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Posted: Mar 31st, '09, 07:08
by Craig Mac
For cleaning these bumpers have always used inflatable boat cleaner as found any thing else would turn the rubber sticky.

Was wondering if there is any better/stronger cleaners--would soft scrub damage the material?

Posted: Mar 31st, '09, 07:17
by mike ohlstein
Just a little bit of bleach mixed into a lot of water has always worked for me.

Posted: Mar 31st, '09, 17:49
by Wingnut
I'll second the bleach / water mix. Works for me even on old stained white bumpers.


Posted: Apr 1st, '09, 22:07
by scot
Buy bleach in bulk, I'm sure the EPA will ban it, because it actually works far too well on basically everything. Use the bleach mix.

I heard today that Cascade & Electrolux dishwashing stuff is history (phosphates)

Speaking of hoarding and banning, how is everyone's local ammo supplies holding up? Our Gander can't keep enough on the shelves. OO buck, 45ACP & 223 flying out of the stores, you have to get there as they unload the truck ...curious.

2 PALLET loads of 1,000 round 223 bricks were gone in 48 hours!

Sorry for the hi-jacking the thread.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '09, 08:21
by Rawleigh
No ammo to be had! i went to a gun show last weekend and people were wheeling out handtrucks loaded with it!! By afternoon most of the good stuff was gone!!

Posted: Apr 2nd, '09, 08:40
by AndreF
Why is everybody worried? Our brand new President is showing how great he is after two months in office he's about to negotiate with the Russians about Nukes, we've just paid $922 million to Hamas so surely they will treat everyone better, we've reached out to Muslims all over the world to "talk", N Korea will now accept more American $ in trade for __________________(you fill it in), Gitmo is gonna close and we've called off the "War on Terror" and, shucks, we're gonna cut the Military budget too! Yea!
Excuse me, I have to go throw up.

Posted: Apr 2nd, '09, 09:49
by Carl
Obama kept one Campaign Promise and that is Change...

Now all I hear is I didn't know that is what he meant... my answer " didn't you look into his background, you didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out, his record speaks for itself, his associations speak volumes."

What scares me is he is just getting the ball rolling.