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Isolators for altenaters/ return fuel lines?

Posted: May 4th, '09, 07:33
by matt ciarpella
Would anyone be so kind as to expalin the importance of installing a three bank isolator for diesels, or can I go with out? If not where should it be mounted, not in engine room? I currently have a two bank charger, but have added seperate house bank, can I double up on one of the banks to charge the house for now and replace with three banks later?
Also I need some info for returning fuel, there is a plug next to the fuel fill, can I install a T and return fuel from both engines in one hole? I appreciate any help.


Posted: May 4th, '09, 14:49
by In Memory of Vicroy
Matt - yes, you can "t" and return both engines through the same fitting into the tank. Some folks like to run a tube down into the tank from the return fitting to make sure the end is "underwater" in the fuel to avoid fuel draining back to the tank from the supply side when the boat is sitting up. My view on that is if your supply side is good and tight - and the check valves in your Racors are good - you don't need to do the immerse the end deal on the return line. Leave a little slack in the return hoses as being able to remove a return hose from a running engine is good for two things: 1. get some clean diesel to prime a filter when your bilge jug runs low; 2. check for air bubbles and a suction leak in the supply side by immersing the end of the return line in a cup of diesel and look for bubbles.

I'll pass on the electrical question and defer to the experts there.


Posted: May 4th, '09, 15:15
by matt ciarpella
Thank you Sir. It can be the simple things that confuse the most. Im on such a tight budget right now and have no knowledge of this stuff, I have to just make it happen. Really appreciate the help.