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NE Rendezvous

Posted: Apr 13th, '09, 21:12
by gplume
To the NE Folks;

Dug and I have decided to put together the rendezvous for this year...with help and advice from Walter.

For the location, we have settled on the Point Judith Marina, which is a relatively easy cruise from many points around the NE area. (You fast guys shoul be able to make it from the Montauk area in around an hour.)

Dates will be August 7th and 8th. Point Judith marina has offered up a decent slip price of $ 2.00 a foot if we can bring in at least 10 boats, so I urge you to sign up soon so we can cement that deal. I will ask that you make your slip resrvations directly with Point Judith Marina. Contact there is Anne, so ask for her, she has been very helpful and seems good to deal with. Just tell her you are with the Bertam NE Rendezvous. Deposit will be one night in advance. Electric hook up is another $5.00/night for 30 amp and $10.00 for 50 amp.

To get a glimpse of the facility, you can visit their website;
Call Anne at 401-782-8899 to guarantee your reservation.

I put together an overview of the location (along with NEB) in the attached PDF.

As far as a "get together" dinner, Dug and I will work out those details. Most likely a boiled Lobster dinner from the fish market next to the marina. Kids/landlubber food is also available. We will work out the details and post that info at a later date. As I said, Walter will be consulting as well.

In summary, there is some decent fishing around the area, and the location is near a pretty good RI beach. The Point Judith area is alot similar to Montauk (Drinking town with a fishing problem? Maybe.) , and I think you all will like the location. The pdf file mentioned above shows you what is around the area plus provides a partial listing of some local hotels/motels. As we get some more details together, we will post it. Dug has mentioned he may be able set up a web site (as was done in the past) for sign up

Feel free to contact me directly with any questions.
401-439-6406 (cell) 401-934-2043 (home).

Looking forawrd to a good get together!

All the Best

Posted: Apr 14th, '09, 00:49
by Whaler1777
Bummer... I cant make it up there...

Posted: Apr 14th, '09, 08:32
by CMP
Thanks for doing this guys-I'm hoping to make it this time...


Posted: Apr 14th, '09, 11:19
by neil
i just booked our slip see ya then

Posted: Apr 14th, '09, 21:32
by Rumrunner
Rumrunner will rev a slip tomorrow. Hope they can keep us all together, not like that dump (sorry) marina in Montalk last year. I will miss the boards nailed together and held to dock by old line that they used for ramps. See you guys in Pt Judith.

Capt Tom,

Posted: Apr 15th, '09, 09:03
by Harv
Depending on my schedule, I may drive out in the Land Yacht again this year.

Posted: Apr 15th, '09, 21:49
by Rumrunner
Were booked

Capt Tom

Posted: Apr 16th, '09, 20:25
by Ken Hudson

We plan on going. I will make reservations in the next day or two.


Posted: Apr 23rd, '09, 18:17
by Bob H.

My ride is far from done but I may take my Dads boat....Last resort land yacht. Did you get Shearwater in? Like to take a ride down some weekend to see her. Thanks BH

Posted: Apr 27th, '09, 19:46
by gplume

Workin like a dog....(somehow, I think you know the feeling). Planning on launching the week of May 11th. Got lots of small projects coming together, plus helping a few other people out, so burning the candle on all ends. Usually takes me a week to be fully operational, so figure mid to late May. Come on down, you are always welcome.

As far as the rendezvous, it would be great if you came on your Dad's boat....just make sure you bring an updated photo set of your project. By all means plan on coming, if not by sea then by land.

All - Will have a post on the food and other info updates soon.

Posted: May 1st, '09, 17:18
by Harv
Bob H. wrote:Gif,

My ride is far from done but I may take my Dads boat....Last resort land yacht. Did you get Shearwater in? Like to take a ride down some weekend to see her. Thanks BH
I thought I was the only one with an "official" land yacht.

Posted: May 3rd, '09, 17:30
by Bob H.
Rendevous rookie here...Wanted to attend a few years back on the Vineyard but my daughter broke her wrist playing soccer. My parents did attend on their 37 Bertram, Westwater. I hope seeing a few 31s will help to keep the fire going on finishing my ride. Engines go in next week for good. Unofficial ride until I get to dock along side with my 66 31....BH

Posted: Jun 1st, '09, 07:07
by White Bear
Is everything still a go for August? My neighbor just bought a '31 which will get wet for the first time in three years next week. Pt. Judith would be a good destination for him and I want to make sure everything is on track before I pass the information along.

Posted: Jun 1st, '09, 09:00
by Harv
Bob H. wrote:Harv,
Rendevous rookie here...Wanted to attend a few years back on the Vineyard but my daughter broke her wrist playing soccer. My parents did attend on their 37 Bertram, Westwater. I hope seeing a few 31s will help to keep the fire going on finishing my ride. Engines go in next week for good. Unofficial ride until I get to dock along side with my 66 31....BH

I have been to more rendezvous with the land yacht than with my Bahia Mar. Ethanol damage in 06, and back problems since 07. My goals are to rehab my back this summer and get back to work, and then get back to the boat starting next spring. I have family in Rehobeth, .....the next time I am up that way, I'll give you a holler.

Posted: Jun 4th, '09, 07:12
by Capt Dick Dean
The date has knocked me out. We'll be in Bermuda. I figured the first weekend in August .

Posted: Jun 7th, '09, 18:35
by Bob H.
Harv, Hope your back rehab is going well....if you get up this way drop me a note, my bahia mar is in the back yard, would be glad to share my progress.