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Thanks alot Pat!

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 11:12
by Bruce
Been sick as a dog for two days. And why?

An addiction to Blue Bell ice cream.

Ice cream has always been a staple food group in my family but I never got the bug and only ate it occasionaly.

I always thought Bryers was crap and the local chain store brand was like eating cardboard. Hagen Das is just over priced dog food.

Well Pat introduced me to Blue Bell when I visited. I ate it one time on top of a delicious piece of home made mince meat pie, which I had never had and was wonderful also and thought it was good. Come home, now SF is being shipped Blue Bell.

To make things worse they have been selling it 2 for 1.

I got a half gallon(real) and didn't notice I ate the whole thing while watching a movie with the wife.

Bought more and in the last 5 days have eaten 5 and a half half gallons.

Today I'm in detox and hope to kick the habit.

The stuff is so rich and good though.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 12:10
by Charlie J
will have to try it if i see it, but iam hooked on hagen das vanilla, and now that i stoped smoking 9 weeks ago i should be up 300lbs by the end of the summer.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 12:42
by Brewster Minton
I think you guys need to go to some meetings. A nice 12 scoop program.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 13:28
by mike ohlstein

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 14:54
by Tom
My office is just a few miles from that little creamery in Brenham. The GM is a client of mine and he drops off a test half gallon every Friday on his way home at noon. I'm fat enough so usually don't try it but my staff loves it. Today was Bourbon Praline Blue Bell. Dear GOD, if this ever makes it to market, you've got to try it.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 16:27
by AndreF
Ahh, Blue Bell.... I eat some every nite.
My office manager's husband has been w/them for 20 yrs - as long as she's worked for me! Their fudgecicles are the best, too. Timmy likes their Pineapple vanilla.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 19:58
by scot
Ah the wonderful world of Blue Bell.
Try: Carmel Turtle Fudge / Blackberry cobbler / Butter Pecan...and of course Home made Vanilla.

I once worked with a guy that ate 1 gal EVERY evening, the same guy could put a dozen donuts away per sitting and never gained weight? What a deal from the gene pool draw he has.

Posted: Apr 24th, '09, 21:01
by Harry Babb
Same story here.....I was traveling thru Texas and stopped for supper. The waitress suggested that I try Blue Bell.....holy Toledo! ! ! !

All of their brands are very good but the HOMEMADE VANILLA.....will probably send me to an early grave! ! !

It was over a year after I first discovered Blue Bell before it was sold in local stores here in Alabama

Good stuff.......and their commercials are good also..........the farmer who got struck by lightening is my favorite....


Posted: Apr 26th, '09, 22:26
by DanielM
Dang it! I was just checking the website before heading off to bed….now I’ve got to head to the Kitchen & get a bowl of Blue Bell.


Posted: Apr 27th, '09, 07:54
by Charlie
I started eating Blue Bell after moving to Austin in 1986. The stuff is the best bar none. They used to advertise " We eat all we can and sell the rest". When we first moved to NJ I had the stuff Fed-Xed by a friend. The kidney stones got tooooo bad so I went on the wagon.

Posted: Apr 29th, '09, 22:26
by Harry Babb
Just finished my bowl of off to bed.......

This stuff is way to good to be good for ya! ! !