][/img]

Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 14:43
by JP Dalik
We could use a little change from wet and grey up here. 20th straight day of rain or something like that. Thought we were in the clear so I brushed the first top coat on a rocket launcher I'd been building.
I was wrong, I'll be sanding allot of that coat off.

Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 15:52
by Dug
I'm with JP. Getting tired of the rain... It is 68 and humid, at the end of June. Global warming my ass....

Sun is supposed to come out tomorrow. I only remember what it looks like in pictures...

Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 17:07
by In Memory of Vicroy
Been 100 in Baton Rouge too for a long rain in 23 days, but sho' nuff' its about to storm right now. My water bill is gonna be a ball buster from running the sprinklers to keep the Bride's prize pot plants from dying. As I speak the strom is going around us.....damn....oh well, it may rain again some day.

Had lunch today with Andre' (just returned from a bird slaughter in Bolivia with some B31 "usual suspects") and Lyman the G Man....first time ole UV has been out like that in a very long time. Lotsa laughs and a few clears and I managed to scoff down some char broiled oysters, so guess I'm getting well.......finally?


Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 18:10
by Capt. DQ
Finally got about 1 1/2" of rain yesterday late afternoon and last night in one of those intense thunderbumpers. But like you thats the first sign of rain in about 3-weeks. UV, good to hear you feelin better and getting around more.


Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 19:56
by Buju
DQ, great shot of S.C. in the pass with the light as a backdrop. I can't get
enough of seein ya'lls 31's...

JP, bring the launcher indoors and get hog wild with the varnish... 20 straight days huh? I'd be bouncing off the walls w/ cabin fever. Need regulars doses of vitamin D to keep my sanity. Hard to get it in the rain...

UV, I'm thinking that clears and charred oysters would fix ya right up. If you were feeling pretty good prior to 'em, then you should be rearin to go now. Now you gotta get some crawfish, and a good dose of barbeque shrimp in ya.
I've also recently discovered a new one... blackened oysters. They're outta control. Shuck up a good bunch and set em in a cup with their liquor. Get yer pan white-hot whilst yer shuckin. Then just do like ya would for normal blackening- put em in a small pot w/ melted butter and some blackening seasoning 4 or so at a time and let em sit a minute. Remove, dredge in blackening seasoning- or sprinkle it on and throw em in the pan (outdoors of course) and watch em move around the pan on their own for 30 seconds and flip em or shake the pan to flip em. another 20 to 30 seconds and remove. You can either make a po-boy with em, or my favorite is to eat em one at a time, by themselves. Really good flavor... couple with good friends and libations, two cases of oyster will last well into the night and no doubt keep you on the up and up.

Down here in the Keys we've had a heavy amount of rain and high temps (low 90's) and killer humidity for the last few weeks. Yesterday and today was strange though... Big storms followed by what seemed like a cold front??? wind went NW and started howling, bay kicked up bad, temp felt like it dropped into the mid70's mid-day today. We're at 83 now...Real strange... esp for late June. Wonder if the shrimp are running? I should go.
Gonna need shrimp to make barbeque shrimp...

Sorry for the ramble guys.
I apperently like talking food, drink, and local weather updates.

Posted: Jun 24th, '09, 20:35
by dougl33
The weather has been dog shit here in Mass since the day after memorial day weekend. I could use a little global warming right now!

Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 09:03
by Dug
Dougl33, I agree. First sun I have seen in a long time right now.

UV, thrilled to hear that for you. To my core. Your talk about food however has me thinking.

Maybe it is time for another UV recipe? Any to share? It has been a while!

good to hear you are on the mend my friend. I have missed you.


Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 09:30
by Bob H.
DQ, Guess I picked a good time to vacation down here. From Mass. and the weather has been lousy back is HOT down here, staying in Orange Beach, having a great time...tried crawfish, gumbo, blackened shrimp po boys, you guys know how to cook down here thats for sure...caught a few red fish yesterday will try your blackened receipe on them tonight. One sad note, not alot of Bertrams down here. BH

Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 11:15
by In Memory of Vicroy
Bob - if you can hook up with someone with a small boat try fishing the lights on the piers on the north side of Ono Island at night for bait we used to use was a 6" silver floating Sluggo worm with a small gold panfish hook, no sinker, fished on light ( 4 or 6#) line....redfish too.....toss it under the lights and "walk" it slowly out.... We used to rent a house on Ono that had a long pier with lights and would wear them out all night.


Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 11:49
by scot
It's been 6 weeks here w/o any rain. water bill is also going to be a ball buster for the same reason! As you did, I watched a storm go around us yesterday. Radar looked like it dumped buckets on the Sabine Wildlife Refuge (100,000+ acreas of the middle of nowhere) frustrating to say the least.

100+ almost every day now, yard is crunchy, grass is headed toward dead, etc.

Capt DQ, nice picture of the boat. I think I know what that tower is used for in P'cola....spring ling run?

Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 12:59
by Capt. DQ
Bob H.

Glad your enjoying yourself down here on the Gulf Coast, one thing we have is some good seafood and good fishing. If you haven't tried Cobalt's Rest. right under the east side of AL. point bridge your missing some good eats. Listen to UV he's telling where you can go catch'em at.

There are alot of Vikings & Hattress's in Orange Beach, but the B31's will turn some heads when We are around those guys, you can count on that. It has cooled down just a little since the middle of the week. Enjoy!


Thanks, Yep...that helps you spot those find eat'en brown logs swimming by on their spring run and helps me spot those stick fish in the spread offshore when the sea conditions are ok. Glad I have a well for yard watering.


Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 14:04
by Bertramp
I'm hoping the rain on Long Island stops soon ... my buddies' livers are never gonna hold out !!

Posted: Jun 25th, '09, 21:04
by Bob H.
DQ & UV, Thanks for the tips...Cobalt will be the next stop...Went to Doc's seafood today for lunch....Shrimp loaf and die for. BH