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Pictures of the winners

Posted: Jun 9th, '09, 21:56
by JP Dalik
The kids had a great weekend. Jr ended up first place with a 45lb fish and Cort(my son) ended in 3rd with a 32lber.
The greatest thing about the big fish other than Jr catching it was that Cort stroked it with the iron, one shot one kill.


The future of our sport is the kids. Keep em fishing

Posted: Jun 9th, '09, 22:07
by Tony Meola

Great Pics. I know the kids will remember this one forever. It's always great for a kid to win a prize for the biggest fish.

Posted: Jun 9th, '09, 22:29
by John F.
Great pics. Congratulations to all.

Posted: Jun 10th, '09, 06:01
by neil
jp thanks for posting the pics

Posted: Jun 10th, '09, 06:47
by jspiezio
Great pics, what a greatmemory, for the dads as much as the kids.

Posted: Jun 10th, '09, 19:43
by Bob H.
JP, great to see the next generation getting bit by the Bertram bug...keep em fishing...lots of great memories fishing with my Dad..