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Flare gun fail

Posted: May 4th, '09, 08:49
by Brewster Minton
How not to use it.<object width="450" height="370"><param name="movie" value=" ... ram><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="450" height="370"></embed></object>

Posted: May 4th, '09, 09:01
by Buju
Crystal Meth + Flare Guns = Burning white trash.
Notice the 5gal. gasoline container immediately behind the "capt" on top of the companionway? That would've added an interesting element to the video, if the idiot would've had his head above deck.

Posted: May 4th, '09, 10:07
by Rawleigh
I think Buju nailed it! Too bad it wasn't a shotgun shell! Might have cleaned up the gene pool some!

Posted: May 4th, '09, 10:17
by Mikey
Hey, Y'all, watch this!!!!

Posted: May 4th, '09, 10:59
by STeveZ
Failed to kill him, surprisingly.

Posted: May 4th, '09, 11:58
by mike ohlstein
STeveZ wrote:Failed to kill him, surprisingly.
There's an old saying in the medical profession.

'You can't kill shit.'

Posted: May 4th, '09, 12:46
by chris pague
What is funny is the video go released. I do not think I would be to proud for that to become public. I guess you can not kill shit but shit like that should or would kill me.
Keep Safe Chris

Posted: May 4th, '09, 13:16
by In Memory Walter K
Soon we'll hear about Flare gun control because of jackasses like this!

Posted: May 4th, '09, 15:10
by Carl
What a waste of Air, he gives assholes a bad name.

Posted: May 4th, '09, 16:46
by Bruce
I do not think I would be to proud for that to become public
What does anyone expect from the "reality tv" generation. Bad behaviour is rewarded with laughs and rewards rather than distain and rejection.

Just think he may have spawned children that will at sometime become our problem given the fact some women had no self worth and hooked up with this guy.

America is becomming the trailer park of the world.

Posted: May 4th, '09, 16:59
by Capt. DQ

Posted: May 4th, '09, 18:25
by In Memory Walter K
They're giving trailer parks a bad name.